I woke up and looked beside me. I didn't see Nick so i turned over and seen him next to the dresser. "what are you doing?" i say while stretching. "Picking an outfit!" He says with a squeaky voice. You grab your phone and look at you're notifications.
2 texts from mom
98 new instagram followers
3 pictures from memories
you open the text from your mom.
M- Are you serious right now y/n
Me- I'm in Florida mom i can't be home. I'm with the sturniolos everything is fine.
I checked the time. It was 7:02am. I put my phone down. "Should we start getting ready?" i ask. "Yeah i'll wake them up." I go to grab my clothes, brush, and toothbrush and walk over to the bathroom. From the bathroom I can hear Nick trying to wake up Chris and Matt. I get changed into my outfit and brush my hair. I quickly brush my teeth and grab all my things. I unlock the door and walk out. "Damn you look gorgeous" Chris says. You start blushing. "Thanks chris. You don't look too bad yourself". You say with a smile. I put everything back into the dresser. "Should we start leaving?" i ask. "this early?" Matt asks. "Yeah so we can get in fast instead of waiting in line". "ok then." I grab my phone and some money. "I'm ready to leave when you are" i say.
~ Time Skip ~
Matt parks next to the entrance and and we all get out. "UNIVERSAL STUDIOS!" Chris yells. We walk over to security and nick gets his bag checked. We go through and then we get our tickets scanned. Once we're finally in we grab a map. "Where should we go first? nick asks. You all point at the same spot on the map. You all look up smiling. The walk seems like forever. "When are we gonna be there" Chris groans. "Shut up Chris" Matt says. "How about-" chris says before he gets cut off. "Stop fighting" Nick says annoyed. We finally get there and surprisingly the line isn't long. We wait for about 5 minutes before we make it onto the ride. After we're off Chris clears his throat and looks at Matt and Nick. "Hey nick do you wanna come to the bathroom with me?" Matt says. Both Matt and Nick walk off into the distance. "You having fun so far?" Chris asks. "yeah i love it here in florida. You?". "Yeah I'm think about moving somewhere with weather like this. Just gotta ask my brothers." he says. You nod your head. "Anyway, I've been wanting to ask you this question since you came back." He says. "I love you so much y/n and i hope you feel the same. I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend" he says. You're mouth drops. "Yes of course!" you say. Chris pulls you into a hug, his arms wrapped around your waist. Chris pulls away. "I got you this in case you said yes" He reaches in his pocket and pulls out 2 necklaces.
"I can put it on you" Chris suggests. You nod your head moving your hair out the way. He turns you around and he puts the necklace on you. You look up and see Matt and Nick watching. You smile and roll your eyes. You turn back to Chris. You give him another hug. "oh" he says being pushed back by you. Matt and nick come back. "Oh get a room" Matt says. "You said yes?" Nick says. "obviously" you say. "Yeah duh nick" Chris says jokingly.
~ Time Skip ~
Its getting dark and you guys finally decide to go home. "Wait before we go to the car come this way." Chris says. He leads you guys to a path and without saying anything he runs down the path. You look over at Nick and Matt confused. "Don't follow him just wait here." Matt says. We all stare down the path wondering when he's coming back. "COME ON" we hear in a faint voice. We all start walking down the path and we see Chris holding a sign.
"I know you already said yes but i really wanted to do this" he says smiling. "Yes again" you say walking over. You finally get a better look. "MY FAVORITE CHOCOLATE!" you yell. Chris smiles. He puts the box down and pulls you into him. He kisses you with both hands on your face. "You guys are so gross" nick says. "Ok lets get back now". Chris says. he grabs the sign, roses, and chocolates. You all walk back to the car and drive back to the hotel. Once you get to the room Nick unlocks the door and you all rush inside. Chris puts the box of roses and chocolates onto the dresser and right when he does you walk over to it grabbing a chocolate. "Im so exhausted" Nick says jumping into bed. Matt gets in bed right after him. I notice Chris looking at me while im eating. "what?" you say smiling. "Nothing." he says with a smirk. You threw the wrapper from the chocolate at him. He throws it back. "Don't throw stuff at me y/n". You grab the wrapper again and throw it at him. "So that's how it is?" he says walking over to you. "nah nah it was just a joke". He grabbed a pillow off the bed and started hitting you with it. "Chris stop" You say trying to move over to the bed. You were trying to get a pillow but he kept knocking you down. Finally you make it to the bed and grab a pillow. You hit him with it. You knock him onto the bed. "Ok truce truce!" he says blocking his face. You throw the pillow onto the bed and look over at Nick. He was asleep along with Matt. You get up walking to the dresser and grabbing pajamas out. You walk into the bathroom and get changed. You unlock the door and try to open it but someone was pushing the door. "Chris let go!" you yell. You keep trying to open the door and suddenly he lets go making you trip. lucky you didn't fall. "Wow chris" you say. "i see how it is" you say getting into bed. Chris jumps onto the bed right after you. He wraps his arm around your waist and the other was resting on your back. Chris falls asleep leaving you the only one awake. But soon you doze off.
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