"Do I really have to come with you?" Lauren asked as the four of them cross the street.
Lauren told Andrew, her older brother about the time machine and the future Hughes, and to say he was excited was an understatement.
"C'mon on lo! It's a party your supposed to have fun Plus, they need some backup. " Andrew pointed at the twins.
They were currently on their way to Tiffany's house. They weren't too far from the house, and they could hear the lively chatter in the distance.
Collete turns to Lauren. " By the way, thanks for letting us borrow some clothes."
"Yeah, no problem." Lauren replied.
"And if you ever want to borrow something of mine, you're welcome too, my clothes, my CDs, my bed," Andrew said to collete teasingly and with a sly grin.
Collete rolled her eyes at him as Jamie looked at her sister amused, and Lauren looked at her brother disgusted.
He has been flitting with collete ever since he'd met her, collete tries to ignore him as her sister Jamie is very amused by the scene since in the future her sister didn't want to date anyone and had never had a crush.
"You do realize in the future I am seventeen and your fifty-four," collete said, lying through her teeth, knowing in the future he died when he was thirty-seven.
"Maybe, but here you're seventeen and am eighteen, and when you get back to the Future I'll wait until you turn eighteen."
"An eighteen year old with a fifty five year old?" Collete said, looking at Andrew with a perplexed look as they started heading into Tiffany's house.
"Age is just a number,"
"That's what pedophiles say and why would I date you your not even rich in the future" before Andrew could say anything collete continued "and future you has a bald spot and a beer belly " collete smirks and speeding up leaving a shocked Andrew behind her.
Andrew followed after her as Jamie and Lauren bust out laughing at his reaction.
When they all reached the door of Tiffany's house, they saw Randy with Doug's head under his arm in a choke hold while he laughed
"Hey! Hey! Stop that!" Jamie walked up to Randy, who then called out to Kara.
"Oh, shit! You, Kara, check this out. Dork Summers has a geek-friend." A short haired woman came out and started to laugh.
"Hey, that ain't cool, man," Andrew said, drawing attention to him.
Andrew was the captain of the football field before he graduated so everyone st the school knew him.
Randy let go of Doug's head before coming to greet his former teammate. "Hey man," they friend hug for a second before pulling away and Randy saying, "Your friends with those Geeks?"
"Man, they're cool people, we hang out sometimes"
"Them?" Randy pointed at the four that were standing behind Andrew.
"Yes, Them! And Now" with that Andrew pushed randy out of the way making a path for them.
While passing him collete said "so your not the complete egotistical person u thought you were"
"egotistical? I'm just confident in myself" Andrew said smiling at collete as she playfully rolled her eyes.
"Guys we are here to stop a murder so stop flirting" Jamie Said with a smile making collete know that she will never live it down.
"Oh as if" collete said walking out to the backyard of the house, where the party was in full swing.
people were making out, smoking, swimming, drinking, and hanging out.
"Ok, Okay, we got to find Tiffany." Jamie said as they walked over to the middle of the backyard and looked around for a minutes before jamie's eyes stopped on someone.
"Oh, my God." Jamie grabbed collete's arm as a hot man with washboard abs got out of the pool, water dripped down his body "That guy is insane, right?"
Collete looked at the guy that jamie was looking at, her eyes widen as she saw a younger version of her dad " oh please dont say that again" Jamie looked at her confused"
"do you seriously not recognize him" collete askes Jamie surprised that she didn't seem to Remember the countless hours that there parents went over a scrapbook that they made showing them moments of there relationship when they were younger.
"What are you talking about" jamie looked at collete confused.
Andrew said to jamie "that's blake Hughes"
Jamie's eyebrows shot up "That's Blake Hughes? Oh, my God. That's my dad." Jamie looked completely grossed out.
"Blake Hughes is your dad?" Lauren asked surprised
"Yeah and I will never let go that you crushed on our dad" collete said to jamie with an amused look and a kinda disgusted look as she thought of jamie crushing on their father
"And Pam is your Mom?" Lauren looked kind of amused at the revelation.
Jamie looked at her then looked behind her when she noticed Lauren's eyes focused on something behind her.
"Uh..." Jamie turned slowly and the sight made her scream.
Her father was making out with Tiffany "blake is with Tiffany." The couple were making out by the pool.
"They've been dating ever since Spring Fling. Although I'm pretty sure the cheat in each other a lot. That whole group's very horny." Lauren informed Jamie and collete who were looking shocked, never actually imagining their father dating anyone that isn't their mother
Tiffany and blake walked over to Marisa, Heather, and Pam.
"Oh, my God."Jamie said while watching them form afar.
"Yep. There they are, the Mollys. All four of them dressed like different version of Molly Ringwald." Lauren nodded while saying to Jamie.
"All right, well, we're here to stop a murder, so let's stop a murder." Jamie started dancing towards them with weird dance moves.
Collete looked away from jamie feeling embarrassed and knowing this will end in disaster "oh I can't watch this why does she always embarrass herself"
Andrew put his hand around collete shoulder and pulled her in.
"Hey, don't worry about Jamie," Andrew whispered against Colette's ear.
"Let's focus on something more enjoyable, like us." His fingers lightly her hair as collete pushed him away.
