"Let's never do that again." Viktor spoke as we all exited the tunnel.
"What, narrowly escape the apocalypse?" Five questioned.
"It's kind of our thing, isn't it?"
"There's something very wrong about that." Allison spoke looking to the buffalo ass.
"Same suite, just ass-backward." Lila spoke.
"No hyperbole there."
"This is some weird shit." I chuckled slightly.
"Yeah, some hardcore Alice in Wonderland shit." Ben agreed.
"Yeah, it only gets weirder."
Hearing panting behind us we all turned to see Reginald with no Klaus.
"At last, the other side." He gasped.
"Where the fuck is Klaus, old man?" I yelled slightly as I saw him close the door.
"Children," He sighed making my face drop. "I'm sorry, but your brother... I did all I could, but he didn't make it through in time. The Kugelblitz has claimed its last victim."
"No, he was right behind me when I entered the tunnel." Five spoke. "Right behind Y/n."
"Yep, he was directly behind me what did you do to him?" I spat walking closer to Reginald. "We need to go back."
"There's nothing to go back to." Reginald sighed looking down at me. "Children, there will be time for tears later. Right now, we have to keep moving."
"No, fuck you! This is your fault." I yelled pressing my finger against Reginalds chest.
"Calm, child. Rest." He sighed as Five and Viktor escorted me to the elevator with the rest.
Ben's POV
As I paced hotel oblivion I decided i'd sit down for a few minutes to calm down but instead I fell asleep and had the strangest dream.
Flashback 2005
"Y/n! What book are you reading?" I questioned looking over to a girl who was sitting at the opposite end of me at another couch.
"Anne of green gables." She smiled looking up from her book and showing me the cover. "You?"
"To kill a mockingbird." I smiled back. "I've only just started it."
"I should read it one day."
"Why do I keep having such vivid dreams of the umbrella academy?" I sighed as I woke up.
Back to normal POV
"It's magnificent." Reginald spoke as we exited the elevator into the main lobby.
"You guys should've stayed here." Ben spoke also admiring the place. "This place is way nicer."
"Lila and I barely got out alive last time. Remember?" Diego spoke.
"But I'm here this time, and the numbers are in our favour." Ben spoke in a rather proud tone.
"That's nice, Ben. We're still gonna die." I spat.
"Well, whatever it was that went after us, it was strong, fast, and super pissed." Lila spoke trying to break the intense staring contest between Ben and I.
"Alright, so, whatever you do, do not ring this bell." Diego spoke pointing to the bell at the front desk. "Unless you wanna lose a finger or a tentacle."
"I'll take my chances-" Sloane spoke stepping forward but Lila stopped her.
"Get out of my way." Sloane spoke.
"To take out this thing, we need to be in the right state of mind." Lila reasoned still standing her ground.
"State of mind?" Sloane yelled tears welling up in her eyes. "Do you mean, am I angry? Yes, I am angry. I wanna kill whatever it is that hurt Luther."
"Luther isn't the only one that's gone." Viktor softly replied. "We lost Klaus too. I'm angry, okay? We all are. We have to be smart about this."
"Yeah. When the time is right, we'll act."
"Don't even try it, Five." Diego spoke to Five who was about to walk out the hotel doors. "Doors won't let you out."
"So, what, we're stuck here?" Allison questioned.
"This is bullshit!" I yelled. "I'd rather that kugelblitz fucking eat me."
"This place is a test and a trap and a means of salvation, all at once." Reginald spoke up.
"Does anyone know what that sign says?" Viktor questioned pointing to the sign at the front desk with the title of 'hotel oblivion'.
"Yeah, it says "Do not ring the bell." That's what that means." Diego spoke.
"We get it, Diego. Bell bad." Five spoke walking back to our group. "What do we do? Does anybody know?"
"Reggie?" Allison questioned but he didn't answer. "Reggie."
"Deaf as a doorknob." I spoke when he slowly turned around to face me. "Alright, maybe a doorknob with selective hearing."
"I'm hungry." Lila spoke up. "Does anyone fancy an unagi roll?"
"How can you possibly eat at a time like this?" Ben spat.
"Yeah, Luther and Klaus are dead and we're next."
"I don't know. How can you two be dicks at a time like this?" Lila spoke turned to face both of us.
