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Wednesday, June 1, 1966 (5 months into her pregnancy

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"SHOULDN'T WE TAKE her home instead of leaving her on the couch?" I suggested to the gang. We all had hung out and Rose ended up falling asleep on the couch. The gang looked at me as if I had pulled out a gun or something crazy like that. I shrugged before going back to tapping my foot. I looked over at Rose and for whatever weird reason I felt guilty. Guilty for offering those stupid drinks at the party and taking her up to my bedroom. I wasn't the type of guy to be soft and all that however around her, I wasn't sure why she made me feel different.

"You're staring." Two-Bit chuckled sipping on a beer. I rolled my eyes and again peeked over at her. She was so pretty and everyone could see that even when she was sleeping. Her shiny blonde hair fell over her pale face, and I looked down at her bump on her stomach. I swallowed the gulp in my throat realizing that inside were my kids. Yeah, I finally admitted that they were mine, but I would never say it out loud I wasn't ever gonna' be soft no matter what I told myself. Today she had announced that she was 5 months into the pregnancy and for a reason that scared me. I didn't know what to do after they were born I couldn't raise any kids this young. I could barely handle myself. I was not going to be a good dad at all.

"Are you alright Dal?" Johnny asked as he sat close to a sleeping Hazel. Johnny was my best friend, and he knew when something was up with me but I don't do the whole talking about my feelings shit. It wasn't me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I huh? Man, why is everyone lookin' at me like I'm some sad little kid? Stop with that crap it isn't cool." I exclaimed harshly as I examined the room seeing that everyone was looking at me. It was annoying me and only getting me angry and everyone knew that getting me mad was not something good.

"Calm down Dal. He was only asking a question." Soda the blue eyed hero as everyone puts it said as he sat next to the sleeping Rose. I rolled my eyes again furious by everyone here, so I walked away into the kitchen to grab a cold beer from the fridge. As I closed the door to the fridge I saw Johnny once again seeming nervous.

"What?" I asked as I walked to the table sitting down as he followed me. I gave him the side-eyed as I drank the first sip from my beer and waited for him to start talking about whatever he was going to talk about.

"You care about her don't you?" He said a hint of nervousness in his tone. I looked over at him and I sighed making it clear that this was something I didn't want to talk about at all.

"Come on Dal! You usually talk to me about my parents and all that now it's my turn. Hazel and I see the way you look at her, and we know that deep inside that you actually care about the twins even if you will never admit it."He explained sounding more confident in his words.

"You and Hazel don't know anything!" I snarled causing Johnny to look stunned. Feeling bad I apologized which he instantly accepted. I knew Johnny was right lately I haven't been partying or lifting, so I won't get sent back to the cooler all because I thought about Rose and the twins. It was kind of irritating because I wasn't supposed to be like this. I wasn't no softie like Soda usually not caring about any girl was my thing but with Rose she was different, and I was beginning to hate it.

"Are you afraid or something?" He asked and instead of answering with words I only shut not really knowing the answer myself. How was I supposed to be there for Rose and the twins when nobody has ever been entirely there for me? I wasn't the type of guy to show love to anyone no matter who it was. But yet again how could I leave Rose a girl who's dealt with my shit regardless of what I said or did. She was always there and always forgave my shitty apologies. I couldn't leave her but like I said I was 17 already seeing the inside of a cooler by the time I was 10. That wasn't a good example as a dad. Even the word "dad" was still unbelievable to me never did I want to be called that.

"I'm Dallas Winston. I don't do the entire caring thing but with Rose, I don't know. She's just a different girl man. I don't even know what the hell I'm saying to be honest. This shit is all just a huge mess." I admitted hesitating to smoke the cancer stick in my hands but then looked at sleeping Rose and decided not to stuffing it back in my pocket. The rest of the gang all were in the living room trying their best to be quiet but were arguing about the best cartoon or something lame like that.

"Dal, what you just said proves that you care for and Rose isn't any other random broad you can find anywhere she used to be your best friend. And she cares about you too I can see it because nobody who doesn't care would keep forgiving someone after the constant times you've told her the kids weren't yours." Johnny explained still seeming somewhat anxious. I listened to his words, and I knew he was right. Usually, Johnny wasn't the type of person to speak up he was mostly quiet and anxious but Hazel seemed to be helping him with that which was decent.

