17. Gone?

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ยป Teen Idol : MARINA ยซ
0:00 โ”€ใ€‡โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ 0:00
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Tartagalish credit me next time I took the photo for you ๐Ÿ™
Hutaosaghost UR SO PRETTY MWAH

SangonomiyaKokomi ๐Ÿค
Joinmygangplz you guys always leave me out

(Scaramouche pov)

"I just need You to Take me Home. Please." There was a sense of worry in her voice. I quickly turned the car around to go the route to her house. I want to know what's wrong but she wont let me know.

"What about all your clothes at my house?" I say glancing over at her. She just kept looking out the window

"I shouldn't be long. Ill come back for my stuff." Her voice was quiet. Something was wrong, she wouldn't already go back home right? Did I do something? Is that why? I stopped in front of her house.

"If you need anything, you can text me. Nevermind. Ajax would be better since he's closer." She didn't say anything to me after that. She just walked back in her house. Leaving me there with no explanation.

'What did I do? I swear I've tried to be nice to her?' I sit there for a minute with all these thoughts going through my head. I then leave her house.

That was the last time I saw her for a while.

I get back home. Still trying to figure out and replay all the things we did to try and see if I did something. I couldn't find a reason. Ive never found a reason why people left me. They just did. And never came back to me. Is she gonna do what everyone else did to me? To think...to think that she made my heart race whenever she was with me. She..she made me feel so special and I tried to make her feel special. Where did it go wrong?

Some people probably would forget about it. If they only knew a person for four days. But archons I longed for her. Like im reaching my hand out to her, waiting for her to reach back out to me.

The house felt even more quiet, to the point I could hear Iris running downstairs to me. She came trotting over to me meowing than sat infront of me. 'Am I seriously gonna be one of those lonely people who's only friend is their cat'

I picked her up and carried her back upstairs to my room. She jumped off of my and onto my bed. I laid down and she crawled onto my stomach and made herself comfortable to fall asleep. I look at my phone to try and see if Y/n texted me at all. No notification from her. So I texted the only person who could possibly know what's going on.

Hey fuck face you free for a minute?

Be a little nicer first would ya?

Shut up its important
Its about Y/n

What's wrong with Y/n?
Are you gonna tell me how your madly inlove with her ๐Ÿ˜

Not even close.
She went back home without telling me anything.


And thats a problem how????

The whole time we were at lunch she looked off, I could tell she was hiding something. She wouldnt even talk to me the car ride back? Then just all of the sudden tells me to take her home? I asked her about her clothes and bag that was here at my place but it seemed like she didn't care.
Do you have any idea on what's going on with her?
Did I do something and just not seeing it?

Ookkk buddy calm down there
First, thats weird of Y/n especially cause shes supposed to be staying at ur place because she doesn't want to go home.
Somethings up with her, but I got no idea muchacho
I doubt you would have done something to upset her, especially after last night.
Lemme try to msg her and I'll get back to you

I try to distract myself while Childe tried and talked to Y/n. But I find myself scrolling through her Instagram. Seeing all the pictures shes posted throughout the year, the photos with Ayaka, the photos with Childe, the photos with her cat, and then the photos with me. I didn't know what I could have done? I get myself to fall asleep while waiting for Childe to respond.

That nap lasted 2 hours. It was now 5pm and already getting dark outside. I wake up to see if Childe responded. He did, I quickly open up the message


She responded to me,
It aint good Scara
Her moms been on her ass all day today and then told her she let her cat out last night ๐Ÿ™

Apollos been her cat ever since she was 3, so shes pretty devastated and all her moms been doing is yelling at her about staying with you and what happened with Ayaka

Your kidding right?
Why is she still there then?

Her moms keeping her there
Shes not even gonna let her come to school

Your fucking with me?

I'm not Scara. Im sorry dude

I close out of the conversation out of anger, confusion. I dont know why I feel so angered by what he told me. Why am I caring so much about her? I feel helpless that I can't do anything to get her out of there. I want her back here with me. I need her back here with me. But she's not coming back.

I decide to message her.

Y/n are you okay?
Please answer me. I'm worried about you.
(Read. 6:46pm)

I was waiting for her reply when I saw that she read my message. But she never said a single word to me.

(Y/n pov)

I couldn't answer him. If she saw I was messaging him I'd be dead. She hates seeing me be able to get away from her and be happy. Because she was never able to be happy, after my father divorced her she brought home men every might. Using her to their delight. She thought that was their way of showing love to her, but they just wanted her for pleasure. She was finally able to land herself a boyfriend. But thats when she started abusing alcohol with him. Reason why I don't like being here.