"Hey!" Diego spoke walking over to Ben. "Back off, all right?"
"Why are you just yelling at me?" Ben questioned. "Mini you over there did the same thing."
"Because she's my Sister. You're a dickier version of my dead Brother." Diego spoke smiling over to me. "And Lila's eating for-"
"Strength." Lila spoke cutting him off. "In these trying times. Diego, can you come with me for a second?"
"Nah, it's like the old man said." Five spoke to Viktor and I. "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and three times ain't gonna happen 'cause I'm not a gibbering idiot."
"Well, we can't be sure he killed Klaus or Luther." Viktor spoke making both Five and I scoff.
"I'm 100% sure he either murdered them in cold blood, made besties with the demon in this hotel or had something to do with their deaths." I spoke slumping down in my chair and grabbing my book out of my bag.
Ben's POV
As I watched Five, Y/n and Viktor converse I saw Y/n pull a book out of her bag.
'How to kill a mockingbird.'
"Holy shit."
Back to normal POV again
(Sorry if this is messy just tryna make it interesting.)
"Exactly, this is his modus operandi. We've seen this before." Five sighed. "Have you forgotten how we all came together in the first place?"
"Dad's funeral."
"Exactly. He pulled this on you rubes before, and he's doing it again now."
"Come on, guys." Viktor pleaded.
"No. He lost the vote to come through the tunnel, yet here we are."
"In the flesh." I cheered sarcastically.
"Are you really sure that he could kill Luther?" Viktor questioned not believing it.
"I think he could kill Luther, Klaus, and the rest of us without breaking a moral sweat." Five spoke looking over to Reginald slightly. "And what's worse, I think Allison is involved."
"You really think so?" I questioned sitting up in my seat.
"No. No." Viktor sighed turning to face Allison and Sloane. "No, she... She was with Sloane in the tunnel."
"Not talking about Klaus." I sighed trying to figure out if Allison could actually kill Luther.
"Luther? What? No, she would never do that." Viktor scoffed.
"She's been unraveling since we got to this timeline." Five spoke trying to seem the slightest bit empathetic.
"Do you believe that?" Viktor questioned turning to me.
"I honestly don't know, I mean as Five said. She's not in a good place right now."
"Yeah, she lost her daughter." Viktor yelled slightly.
"And she killed Harlan."
"Even if you're right, I can't imagine they're just gonna come clean if we confront them."
"I agree."
As we were all sitting down I noticed both Allison and Ben disappear for a while which made me curious so I followed them.
"-believe I just did." I heard Reginald speak to Allison as I stood nearby the stairs trying to stay out of sight.
"If I find out you're bullshitting me, old man, the deal is off." Allison spat.
"I can assure you I will keep my side of our agreement, and I expect you to do the same." Reginald spoke but before I could listen to anymore Ben came up behind me.
"What are you doing, Y/n?" Ben spoke loud enough for Allison and Reginald to hear.
"Shit, I- Um. I was just going to ask Allison something but I didn't want to interrupt." I smiled innocently.
"That's bullshit." Allison spat walking closer to me making me back away slightly. "What did you hear?"
"Nothing, I just heard you asking Reginald to answer a question." I spoke trying to back down the stairs.
"I heard a rumo-"
"Allison!" Ben yelled standing slightly in front of me. "Why is this conversation between you and Dad so important?"
"Because-" She paused thinking of an answer. "Because it just is! Now let me talk to my sister!"
"Not if you're gonna use your power on her." He yelled slightly walking toward her. "We have to be a team if we're going to save the universe."
"But-" She sighed heavily. "RAGH!" She yelled storming off. (Bro all I can hear is "Don't you dare disobey me Coraline! RAGH!"๐ญ)
"Are you okay?" Ben questioned turning to face me.
"Yeah." I sighed trying to stop myself from shaking. "Thank you."
"Anytime, just stay away from her." He smiled slightly which caught me off-guard as the last time I had seen him smile was when we were children.
"It's nice seeing you smile again." I spoke as he gave me a weird look. "I know you didn't grow up with us but it's nice to just see you again, you know?"
"Hm." He chuckled slightly. "I couldn't help but notice that you have been carrying around one of my favourite books."
"Oh!" I smiled bringing how to kill a mockingbird out of my bag to show him. "Our Ben loved this book too, thats actually why I bring it with me everywhere. Reminds me of him."