"Andrew, seriously?" Colette pushed him away, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "You're literally older than my father, and there is no way in hell I am ever gonna even think about getting with my best friend's uncle."
Andrew stepped back in amusement. "Come on, Colette, I was just..."
"Just what? Flirting with someone a quarter of your age?" Colette cut him off, crossing her arms defensively.
"I'm just saying in this time I am 18 and your 17 we can figure out the future when we get there right now there is nothing stopping us from having fun" Andrew said getting close to collete.
"Andrew, stop being an ass and leave her alone and i need a drink to forgot all of that" Lauren pointed at jamie making a fool of herself infront of the twins' parents
Lauren walked away and as Andrew was about to say somthing collete cut him of by saying, "Let's just focus on the mission, okay? Jamie's distracting enough as it is."
Andrew sighed, realizing he had overstepped. "Alright, fair enough. Mission first." He glanced at Jamie "But maybe later we could..."
Colette raised an eyebrow, giving him a pointed look that made it clear 'later' was not an option. Andrew nodded sheepishly, conceding defeat in his attempt at charm.
They were so distracted that they didn't notice that Randy came over and picked up Jamie by her legs.
"Hey! Hey, what?' Jamie shouted "What the fuck?"
Collete looked over to see her sister being force forcibly removed from the party, she ran to them and kicked Randy in the dick which made him drop jamie.
The Molly's and blake laughed as they walked into the house " Hey what the fuck" Randy was about to retaliate when Andrew came over "Hey man, hold up," Andrew said as he stepped between Randy and Colette "Let's just take a breath here."
Randy glared at Andrew, his fists clenched at his sides. "She fucking kicked me, I didn't do shit to her"
"You fucking attacked my sister" collete screamed at the jock
"Yeah, I saw," Andrew replied, keeping his voice calm despite the tension. "But hitting her won't solve anything. Let's be the bigger guys here."
Colette stood her ground, eyes narrowed and ready for whatever came next.
Randy hesitated, clearly torn between his anger and Andrew's plea for reason. "She can't just get away with that."
"I'm not saying she can," Andrew assured him, gesturing for Randy to step back. "But let's handle this another way, okay?"
After a tense moment, Randy reluctantly nodded, his fists gradually unclenching. "Fine. But she better watch herself." Randy said as he walked away.
Andrew turned to face jamie. "Does she always get in trouble"
"In the future she punches the sheriff"
"Hey! She was being a total asshole" collete defended her actions before going into the house to find the Molly's but she stops in her tracks when she noticed blake walking inside the house with Tiffany following after him.
''Blake? Blakey, oh, please, please don't do this!" Tiffany cried out, her mascara was running down her face from crying.
"What happened?"Collete asked Tiffany as Andrew and jamie came in after her.
"Some loser narc told her I made out with Eddie Royal.'' Tiffany said with a stump of her foot in the end.
"You made out with Eddie Royal?'' Jamie asked excitedly. "Yeah."' Tiffany cried.
"The lead singer of Killer Instinct?" Jamie asked
Andrew pulled collete close and whispered against her ear, "The emo kid is famous in the future."
"Yea," collete said as she turned her head facing Andrew, not realizing the minimal space between them
Tiffany's voice snapped them out of it "Wait, they have his music in Canada? Is he famous?" she asked Jamie, but before she could answer, Tiffany saw Eddie and called out to him
Before Jamie could comprehend, Tiffany ran away. "Wait. Tiffany!" Jamie called out while trying to run after her.
"Seriously" collete said before running after jamie
Jamie shouted for Tiffany. "Tiffany? Tiffany? Oh, my God."
Collete caught up with jamie. "Where is she?"
" I don't know I lost her?"
"In the podcast, her body was found in the garage, so she maybe there" collete said as Andrew caught up with them
"Yeah ok so where's the garage?"
"It's downstairs c'mon I'll show you" Andrew said as he led the girls to the garage
"How do you know where it is?" Collete asked as Andrew guides her threw the crowd
"Um..."Andrew opened the door to see Marisa and some guy having sex
"You said you blocked the door." Marisa said to the guy, pulling up his pants. "'I did."
Collete looked at Andrew with a serious face "Seriously the garage is the hook up room?"
Before andrew could answer jamie spoke up "Wait, Tiffany's supposed to be in here."
"There's a schedule?'' The guy asked while holding his pants up
"We fucking screwed up the timeline" collete whispered in realization "Ok we need split up Jamie you check the first floor, Andrew you check the basement and I'll check the second flood" collete ran to the staires before anyone could say anything.
"Tiffany? Tiffany?" Collete screamed ad she ran through the hallway trying to look for Tiffany, she ran passed Pam who was talking to a guy, Pam watched her for a few seconds wondering what the hell she was doing.
Collete saw the door with the 'Off Limits' sign and ran to it, she tried opening it but it was locked, she backed up and kicked the door open to realize she was too late, Tiffany was dead.
Pam ran in.''You're not allowed in..'"' she said to collete, yet she didn't finish her sentence when her eyes landed on her friend, dead.
Pam screamed in horror and stood there shocked as collete ran around the water bed and to the open window.
She looked out but she didn't see anyone.
She failed to save Tiffany.
Does that mean she will fail to save her mother too?
I don't know how to write Andrew's character ๐ญ
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