Do it for the weekend~
27th November, 2021.
3:30 p.m.
Jisung and Soojin got out of the car and were about to get inside the stadium, holding hands when suddenly somebody's hands covered Soojin's eyes from behind. She quickly removed the person's hands from her eyes and turned around. Her eyes became wide as she couldn't believe whether she was seeing right or not.
"Surprise!!!", the male exclaimed. A gummy smile was visible on his face.
They wasted no time and hugged each other. Jisung just stood there being dumbfounded.
When they broke the hug, Soojin asked, "When did you come back from London?"
"Just yesterday."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"To give you a surprise. I know you love surprises."
"Do you guys know each other?", Jisung hesitantly asked.
"Ofcourse. Jisung meet my cousin, Kim Doyoung sorry Dr. Kim Doyoung", Soojin introduced her cousin.
Jisung's jaw dropped. "Doyoung is your cousin?"
"Yes. Long time no see Jisung", Doyoung said.
"Woah you never told me", he said to Soojin.
She just shrugged and asked, "Oppa why are you here today?"
"Chairman Na invited us. As this football match is really important to our university and we used to be the players of this competition when we were students, he requested us to come."
"Your friends came too?", Soojin asked.
"YAHHHH!!! Why didn't you wait for me?" The newcomer asked putting his hand over Doyoung's shoulder.
"You take too long in the toilet."
The male scoffed and looked infront. "Oh Soojin. How are you?"
"I'm fine Taeyong. How about you?"
"I'm good." Taeyong noticed the boy beside Soojin. "Oh Jisung you grew up so much. You became so tall and looking handsome too."
Jisung giggled and said, "Thank you but not more handsome than you."
He chuckled and asked Soojin, "Did you see my sister? I told her to stand at the entrance."
Soojin shook her head and said, "No I didn't see her."
Taeyong dialed his sister's number when somebody came running infront of them shouting, "OPPAAAA!!!"
The girl said, "Sorry I am a bit late."
"It's ok." Taeyong caressed her sister's head.
Jisung's eyes widened in surprise. "Lee Yoona? Lee Yoona is your sister?"
"Yes. I guess you two know each other", Taeyong said.
Yoona gulped seeing Soojin and Jisung. "Oppa. The match is about to start. Let's go!" Yoona dragged her brother with her in the stadium.
Doyoung said quietly, "Sorry I couldn't come to your wedding. I didn't get a leave from the hospital as I recently joined it. But I guess you two are happy." He patted Jisung's shoulder and ruffled Soojin's hair. "I'll get going then. See you soon."
"Bye!!!", they said in unison.
After Doyoung left, Jisung asked, "How is it possible that Yoona is Taeyong's sister?"
"I know right. They are just so different."
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Fifteen minutes were left before the match would start. The stadium was full. Some were going out to buy snacks.
"Chenle kept bragging for five days that they won the first match on Monday and was able to go to the final match because it was on his birthday", Ningning said.
"It's ok Ning. He's still a kid", Jimin said.
"Did you guys bring the banners?", Aeri asked.
All answered yes. Then Minjeong said, "Look at my banner! I made it myself." The banner said 'I LOVE YOU JAEMIN!!! FIGHTING!!!'
"Wahhhh! Indeed a true girlfriend", Soojin said.
"Hina is the cheerleader right?", Jimin asked.
"Yeah! Herin too", Koeun answered.
At that time Jisung came and handed Soojin a box of chicken drumsticks.
"You bought drumsticks for me?", Soojin asked in surprise.
"Yeah. You will become hungry sitting here for so long."
"Thank you", she said with a smile.
"Where are ours?", Ningning asked.
"Go buy it yourself", he replied which made the Chinese pouty.
Minjeong gasped and said, "Jisung, did Jaemin and I raise you like this?"
"Go buy drumsticks for us too."
The boy exasperatedly sighed and got up to buy more boxes of drumsticks.
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The match was about to start. The players entered the stadium. At first it was Jugyeong University players, the side of Jugyeong University students and supporters screamed and clapped their hands. Then came Neo Seoul University players. The other side of the stadium started shouting their favourite players' names.
The girls of the other university were also fascinated by the handsome looks of the eleven boys.
Few minutes later, finally the soccer match started.
The game had been going on for one hour thirty minutes now. The current score was 2-2. Everyone was patiently waiting for who will win.
Sungchan had the ball and was going towards the opponent's goal post. But suddenly the captain of Jugyeong University team came infront of him and tried to take away the ball. Sungchan tried his best to prevent him but suddenly he tripped and fell down badly. The audience gasped. The match was paused and he was taken to the resting room.
"What will happen now?", Ningning asked being tensed.
