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" ..π–π‘πšπ­? "

" E-eh?! Mom, you're actually serious? So your just gonna let me go to that stupid academy?! What if I get bullied there for having no powers? I'd be beaten to a pulp! I stand no chance against those guys! "

I exclaimed in shock and slight betrayal as I watch her pack my bags so I could leave early tomorrow.

" I am, Y/N. This would help you in finding your power. I doubt they bully people there, it's an elite academy! You have a chance, so use it...It'll be okay, hun. I believe in you. "

She smiled, trying to reassure me that I would be fine there. I may know how to defend myself but I'll get my butt beaten! They have magic abilities and I don't, it's totally unfair!

Everything sounds like those mangas where the protagonist has to do somehing to find their true abilities, how clichΓ©.


Ya really think it would be that easy to get in the magic academy? Well you're partially right.

In this academy, it gives random invites to some individuals that they deem to have potential. To prove their worth, they would also have to pass the entrance exams to actually start studying there.

That's why my mom was worried when she started packing the things I needed, she didn't want me to lose the chance.


" ...Mom, It's okay, I can do it on my own. No need to do it for me. "

I spoke up getting up from my bed as I reassure her with a smile. Which seemed to work as she mumbled out a 'fine' and left my room to go back to the kitchen.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I stare at my suitcase. ' I better fix up myself first. ', I thought as I stood up and brush my hair before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

After that, I went down the stairs to eat breakfast and enjoy my last day of staying at home before leaving for the entrance exam tommorow.

I sat at the table, making small talk with my mom as we ate our breakfast and enjoy the peaceful moment of the blue sky and chirping birds outside the window.

I sigh with a smile, finishing my food before thanking her and going back to my room to lay down and think about all of this.


Ever since I was a kid, I've been picked on for having no magic whatsoever. Some even lead to getting bruises or scratches from the other kids which made me cry often.

My mother was displeased of this and of course, she told my old school. Complaining that the students there mistreat me for having no abilities, and of course, they brush it off. As if it wasn't important, why would they pay attention to some child who didn't have any magic? It wasn't their fault I was like this.

In middle school, the teasing led to bullying. Which impacted my studies and mental health, obviously. The school didn't do anything about it, as always.

So, let's just say I have some...history in the past with people my age who had powers. That's probably the reason why I didn't want to go to that academy, to be surrounded by powerful individuals.

Mangas and novels have always been my best friends since I was a kid, it was a way where I could distract myself or pass the time.


' Should I go or should I not?.. If I go, mom would be happy but I'd probably get picked on by the students there... If I don't, mom would be disappointed but understanding and I'll loose the chance of learning to find my true power.. Urgh.. THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!! '

I thought to myself as I huff and stare at my ceiling. I was currently laying down my bed hugging a pillow tightly in frustration. It was so hard to decide..

I had probably been thinking for a long time because knock on my bedroom door has snapped me out of my thoughts, yelling out a 'Come in!' as I sit up from my bed.

The door knob had turned and the door gently opened, revealing my mom who had a tray of snacks along with a glass of water.

" ...You've been thinking for some time, haven't you, Y/N? Here, I brought some snacks. "

She spoke in a gentle voice as she put the tray down on the small drawer near me, sitting down on the bed as she sighs..

" I know that it's been hard for you to be around kids your age with abilities, and I do acknowledge the bad history of you with them, but this could be a change for you, sweetie.. I'm always here to support your decision no matter what, I don't really care if you don't want to. As long as your happy. "

She smiled softly at me, caressing my face with her hand as she looks at me with genuine care before she chuckles and ruffles my hair.

" You'll always be my little boy, you know that? Oh what am I saying, I'm getting old for God's sake. I'm glad you still listen to your mom's words until now.. "

She smiled before removing her hand from my cheek and stand up, not before reminding me to eat the snacks she prepared though. After that, she left me with my own thoughts.

' Maybe I should go.. Alright then, let's start packing. '

I got up and stretched, getting my suitcase and pack the necessary supplies I need. This is gonna take a while.


" Durable and extra clothes, check. Comfortable shoes, check. Backpack, check. School supplies, also check. Mangas and novels, check. And extra school supplies, check. "

I mumbled to myself as I put my items in the bag, which lets me store a lot of items. The pockets we're enchanted too! Thanks to my mom for getting me that, of course. I can store a lot of what I need because of it.

" Oh! Don't forget about my ID and documents.. That would be a real bummer if I left it. "

I chuckle to myself before adding my ID and documents into the magical crossbody bag.

I also added a collection of magical theory books, along with some historical texts and scrolls about the world of magic. I can probably use this to my advantage, some information from the books would probably show up in the entrance exam.

And just in case, I'll also bring survival gear like a sturdy cloak, first-aid kit, or a map and compass. That would probably be handy in the future, let me just put that in with the other items..

That's probably good enough, I'm set for tomorrow so I'm just gonna start preparing myself for tomorrow.

In exams, there is always written ones. So obviously, I had to study about magical history, theories, and basic spell mechanics.

And since it's an elite magic academy we're talking about here, I'm pretty sure they'll include practical challenges too.. Which I'm pretty bad at but it's whatever, I'll just suck it up for mom and practice later since I still have time.

I'm pretty sure that the exam would have puzzles, what do you expect from mages? It's basically their specialty. I'm pretty good with puzzles so this should be easy.

All right then, I should start practicing now.

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