"Were you two friends?"
"Best friends, although he was a little scared of me when we were really young he grew to understand me over the years." I smiled reminiscing. "You and him aren't so different you know? Both love drawing, books, sarcastic comments."
"Hm." He smiled. "Maybe we're the same."
I decided not to tell anyone about the Allison incident as I didn't want anyone especially Viktor and Five to worry about Allison when we're supposed to be saving the universe
"Gather up, children." Reginald spoke as we all walked over to him. "Now that we've had a chance to catch our breath, the real work can begin."
"Ah, the myth of the seven bells, eh?" Five questioned.
"Exactly. Somebody's been paying attention." Reginald spoke looking down at the book he had in his hands.
"Okay, so we find the bells, then what?" Diego questioned making Reginald look up from he book.
"No, no, no. The bells are just a metaphor for this." He spoke pointing to the book that had a symbol.
"The sigil."
"Correct, Number Five." Reginald spoke looking to Five. "The sigil is the key to the seven bells. Once we find this symbol, we're one step closer to resetting the universe."
"What do we do when we find it?" I questioned.
"I don't know." Reginald replied nonchantly making us all look to him with concern.
"Excuse me?" Viktor questioned. "We're here because you said you have a plan."
"I do." He spoke sighing heavily. "Up to a point."
"Great." Lila chuckled. "So we'll just stay in the hotel forever, staring at the walls and eating bad sushi."
"Finding the sigil is our only way out of here and the best chance we have of resetting the universe." Allison spoke making us all turn to face her.
"Yeah, we heard it when Reginald said it." I spoke as she shot a glare my way.
"Funny how you and Dad are on the same page again." Five spoke also still suspicious of Allison.
"Okay, uh, where do we start?" Viktor questioned trying to bring down the tension.
"We'll split into groups." He spoke. "I will go with Allison and Sloane, Ben, Y/n and Five with Viktor."
"No, we want Allison." Viktor spoke up.
"Ben for Allison." Five spoke making me look to Ben. "We've trained together, so it makes more sense if we take Allison."
"Why can't we have Ben?" I questioned making Ben smile slightly.
"Because he's an asshole." Five gritted his teeth slightly.
"Only because you don't give a shit about him." I spat moving to where Ben was.
"Allison can go there and Ben and I will stay with you." I spoke looking to Reginald.
"Y/n." Five spoke.
"What." I spat looking over to him.
"Splendid idea." Reginald spoke cutting our fight off. "Allison, you go with the Umbrellas. Sparrows, and Y/n stick together. Everyone take a different floor. We must find that sigil."
"What about us?" I heard Diego ask talking about him and Lila.
"You're a duo. Nobody wants to listen to your endless bickering. Now, spread out, leave no stone unturned, and meet back here in 30 minutes."
"This is a total waste of time." Ben sighed as I walked beside him.
"I agree."
Ben, Sloane and I were walking in the corridor trying to find the sigil with no luck.
"I'm starting to think this sigil doesn't exist and Reggie is just an old man that forgot to take his medicine." I sighed as Sloane checked around at every single object we walked by.
"He is off his medicine." Ben spoke looking over to Sloane. "Oh, don't forget to check under the plants."
"Get off your ass and start inspecting the walls for hidden compartments." Sloane spat.
"Hey, uh, here's a wall and, uh..." Ben taunted. "Oh, here's another wall."
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Sloane spoke getting more irritated as she continued searching. "People are dying left and right, and you're acting like a sulky teenager."
"You sound just like Dad." He spoke, that was the last straw for Sloane as she stopped what she was doing and turned to face him.
"Why is it so important for Dad to like you?" She yelled. "He doesn't define you or us. We made our own mark in this world without him."
"As the Sparrow Academy, but they're gone now."
"He was never a Sparrow. He was our dad, and a shitty one at that." Sloane continued. "You don't need him."
"Easy for you to say when you've already got a new family." He spat making me feel kind of bad for him.
"And the best part of that family just died." She spoke tearing up.
"I can't believe I'm saying this." I heard Five say from around the corner. "I'm actually glad to see you guys."
"Why?" I questioned. "You were really adamant that we get rid of Ben."
"We'll discuss this later." Five sighed.
"What's wrong?" Sloane questioned.
