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Monday, June 20, 1966 (5 months into her pregnancy)

β˜†οΎ ROSE

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"COME ON ROSE we already made sure that Dal isn't gonna' be at the drive-in a movie tonight. What more clarification is needed?" Ponyboy asked as we all sat outside the Curtis home eating some pizza.

The gang had been trying to get me out of the house since school ended for me only five days ago which was supposed to be thrilling and all. But to me, it wasn't anything 'thrilling'. Yeah, I was excited to spend my first summer again with the gang but being pregnant during it wasn't what I would call the best. Also not to mention what had happened a few weeks ago during that car ride home. I felt stupid for being so vulnerable hearing that song and in a way forcing Dal to comfort me. There was no way Dal would do that on purpose. He made it very clear, and I mean very clear that he would never be soft for any broad. After that night the arguments died down which was a benefit but it only became more awkward between us.

For example, whenever we talked, it was always short and uncomfortable. It appeared as if he would hint to ask about the twins without entirely asking. These talks usually resulted in one of us walking away because of how strange it was between is. The rest of the gang made fun of this saying things like "It seems like Dal has a crush." Or other things similar to that causing Dal to become defensive and mainly cause an argument. It all made me feel regretful for that night. If I hadn't cried over a song maybe it wouldn't be this awkward. I don't understand why it's awkward, but I did my best to try and not think about that.

"Okay, but what if he does show up? Y'all know how weird it has been between us. Also, did I note that my stomach is so huge and makes me an easy target to be picked on by other people?" I sighed taking a bite from my pizza. I wasn't in the mood for no movie even though it had once been something relaxing and fun to do in the past. I just didn't feel the need to possibly run into more trouble.

"And you haven't told us why. Did you two kiss or something like that?" Mary said effecting everyone to go quiet. I nearly choked on my food hearing this.

"No! I have no idea where you would get that from but either way, I'm not going." I rolled my eyes standing up to go back inside not wanting them to try and argue my decision.

"Come on Rose. Please! You've been staying home all these days. Surely that gets tiresome and just because you're pregnant with twins doesn't mean you have to stay home and be boring." Hazel begged as she sat next to Johnny on the grass. Now everyone was begging me even Two-Bit and Steve. It was astonishing and sort of convincing.   

"Fine but I'm only doing it because you guys begged but you guys are paying for my popcorn and drink." I agreed before walking back inside the house.

A few hours later...

"Okay, I'm here now. Now can you buy me food while I go sit? My ankles are killing me." I asked as we all had snuck in into the drive-in theatre. They chuckled agreeing to get my food understanding I was not in the position to be standing in a line and I soon made my way to find some seats for all of us. As I scanned the area crammed with people talking I saw a familiar redhead in the crowd along with someone which I recognized right away as Dal.

"That's Cherry," I whispered after staring a little closer. Dal sat next to her having his arm wrapped around her. Cherry didn't seem too delighted seeing that she attempted to get his arms off of her. Cherry and I weren't that close anymore, but we were friends so seeing this made me feel a little jealous. Just seeing Dal all up on Cherry a girl I knew who happened to be the most popular pretty soc'. She was my friend too making it feel worse. I believe I'm jealous due to the fact about how Dal calmed me about my parents that night.

I swallowed the lump in my throat trying not to cry feeling stupid. What was I thinking? Assuming that Dal possibly liked me and wanted to completely be there for me and the twins. It was a dumb thought and even then I had never stopped believing it. But just like Ponyboy said a long time ago Dal would simply move on to the next girl and end up forgetting about me. And that hurt knowing that it would perhaps be with Cherry a beautiful girl who clearly was not pregnant like me.

"Hey, are you okay you look really pale? Are you sick?" Mary questioned as she handed me my popcorn and coke. I shook my head pushing a grin on my face before walking to find some seats. Mary only stood in place not following me.

"Is that Dallas?!" She ran to me pointing over at Dallas and Cherry. Cherry was now scooting to a different chair while Dal only laughed at her. I sighed before nodding my head. I wasn't going to make it look liked I care because I didn't want to start any useless drama tonight.

"I'm fine Mary! Can we just watch the movie once the gang comes back instead of worrying about me? Again I'm fine he's single and also remember he's Dallas Winston he enjoys bothering broads for the fun of it." I exclaimed not wanting to talk about Dally anymore.

"Fine. But I know you and If you feel uncomfortable we can always go home." Mary smiled before helping me sit down we sat as far away from the two not wanting him to see me. When the gang came back, I didn't tell them about Dal and throughout the movie instead of paying attention and laughing like the others, I could only focus on Dal who had decided not to leave even though Cherry had left along with Bob.

"Isn't the Dal?" Johnny loudly whispered pointing to Dal. The others soon turned to look at who he was pointing to.

"Yep, we should call out to him or something," Ponyboy proposed which made Johnny nod. I looked down in annoyance not wanting Dal to come over here since he had been flirting with Cherry one of my friends.

"Dal!" The gang repeated earning a couple of shushing from the people who plainly wanted to watch the movie in peace. Finally, Dal heard his name being called multiple times and turned around only smirking once he saw the gang.

