15. Enderwalk

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Did i forget about this story?


Tubbo's POV:
TW's: Swearing

I woke up to Ranboo crying? I sat up and saw that Tommy was awakened by Ranboo crying as well. I then got out of bed and walked over to Ranboo. I didn't know why he was crying like this. They normally don't cry like this since they know they're enderman, unless they're really upset about something. Me and Tommy both reached Ranboo's bed. The first thing we did was wake them, ''Ranboo!'' I said as quietly as possible since others were sleeping. Tommy was shaking them while I was calling their name. I heard tiny little sounds of a sizzling sound which came from Ranboo. I'm pretty sure Tommy was as equally as worried, judging from the look on his face, I don't really know why people mistake Tommy for being a literal bitch, he just comes off as rude, sure he says somethings that aren't really nice..? But he tries, not everybody is perfect, or nice at that. Onto a different topic, me and Tommy were both now calling his name as quietly as possible and poking or shaking him. We did this for around another two minutes or so before me and Tommy heard them make a loud gasp. We both followed their head as they shot up from their bed.

''Ranboo? You alright?'' Tommy asked them as I asked Ranboo something similar. ''You okay Ranboo? You were crying..'' I said to Ranboo, but I said the last few words of the sentence slightly quieter. Ranboo shook his head to the side, signifying that they weren't. I gave Tommy a look of worry, we both nodded at each other. ''Well, do you wanna talk about what happened?'' Tommy asked Ranboo. ''Yea, it's better if you talk about it sometimes!'' I said, adding onto what Tommy had said. ''I guess, it'll help..'' They said to me and Tommy in a quiet voice. ''Alright, give us a second.'' I said to Ranboo as I got more comfortable, Tommy did the same. We were all now huddled up. ''Alright, we're all set now.'' I said, ready for Ranboo to start talking about what happened. ''Well..'' Ranboo began. I remember it was about a nightmare they had. I don't really remember much since it was around three am.

I woke up and saw that Ranboo and Tommy were still asleep, which made me smile. They both look so peaceful while they're asleep, normally Tommy seems like he's angry all the time because of his expression. Ranboo on the other hand, it's kinda hard to tell, but they have a serious expression on their face almost all the time, which makes it feel weird to me. I stayed in the same position until I thought about school. Were we gonna abandon it, maybe not. I think we'll probably be those types of kids that go to school when they want or think it's important, yea, maybe. I then stayed in the exact spot before deciding that I should get up and do something like shower or change, I decided on showering halfway to the dresser. I crouched down and saw my writing and smiled. I opened the cabinet and grabbed my things. I got up and walked towards the shower.

Tommy's POV:

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I yawned and looked around and saw that Tubbo was gone. I heard the shower running so I guess that's what he's doing right now. I knew we had school today and for the next two days, since it's only wednesday. I feel really tired honestly and I mean I think I slept pretty well, but apparently not since I feel so tired still, I'm guessing Ranboo is too. They were out like a light after they told us their nightmare. Speaking of their nightmare, it must have been really weird, I mean, a dream inside a dream. That's just weird if you ask me. I thought about what I could do for today, and I can't really think of anything to do today or at the moment. I could shower but I have to wait for Tubbo to finish, then I thought of sleeping even more. Sleeping more isn't a bad idea. So, I got out of Ranboo's bed and walked over to my bed. I got in my bed and nearly fell asleep right as I laid down on my bed. I couldn't fall asleep. I don't really know why, I laid there still until I heard the water running in the shower stop. Tubbo is probably done, should I get up? I stayed in my bed procrastinating until I heard the bathroom door open. ''Oh hey Tommy, I didn't think you'd be up yet.'' Tubbo said, looking at me with a slight surprised expression on his face.

''Yea, but barely.'' I said, laughing at my own joke and it also made Tubbo laugh. ''What are we gonna do now actually, I mean Ranboo is still asleep.'' Tubbo said to me while he walked over to his bed and sat down. ''Yeah, they seemed like they were really tired after they finished talking about their nightmare.'' I said, not wanting to get out of my bed. ''Yea, it probably was scary, like come on. A dream inside a dream.. That's just strange to me.'' Tubbo said while stretching his arms. ''Yea, that's what I thought as well.'' I said, looking at Tubbo who had fallen back and onto his bed. ''So, what are we gonna do with school actually?'' I asked Tubbo, he looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. ''Don't know man, we might just be those kids that skip school for like most of the year and only come for like special things, like tests, cause having to redo a grade isn't really something I wanna do.'' Tubbo said, what he said sounded good so I nodded. ''Sounds like a plan, bathtub.'' I said, snickering at what I had called Tubbo. I continued laughing until Tubbo was giving me a death glare.