Shes upset with me about Ayaka, "apologize to her you brat" thats all she keeps telling me, she only wants me to apologize to her because shes always liked Ayaka more than me. She always thought Ayaka was a better daughter than me. I wouldn't bring Ayaka here much, it made me feel gross when she would consider Ayaka more of her own daughter than her actual one. I'm not even begging for Ayaka to come back. Its my mother that is.

Im only here for Apollo and I can't even go to try and fucking find him. I dont have anyone here anymore. I couldn't see Ajax, or anyone. I couldn't see Scaramouche anymore. I don't like being so far away from him, we've been so close to each other. Being away from him makes me feel empty. I miss him.

My room is a complete mess. I guess after I left that one day she recked my room. The spot on my bed where Apollo would always sleep was empty and he wasn't there for me. To comfort me. I have to try and find a way out of here. I need to get out of here.

(Tw: emotional & physical abuse )

I can hear my mother come in my room.

"You enjoying your time back brat? You be in this situation if you wouldn't have been so disobedient and haven't left the damn house!" She says leaning up against the door

"If your gonna just come in here to yell at me save it. Don't you have something better to be doing" God she reeked like alcohol.

"I'm your mother. You don't tell me what I should do! I pay for this house!" Her voice starts getting louder

"Where's your boyfriend? Go fuck him or something. I don't care"

"That's it." She walks over to me anger smeared on her face. She slaps me across the face. I could feel tears in my eyes. But I couldn't show it to her, she loves seeing me upset. I put my hand over the now red mark on my face. She then leaves the room. I couldn't tell anyone. I couldn't tell Scaramouche. You don't know how badly I just wanted to run to him. Get away from this place. Find Apollo.

This is how my days here were gonna be.

(Scaramouche pov)

The night was quiet. Lonely. Why has she made such a dent in my heart. I want to be close to her. I want her back here with me. Archons....what is this feeling..?

I know what the answer to that question. But im too afraid to acknowledge those feelings.

So I try and shake it off and fall asleep for the night.

(Time skipish???)

Its now Monday. Everyone's back at school, but I still try and look for Y/n hoping she would be here hoping everything would be okay. But when I saw Childe and her friends she was no where to be seen.
Hutao comes up to me angry and worried.

"Where is Y/n mister!?" She comes up close to me

"If I knew where she was wouldn't she be here right now? I dont know where she is!" I push her away from me. Walking away from all of them.

I stayed away from everyone for a week. I isolated myself from everyone. Kazuha was the only one who was able to get me to compose myself. Then I started acting like what people would say 'my usual self'.

Where's Y/n ๐Ÿ™ (Signora, 15+ others)

Its been 12 days and no sight of Y/n ๐Ÿ™

I hope shes okay :(

@balladeer have you heard anything from Y/n?

Shes read all of my messages.
But it straight up ignoring me.

It was true. For a week I would text her everyday. She read all of my messages. Just never bothered to respond to me.

That's definitely not Y/n
I don't know what to do :/ she hasn't responded to me either

^ same

Ayaka wont talk to me anymore.
Shes been very secretive lately maybe she has something to do with what happened to Y/n?

Yeah. Ayaka told her mother about the whole party situation and
Her staying with Scaramouche,,

I don't fucking understand why?
But im leaving.

I turn my phone off and start making my way out of the building. Kazuha catches up to me.

"You good man? You seem off today"

"I'm fine."

"You sure? You've seemed off today. Is it because of Y/n?"

"What if she just doesn't want to be friends with me anymore? And shes just purposely ignoring me."

"I'm sure thats not the case man. She wouldn't do that to you."

"How can you be so sure about that?"

"Listen Scaramouche. I haven't known Y/n for long but I know her. She wouldn't do that to you."

"Shes just like everyone else. Be nice to me until they get tired of me. Its the same."  I walk at a faster pass leaving Kazuha behind. Not bothering what he had to say. I tried to wait for her.

But now its just a lost hope.

ใ€‹* ใ€‚ โ€ข หš หš ห› * ใ€‚ยฐ ใ€‚ โ€ขหšใ€Š
Literally why did this chapter take so long to write๐Ÿ˜ญ ive literally had this planned out the whole day and then I blanked out while writing HELP

Word count : 1972

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