"They have a substitute. Don't worry", Koeun said.
"Sungchan is the ace of the team", Aeri said.
"Don't worry. Others also play well", Soojin assured.
"Guys. There is a problem", Minjeong said which adverted everyone's attention to her.
"What happened?", Jisung asked.
"Jaemin just called me. He said the substitute is absent today."
"WHAT?!", Jisung exclaimed.
"He didn't come only."
"Oh shit! What will we do now?", Aeri asked.
"Why didn't he come?", Ningning asked.
"I don't know."
"Does that mean we will not win today?", Koeun asked.
"No. Ofcourse we will win", Soojin blurted.
"How? How can we find a good player so quickly?", Jimin asked.
Soojin stood up and grabbed Jisung's hand. "Come with me." She dragged him with her.
"Where are you taking me?", Jisung asked.
Soojin turned around and let go of his hand. "Jisung, you have to play."
Jisung couldn't process what she said properly. "What?"
"You have to play soccer today."
"Have you gone crazy?"
"No. I know you can do it."
"Soojin. Listen I quit soccer years ago. I don't play it anymore."
"You are lying."
"What do you mean?"
"I know you practise soccer every early morning."
"What are you talking about?"
"I saw you.... with my own eyes. Jisung you are the only one who can save today's match."
"I can't play Soojin. One time in middle school, I played soccer in a competition. Then Dad found out and scolded me. He even grounded me. I couldn't go out for a month."
"But now you are an adult."
"But if Dad finds out then-"
"I'll talk with him. I know he is very strict. But playing soccer for this time will not harm anyone."
"But I still eat his food. He gives me the money to survive. Because of him, I'm still alive. I don't want to disobey him. No. I can't play. I'm sorry."
Soojin held Jisung's hand. "Please Jisung. For your friends, for this university. Think about."
He kept quiet.
"For me." They looked into each other's eyes.
Jisung gulped and looked away. "I..."
"Oh no. Now what?", Lucas said messing his hair.
"Why is that substitute not picking up his phone?", Mark said being frustrated.
"What will we do now?", Yangyang asked.
"I'm sorry. It's my fault guys", Sungchan said.
"No Sungchan it's not your fault. You sprained your ankle. This kind of small accident can happen", Jeno said.
"The ambulance is coming", Xiaojun said.
"I think that captain did that intentionally", Chenle said crossing his arms.
"Yeah. He did. He intentionally put his foot on my way.", Sungchan said.
"Then did their team do something to our substitute?", Hendery asked with wide eyes.
Renjun shrugged. "Anything is possible."
"But now who will play instead of Sungchan? If we don't have sufficient members, we can't continue the match", Haechan said.
"I will play."
The boys turned around and saw an unexpected person.
Soojin came back and sat on her seat.
"Where were you? And where is Jisung?", Ningning asked.
"You will see", Soojin said with a smile.
"Look the match is starting again", Jimin said.
The players came out but this time Neo Seoul University team had an unexpected player. Everyone's eyes widened.
"Is what I'm seeing real?", Minjeong asked.
Jimin pinched her arm and Minjeong squealed and said, "It's real."
Then one half of the stadium started chanting, "PARK JISUNG!!! PARK JISUNG!!! PARK JISUNG!!!" The audience started to clap and cheer.
"J-Jisung?", Minjeong stuttered.
All of their jaws dropped and the only one who was smiling was Soojin.
"Soojin, did you tell him to play?", Aeri asked.
"Who else?"
The referee blew the whistle and the game resumed. Lucas had the ball. He was running towards the goal post. Suddenly he was surrounded by the opponents. He quickly passed it to Haechan. The boy was running preventing any obstacle but then someone blocked his way. Suddenly he heard a scream. "HAECHAN HERE!!!" He saw it was none other than their maknae, Jisung. He passed the ball to Jisung. He was on his way to the goal post. The captain of Jugyeong University team came right infront of him and was trying to take the ball away from him.
"Never seen you before. I guess you are a newbie", the older boy said with a chuckle.
"Then let me show what this newbie can do", Jisung said and smirked.
The nineteen years old boy didn't waste his time and swiftly kicked the ball and ran with it in a blink of an eye. He was very close to the goal post and then he kicked the ball hard and it smoothly went into the goal post as the goal keeper missed it. Jugyeong University's score was 2 and Neo Seoul University's score was 3.
A part of the audience screamed, "OH NO!!!" and another part "GOAL!!!" The Neo Seoul University team's supporters stood up cheering and clapping and shouting, "HURRAY!!!!!"
Can't believe Marry Me has 20K+ reads. I never imagined to achieve this so soon. Thank you<3
Thank you~
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