"The hotel is changing." Five sighed again. "I've been walking around in circles, but it's like the thing is alive."
"We should get to the lobby." Ben suggested.
"Tried it. Whatever direction I choose, I end up in the same spot."
"Or maybe you have no sense of direction." Ben smirked.
"Okay, lead the way, Magellan."
As Ben was struggling to find a way out of the unwanted maze we all came to a halt when we heard the bell ring.
"Oh my fucking god." I sighed. "Why does our family insist on being stupid."
"No idea." Five spoke still walking around until we were met with a corner, turning the corner we were met with a-
"Really? A samurai?" Ben spoke as the samurai swung his swords.
I looked over to Sloane to see she was about to explode with rage. "Sloane don't do- Never mind she's already gone."
Running toward the samurai she let out a battle cry and used her power to backflip over it and land on its other side. Turning around the samurai attempted to use its sword but Sloane stopped it trying to compress it.
"Revenge looks good on her." Ben smirked.
"Not now, Ben." I sighed running to help Sloane.
"Would you shut up and help us kill this thing?" Five spoke grabbing an axe.
Speeding up behind the samurai I froze him in place activating my other power I spoke. "Fuck off and die, samurai." (Hope someone gets this reference.) I directed this metal word toward the samurais eye as Five also fought him with the axe.
After a while the samurai had backed us into a room and all of us were hiding behind a cabinet.
"What the fuck do we do now?" I questioned slightly peaking over the top of the cabinet.
"I don't know! Five's hit him with his axe five times. He should be dead by now." Ben yelled slightly.
"The armour. It's like hitting cement." Five complained.
"There's a space between the backplates." Sloane spoke up.
"We need to get behind him." I spoke knowing what Sloane was hinting at.
"Let's kill this thing." She spoke ready to fight.
"Wait-" Five spoke trying to stop her but she didn't listen so both Five and I ran out to help her.
"Hey, asshะพlะต!" She yelled catching its attention trying to run at it but it threw a knife at her arm knocking her on the floor.
"Sloane!" I yelled trying to help her up but the samurai tried to aim a knife at me. Before it could throw the knife Five teleported and yelled distracting it and throwing the axe to me.
"Hit it in between the armour!" He yelled spacial jumping around the room.
The samurai turned to me and knocked me to the ground and the axe fell out of my reach.
"Shit!" I yelled. "Ben help!"
Before the samurai could hit me Ben used his power to rise from behind the place he was hiding. Directing the tentacles to wrap around the samurai but the samurai used its sword to cut through them and escaped. During this time I had used my power to turn into a 'zombie' and try and scare the samurai, the samurai stumbled back slightly but somehow powered through the fear and came charging at me, spacial jumping me behind the guardian Five threw the axe to me. I swung the axe as hard as I could into the space between the armour. "That enough for you?" I taunted as the words appeared and I dug them into the same spot. It fell to the ground in defeat.
"Never doing that again." I sighed limping toward where Ben was sitting.
"You can say that again." He smiled slightly.
- โ๏ธ-
Walking out into the main lobby I spotted Klaus.
"Klaus?" I yelled running up to him, Viktor and Allison helping him up.
"In the flesh." He smiled holding out his arms as I attacked him with a hug with tears filling my eyes.
"I know you're immortal but you've gotta stop dying." I chuckled breaking away from the hug.
"Klaus." Five spoke also surprised to see his dead brother.
"You look like hell."
"Why don't you try killing a guardian?" Five spoke still looking at Klaus in bewilderment.
"We just did." Viktor replied looking around at the rest of us.
"So did we."
"I told you to stay in the-" I heard Diego say to Lila and she walked up and slapped him in the face.
"I love you!" She yelled kissing him.
"Klaus, I thought you were dead." Sloane spoke.
"Yes, yes, I'm alive and amazing." Klaus smiled. "Despite Dad's attempts to bash my brains in, but tearful reunions later. What you guys need to know right now is that Dad killed Luther. And he locked me out of the tunnel, and he rang that stupid bell!"
"Did you see Luther?" I questioned Klaus as Five interrogated Reginald.
"Yeah." He smiled. "He misses all of you."
"We don't have time for this." Reginald yelled slightly.
"You killed Luther!" Sloane yelled.
"I had no choice." Reginald sighed. "You refused to come together as a team."
"All of your stupid myths
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