"Man, what are you guys doing here?" He chuckled walking up to us ignoring the people throwing popcorn for him to be quiet. I glanced at him before turning away to try to concentrate on the movie. I wanted to make it look like I was too busy watching the movie, so I don't have to talk or listen to Dal at all tonight.

As I sat there avoiding any sort of contact with Dal, I began to feel an unusual feeling in my stomach. It didn't hurt it was more of a funny feeling almost like butterflies in your stomach.

"My stomach feels weird." I mumbled to Hazel inflicting her green eyes to widen. I knew Hazel was eager to become an aunt, and she was always concerned when any small thing hurt no matter the severity of the pain. After Randy and Bob had attacked me, she was afraid of possibly having me lose the twins.

"What does it feel like?! If it hurts, we can always go to the hospital. Did the doctor say anything about weird feelings?"She asked sounding panicked but remained quiet not wanting to alert the others who were too involved in picking on some socs. I started to think deeply into what my doctor had talked about these past weeks. That's when it clicked in my head.

"The t-twins they are kicking! The doctor advised me it would possibly happen around this time, and that's what I'm feeling." I cheerfully exclaimed prompting the others to snap their attention to me. Hazel giggled as she placed her hand on my baby bump feeling the kicks.

"Wait, kicking? Can we feel?" Johnny beamed. I allowed them all to feel but I couldn't help to noticing the way, Dal appeared. He had a look of irritation also a sign of sadness which was uncommon for him.

"This is for sure Dal's kids by the way they kick. You should really come to feel it for yourself." Two-Bit suggested having the gang to go mute once again. Everybody faced Dal who had now stood up. The only sounds were the other people in the drive-in shouting for us to shut our mouths.

"Nah, I'm good," Dal muttered before walking away. The gang now removed their hands from my stomach and awkwardly went back to the movie we didn't find too engaging.

"Hey, are you alright?" Johnny asked nicely.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What can you expect from Dally anyway?" I responded to him. He sighed before returning his attention back to the ongoing movie.

Inside I knew I was not alright by this at all. I mean why did he always do this? I always felt as if he liked hurting me. I shouldn't be mad about him flirting with Cherry or him rudely declining the offer about the kicks from his own twins, but I was and also tired of being treated like crap. It was a continuous cycle from Dal. One day he's hurtful to me the next he's playing the role of Mr. Nice Guy. It bothered me so much, and I was not going to let this go on any longer. So I decided to get up from my seat and make my way over to try to find Dal.

"Where the hell are you going?" Mary inquired following me along with the others. I was slightly aggravated by this because I really needed to speak only with Dal and nobody else.

"Look, I'm going to talk to Dal and yes I will be fine. I really need to do this guys." I explained crossing my arms.

"Do what you need to do but make sure to come back if an argument starts up. Don't add more fuel to the fire." Hazel smiled sympathetically. I smiled back adoring how understanding she was. Hazel guided the others back to the movie and turned to mouth "Good Luck." I began to search for Dal knowing he couldn't have gotten too far since he had walked away only about 10 minutes ago. Eventually, I spotted him leaning against a car smoking a cancer stick and arguing with some socs.

"You look stupid now get outta' my way," Dal shouted to the guys who only reacted by laughing. I rolled my eyes knowing how much Dal worshiped arguing with stuck up socs.

"Dal come on leave them alone before you start something," I told him as I walked up to the situation. I turned to the two socs recognizing them immediately. There were two guys from my art class both annoying as hell too.

"Rose what the hell are you doing here?!" Dal shouted provoking me to snicker. It was almost funny how oblivious he struggled to be. 

"Rose Anderson. The pregnant girl." I heard one of the guys say. I made my attention to them seeing them both be blond. They came off to be like every other guy who lived on the West Side. Awful, unattractive, and overall just garbage.

"Yep, that's me now why don't you both just make your way home. You're causing problems for absolutely no reason." I clearly explained upset by both of them. Dal only chuckled as he continued to smoke.

"Whatever enjoy your time with your boyfriend sweetheart." The other said before both of them made their way to their car. After both of them were nowhere to be seen I stood quietly wanting to formulate the right words for what I needed to say.

"Please Dal quit doing this. You humiliated me just a few minutes ago. I understand that you ain't soft and all that and that you felt compelled to hug me that car ride home but don't do that and then flirt with Cherry who by the way happens to be one of my friends. It doesn't feel good Dal." I admitted finally feeling relieved I had gotten this out of my chest. I could not keep being played like a toy and being tossed to the side whenever he felt like it.

"Look, Rose, I can explain-

"No, you need to look, Dal. I'm sorry I appeared hopeless that night but please don't act nice because you feel guilty. I know it isn't genuine, and I would rather much be left crying over a song then be given a forced hug." I explained furthermore interrupting his sentence.

"You just need to understand-"

"No Dal! Understand what?! Understand that you clearly hate me and think I'm some broken doll or something stupid like that!- " My words were shortly cut off by the feeling of being passionately kissed. I obviously knew that it was Dal which was startling but not once did I stop it. I mean I had been furious with him but resisting Dallas Winston would be foolish. I knew that I truly did have feelings for him but again I wasn't too sure he felt the same way back. No matter what he was still the one and only Dallas Winston.

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