"Yeah, I know." I went back to playing with my lighter a habit of mine when I was thinking heavily on something when I heard someone moving. I looked to see the blondie stretching sitting up on the couch.

"You're awake." Two-Bit laughed as she smiled still looking half asleep. She noticed me staring and only gave me a slight wave. I glanced away feeling a little embarrassed that she had caught me looking at her. Johnny appeared to notice this and chuckled despite the glare I gave him.

"Hey, Rose. You and Hazel should just stay the night it's nearly 11 pm."Darry said to Rose who had now appeared more awake.

"I don't know, I have school." She whispered sounding tired as she held on to the big bump on her stomach.

"One day without it doesn't hurt anyone." Soda joined in causing me to roll my eyes got the billionth time today. It was obvious he liked her even though he had some sort of thing with her cousin. Rose took a deep breath seeming uncertain, and that's when an idea popped into my head.

"Why don't I just drive you home? I wasn't planning on staying anyways. Your sister can just stay or something." I suggested feeling like a dumbass doing so. Everyone in the room was shocked Two-bit even laughing whispering something to Steve. She seemed uneasy looking over at her younger sister.

"Are you sure Dal? Have you drank a lot of beer I don't want you crashing the car," she questioned biting her nails. I looked at the bottle of beer which I only had drunk 1 sip.

"Nah, I only drank 1 sip. And it isn't a problem." I clarified still feeling stupid for suggesting this idea. Everyone still was surprised by my actions since they all remained quiet the only talking being between Rose and me.

"Okay. We should go then before it gets even later." She nervously grinned saying her goodbyes to the others and following me to my car. Again I wasn't like some stupid softie but I made sure to open her car door because that's a common nice gesture. She was startled by this but thanked me anyway. I began to drive the only sound coming from the radio and the rain that was just starting up.

"So why did you want to go home? Who cares about lame ass school anyways." I joked breaking the silence in the car. She looked over to face me seeming dazed that I had even talked to her.

"Well, you wouldn't understand. I have to get good grades and also because the couch was also very uncomfortable." She explained as I glanced over at her as I stopped my car at the red light. Her cheeks seemed to turn red on her pale face and I could tell she had gotten anxious since she had started biting her nails once again.

"So now you're too much of a princess to sleep on the couch huh? Very soc' like not even shocked." I teased prompting her to laugh which weirdly enough caused me to smirk. I began driving again seeing the bright light turn green.

"Oh shut up Dal." She grinned brightly at me before it went quiet once again. This time it didn't feel tense it was an odd feeling I couldn't describe.

"Dal I'm sorry about this. For keeping the twins. I'm not trying to destroy your life like I said you don't have to give me anything." She whimpered shocking me seeing that her mood had shifted. She looked up at me again her leafy green eyes were glossy. I didn't understand why her mood had changed but I heard her speaking about pregnancy mood swings or something weird like that.

"Uhm, I know Rose. I've been an asshole and uh you know I'm sorry. I don't know what to think I'm kind of lost too." I alarmed myself with my own words. It was something I usually wouldn't say, and I don't know it felt normal saying this in front of her.

"I miss my mom and dad so much. I'm sorry for crying it's just the song that's playing reminded me of them." She cried as I realized the radio was playing an Elvis song. I didn't know what to do I wanted to comfort her, but I didn't know how to comfort people. I pulled over at a nearby gas station and question what I should do. She was still lightly crying looking out the window at the raindrops falling down the glass clenching on to her locket. Suddenly without even thinking, I pulled her into my arms even though I wasn't a hugger I felt as if I needed to do this. She sobbed in my arms as I placed my hands in her blonde hair. There we stayed as she continued to cry. After a few minutes, I realized they had stopped and noticed she had fallen asleep in my arms. I didn't know if I should move her but decided not to and ended up falling asleep myself feeling like I had for once done something good which was out of character for me but it didn't feel wrong it felt natural with her. It was a strange feeling that again I couldn't make out.

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