Saturday, December 18, 1965
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LATER THAT NIGHT after dropping off Cherry and picking up Hazel we made it back home. I couldn't stop thinking about what had occurred earlier. I couldn't stop picturing their faces. They seemed shocked seeing how much I changed.
"You seem down in the dumps. Are you alright Rose?" Hazel asked as I cleaned the empty liquor bottles around the living room. Father was currently sleeping upstairs after of course drinking.
"I'm fine." I lied. I couldn't tell her that I had seen the gang at the DX gas station and that I had completely ignored them.
"Yeah okay." she helped me clean and then snatched the money dad had laid out for us to go purchase necessities at the market.
"We should go buy the food today before dad freaks out." she nodded her head and grabbed her coat as we stepped outside. Life was hard having to buy the food or else he would yell and toss bottles at the wall. This was becoming a usual routine for me and Hazel.
"Oh, come on Rose I know something is wrong. You're not jamming out to different tunes on the radio. So don't say you're fine because I know you better than anybody else." I looked at her as I parked the car seeing that we had now arrived at the market.
"Fine but you can't say anything." she pinky promised and then I thought of ways I could say this.
"I went to the DX gas station and saw the gang." her facial expression instantly changed from calm and collected to shocked.
"Saying you saw Ponyboy was a big shocker but the rest of the gang?! How was Johnny? Did you say hi?" she seemed interested to hear that I had seen them after so long. I wasn't amazed that she had asked about Johnny everyone picked on them since they clearly had a crush on one another all those years ago.
"I can't say it went great." A frown spread across her face. I felt guilty for telling her that our somewhat accidental reunion was completely terrible but I had to say the truth.
"Is it because you're a soc?" I nodded my head apologetically. She got out of the car and I knew she was slightly mad at me which she had every right to be. I knew she had missed them dearly as I had. We shopped checking everything off our lists in silence. Once we got outside I was looking down at my compact mirror checking for any smothers on my makeup.
"Rose." Hazel jerked my shoulder causing my lipstick to smear. I was about to yell at her when I heard a crowd of laughs. Laughs I had recognized too well. That's when I saw the gang parked right next to my car. Every single damn one of them except for Darry.
"What's going on blondie?" Two-Bit asked which again caused abrupt laughter. I was unable to say anything at all and neither could Hazel. I looked to Johnny who made eye contact with me before continuing to laugh along with the others. I noticed the only one who didn't laugh was Ponyboy.
"Please just let us get to our car. We got grocery bags." I wiped the lipstick I had smeared and looked down just hoping they would leave. But I knew them too well to know they wouldn't do that.
"You a soc now? So what you gonna' do huh? You gonna call the police princess?" I looked up to see Dally lighting up a cancer stick as he looked directly at me.
"I really need to go, if you don't mind please just move." Although seeing them again right now was worrying but what worried me more was my father. I didn't know what he would do. He gets angry when we're late and when he's drunk and angry that's not a promising combination at all.
"No" Soda grinned. I could see why many girls found him attractive with his amazing blue eyes but I couldn't help but see how Dally looked. He was so handsome but right now I shouldn't be thinking about their looks. I was getting anxious and angrier by the minute. I didn't want Hazel and I to get hurt just because they wouldn't move.
"Let's just go Rose. They won't do anything anyway." we started to walk to my car and all they did was move which was a surprise.
"You changed into one of that privileged low lives socs?" Steve chuckled as he knocked my purse out of my hand resulting in my makeup and other personal items falling out.
"Hey, Steve cool down out a bit would ya?Johnny called out as he looked at Hazel who was helping me to pick up the items that had fallen out of my purse.
"She betrayed us. Look at her she's a privileged little soc. Her outfit is more expensive than all of us combined." Dally walked up to me as I stood up. We stood face to face. He was relatively tall and was smoking a cancer stick something he always did since he was younger.
"Remember the times you use to smoke? You too much of a good girl now? " I swallowed the gulp in my throat as he blew the smoke on my face.
"Get away from them you idiots." I glanced to see Darry. He still seemed protective just like he always had been. He looked at me as he glared at my outfit. I knew he would most likely be disappointed in me seeing me as a soc.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled with tears in my eyes as I got into the car just as Hazel did. They watched us as I drove away I was in tears I felt like a foolish girl. Hazel and I didn't speak at all that car drive home. Once we arrived she helped me with the bags before stepping in seeing my father hurling glasses of liquor at the wall. Hazel and I flinched as he threw one towards our direction.
"Where the hell have y'all been?!" he yelled as I slammed the door shut. I had completely forgotten about my father and I knew this would not be going well at all.
"The line was long." he didn't seem to believe this and cackled as he came closer to me. I made a hand movement motioning for Hazel to run.
"You think I'm some sort of idiot?!" he yelled in my face. His breath was awful it stunk of booze and food. I shook my head no as he pinned me against the wall, tears spilled out my eyes as I knew what was coming next. He then slapped me hard I knew this would certainly leave a hand mark. I touched my face from the stinging of my cheek.
"GET OUT!" he urged as he opened the door for me to get out.
"NO Dad, please!" I begged but of course that didn't persuade him. He pushed me out causing some more scratches and bruises. I banged the door anxious for Hazel. I screamed and screamed for a few good minutes before understanding that I couldn't stay in the cold I had to leave no matter how terrified I was for Hazel I was praying she would lock her door and he would soon forget about this tomorrow and let me back in. I recognized I didn't have my keys so I decided to walk to a diner which was open all night.
I began to walk in the cold winter weather striving my best to keep myself warm. I made it inside the diner and sat on the table and closed my eyes not even attending to the multiple questions the employees kept asking. I soon fell asleep even though the pain both physically and mentally was almost unbearable. I just needed to sleep and forget about this disastrous day.
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