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Saturday, December 18, 1965

β˜†οΎ ROSE

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DECEMBER 18TH, 1965,  finally Saturday and the start of my Christmas break. Today I had to go help Cherry decorate some of her house. Even though I had told myself I would be Cherry free I couldn't just avoid her. That was quite impolite, to say the least. I concluded I would go only for a bit I told her that my father did not want me out late which was a complete lie my father did not care at all not when he's boozed up on liquor. I told Hazel I would drop her off at the library I never entirely understood her love for books but it was better then her having to deal with the crap I went through being a soc and all that.

"Are you almost ready you've been spending ages in there. It's not like it's some fashion show anyways." I rolled my eyes hearing her complain about my time getting ready. She did not realize that this was crucial around here especially with a girl who hangs around one of the most popular girls in school who was Cherry. I had to look good to fit in, it sucks but that's the way things are on the West Side.

"Can you hold on a moment?" I answered back with a harsh tone. She sighed as I heard her stepping away from the door. I continued to apply my soft pink lipstick. Today I had worn a pink sweater, plaid skirt once again, light pink colored heels, and some long dangling earrings to match along with the outfit. Lastly, I fixed my hair into a ponytail which was my go-to hairstyle now.

"I'm ready let's go, Hazel." she followed after me as we made it down the stairs to see our father slumped on the sofa with bottles of booze surrounding him.

"W- Where is y'all heading off to?" his words were slurred and of course we knew he was drunk no surprise there by any means.

"To the market." I lied as I walked out the door ignoring his shouts demanding to bring him back some liquor.

"The library right?" I asked she nodded her head and I made my direction to the library.

"I'll pick you up around 5 or 6. Don't do something stupid savvy" she nodded her head before walking into the library. I drove off and picked up Cherry who resided in a very large house which made sense since she was rich.

"Hey, Rose." Cherry smiled as she adjusted her hair clips in her fiery colored hair. Cherry was so gorgeous and I could see why boys were swarming after her. I liked being friends with her she was a good friend but her bitterness towards West siders particularly greasers rankled me.

"So where are we going?" I asked I had allowed her to drive my car to wherever she was intending to go.

"I need to talk to someone at the DX gas station real quick." I looked at her like I had seen a ghost. I was panicking why in the world would she be setting off to the East Side territory it made no sense at all. But then again several girls came to the DX to see Soda because of his charming looks. I could not be seen by the gang, not like this and not ever. I hadn't spoken to them in nearly 6 years and I knew no way in hell I would want to reunite like this. I was a soc now which was something I had promised I would never do. Something I had laughed at when I lived in the East Side of Tulsa.

"I'm going to stay in the car while you do that." she turned to me as she kept her hand on the wheel. She appeared confused about my mood of worry.

"That's a bummer but I will be mighty quick it will only be 5 minutes. Are you sure you don't want to get out?" I reassured her and she sighed before pulling up to the gas station. Noticing the sign provoked memories of me and the rest of the gang hanging here during summer I would sometimes help with the cars or the front desk of the shop. I looked out as she parked at an angle I could not see the gang and I was hoping that they weren't here even though I knew that was probably not likely seeing they enjoyed working here.

"No socs here. This our territory get outta' here with your pink car." I perceived the voice as Two-Bit. I looked out to see him wearing a Mickey mouse shirt something he always wore even when he was younger. He looked the same except he clearly was older and had more mature features. I made certain that I was hiding my face so they would not see me.

"It's only Cherry Valance." Cherry looked at who I knew was Ponyboy and made her way inside excusing the gazes from the gang. They all stood now in a large group just gazing at Cherry or bantering about my car. I looked at them again ensuring I was hidden. I couldn't believe how much older and different they all had looked it made me feel completely sad knowing I had missed out a lot. I wanted to run out and hug them all but I knew I couldn't do that. I was gaping whether or not Ponyboy had said anything and surely he knew this was my car so I came to the ruling that he hadn't which didn't shock me. Ponyboy was always such a great friend. I didn't deserve his protection I had practically betrayed them.

"Look there's another broad in there." I knew right away that had been Dally assuming from the thick New York accent I had heard. I was panicking Cherry needed to hurry quickly or else they would certainly see me and recognize me. 

"Don't frighten the poor girl." Ponyboy advised Dally who obviously ignored him and proceeded to make his way to my car. I immediately thought of ways to hide but I knew my chances were incredibly slim.

"Hey, you hood move it!" Cherry called out hurrying to open the car door. The gang started laughing but not Ponyboy. That's when I made the mistake by peeking out when Cherry unlocked the door. Soda was the first to see me his face instantly dropping as he realized who I was.

"Rose?" he called out causing all the boys to attempt to look at to where he was looking. I turned back as Cherry looked exceptionally confused.

"How does he know your name?" she asked as she stepped into my car. I looked to see that now the gang was glaring at me. They now knew that it was me.

"Rose?!" Steve yelled out trying to chase down my car as she drove out of the parking lot. I looked back as their faces seemed hurt and overall just stunned.

"You know hoods. Perhaps just seen me around." She shrugged I could tell she most likely didn't believe me at all but I couldn't tell her the truth. I couldn't help but notice the sting in the corner of my eyes. I couldn't believe what I had done I felt ashamed for doing that to such good friends. They had been there for me through thick and thin and I felt like this had been a huge act of betrayal.

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