''Bathtub. Bathtub, WHY WOULD YOU CALL ME A BATHTUB??'' Tubbo said to me, which just made me laugh even more. ''THAT NICKNAME ISN'T FUNNY TOMMY.'' Tubbo yelled, he didn't seem like he was enjoying the nickname, bathtub. Me and Tubbo both looked where Ranboo was, since we heard a grumble of some sort. It was just Ranboo turning in their sleep. ''Imagine if they just start sleepwalking.'' I said laughing. ''I'm gonna be so mad if you jinx it.'' He said, laughing at the end of his remark ''I think I might nap for a bit though.'' I said, slowly stopping my laughter. ''Yea, I'll do the same.'' Tubbo said to me as I saw him turn to his side. I turned back to the opposite side Tubbo was facing and fell into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up to a chirping sound, at first I shrugged it off, thinking it was a bird. Once I'm half asleep I hear the chirping noise once again but this time it felt like the sound was closer, and in my ear. This time I look up and see Ranboo, except I don't think this is Ranboo. Their eyes are purple. I yell and fall back onto the floor making a thud. Which woke Tubbo up. ''Tommy.. Why are you yelling..'' He said to me in a drowsy voice until he saw Ranboo which he exclaimed, ''WHAT THE FUCK!'' He nearly fell off his bed like me but he just moved back. It seemed that the yelling had scared Ranboo, or do we even call them Ranboo? Who we think is Ranboo was now in a corner with their tail wrapped around their leg. Me and Tubbo had remained silent until I spoke up. ''So, we just gonna ignore that?'' I said in a hushed voice. ''No, obviously.'' Tubbo replied back to me while looking over to the frightened Ranboo or who we think is Ranboo. Before I could reply back to Tubbo, I was interrupted by 'Ranboo' making a loud chirping kind of noise. Which made me look at them with a look that said, ''really.'' I sighed and then looked back to Tubbo.

''So, say if this is Ranboo. What do you think is happening?'' I said quickly, so I wouldn't be interrupted by Ranboo making another one of his chirping sounds. ''Yea, you really think I kno-'' Tubbo was saying before he got interrupted by a whooping kind of sound, which made us look back to where Ranboo used to be, but he wasn't there anymore. ''Oh.'' I said quietly, looking back to Tubbo, which had a surprised look on his face. I heard another chirping sound and saw that Ranboo was now hugging me. I stayed there for a minute, staring blankly at Tubbo, whose face now looked slightly jealous. Which made me slightly laugh to myself. It stayed silent, with a few chirping noises, they seemed happy though. Tubbo on the other hand, looked even more jealous than before.

''This is unfair, how come you get hugs from Ranboo and I don't.'' He said to me in a pouty voice. ''Don't know, ask them.'' I said, pointing towards Ranboo who was still hugging me.I watched Tubbo get up from his bed and walk over to my bed. He sat down right in the middle of me and Ranboo. Which made Ranboo now hug both me and Tubbo. We were both still confused about why Ranboo was acting like this. It was nice though, don't get me wrong. It was just strange, Ranboo isn't normally like this, they keep to themselves most of the time. I sat there for another minute until I thought. ''What if this is Ranboo sleepwalking and I jinxed it.'' I sat there for another thirty seconds. ''Tubbo, you know when you said if I jinxed, Ranboo sleepwalking.'' I said in a hushed voice. ''Yeah?'' He said to me in a tired voice. ''I think this is Ranboo sleepwalking, so I may or may not have jinxed it.'' I said, quietly laughing to myself. ''Oh well, I don't care if you jinxed it actually. I'm just enjoying the moment right now.'' He said to me, while motioning to the sleeping Ranboo who was hugging the both of us still. ''Understandable.''I said, smiling, falling asleep once more.



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