My heart beats boom boom boom~
19th November, 2021.
Soojin and Jisung came and sat at their table in the lunch room.
"How's practice going on?", Minjeong asked, holding her boyfriend's hand.
"Good but it's a little tiring", Jaemin answered with his famous smile.
"Don't pressure yourself too much. I know our university will win like every year."
"I heard Jugyeong University players are working very hard", Aeri said.
"How did you know?", Mark asked.
"Shotaro told that his cousin studies there. From him only, Taro got to know."
"Ooh. It's ok. Not like we are weak. I know we can defeat them", Jeno said.
"Ofcourse we all know you can", Jimin said.
"Our university has won for 10 years consecutively. And this year also it will happen", Chenle said.
"This soccer competition is very important for our university and us. Let's work", Haechan said.
"Practice is after uni right?", Ningning asked.
"Yeah", Mark said.
"We will come to see you guys", Soojin said.
"Really?, Renjun asked, obviously smiling.
"Hmm. We six will come."
"Six?", Jeno asked.
"Yeah Jisung will come too. Right Jisung?"
"Huh?" He looked at everyone's face and then nodded. "Yeah...... Excuse me." He suddenly got up and left the cafeteria leaving everyone in confusion.
"What's wrong with him?", Minjeong asked.
"I think he's upset", Jaemin said.
"We all know Jisung loves soccer so much but poor boy can't even play it", Renjun said.
"It's all because of me." Soojin's head was down.
Aeri put her hand on her shoulder. "Soojin it's not your fault."
"No because of me, his leg was broken. Then his Dad didn't let him play soccer anymore."
"But you two were kids. It was an accident", Jeno said.
"But if it didn't happen, maybe he was playing soccer right now."
"But Soojin-"
The girl cut Renjun's words off. "This is the reason why he hates me." She also stood up and left the cafeteria, running.
"Soojin!!!", Ningning shouted but the girl didn't stop.
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The five girls were now at the football stadium, taking their seats.
"Where are the boys?", Minjeong asked.
"They are probably changing clothes", Jimin said.
The weather was pretty cold. They were not the only ones in the stadium but there were many girls waiting for the players, wanting to watch them play in their soccer uniforms.
Soojin felt a presence beside her. She looked around only to see the boy, she didn't expect to see.
"You came?"
"Ofcourse I should come. My friends will be practising", Jisung said, looking infront of him. She smiled and looked infront too.
There came the boys wearing jerseys, shorts, stockings and shoes, ready to play. And ofcourse the fangirls were going crazy because of the hot boys.
"LUCASSSS!!!!", a girl screamed.
"JAEMINNNN!!!", another shouted.
Minjeong glared at that girl. "How dare she screamed my boyfriend's name?" Then she stood up and shouted, "JAEMINNNN I LOVE YOU!!!!"
Jaemin ofcourse heard it and looked at his girlfriend's direction lovingly. He screamed, "I LOVE YOU TOO!!!" Then he gave her a flying kiss.
Minjeong laughed and looked at that fangirl. They held eye contact before Minjeong smirked and looked infront.
"Wahhh!!! Minnie!!!" Jimin, Aeri and Ningning clapped her hands. Soojin just sat there letting out a small laugh.
Then she met with his eyes. She waved at him and he did the same. Jisung saw that it was Renjun. He was smiling. Then he looked at Soojin, she was smiling too. Jisung rolled his eyes and looked away.
21st November, 2021
5:00 a.m.
Soojin woke up as she needed to use the bathroom immediately. She opened the door of her bedroom and came out yawning. It was dark. The girl saw a silhouette of a figure going downstairs. Being scared, she grabbed a vase from the nearby table and slowly came downstairs. She heard a clicking of the door lock. Soojin hid behind a wall and saw a person going out through the back door of the house. After the person was out, she slowly went and opened the door a little bit. She realized that she was scared for nothing. It was Jisung. He was practising soccer in the backyard.
Soojin sighed in relief and closed the door. "But why is he still practising soccer?"
"Good morning, Jisung!", Soojin greeted.
Jisung came downstairs and sat on the sofa. "Morning good!"
"Why did you wake up so late? It's half past 11.", She asked while pouring the milk in the glass.
"Now I can't even wake up late?"
"No your mom once said that you are an early sleeper. So you should wake up early. But you never did. "
"Now I sleep late. Any problem?"
"No." Soojin opened the fridge and was searching for her favourite food. She furrowed her eyebrows when she couldn't find it. The girl slammed the fridge door close and looked at the boy with crossed arms. "Jisung, where are my oreos?"
"How will I know?", He asked while changing the T.V. channels.
"What do you mean? You ate it right?" She stood infront of the male.
He looked up. "Why would I?"
Soojin went to pedal dustbin and opened it. Then she glared at him and pointed at the bin. "Then why is the packet here?"
"I don't know."
She went infront of him. "Jisung!!! That was the last packet!!! You ate it, didn't you? C'mon admit it!"
He sighed and said, "Yes I did. I was hungry."
"You-" Soojin took a cushion and started to hit him. "How dare you!"
"I'm sorry!" But Soojin kept hitting him when Jisung stood up and snatched the cushion out of her hands. "Now it's your turn."
"Jisung don't- AHHHHHHH!!!!" She started to run around the sofa.
When she went to the corner of the room, she was trapped by the boy. "Now where will you go?", Jisung asked.
Jisung raised the cushion to hit her when she put her hands infront of her to protect herself, eyes closed. He stopped when he saw that she was scared. It was as if something was stopping him from hitting her. Being frustrated, he threw the cushion on the floor with a groan and went to upstairs.
Soojin opened her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows. "What's wrong with him?"
5:30 p.m.
Jisung came downstairs and saw Soojin in the kitchen. "What are you doing?"
"Making cake", she said as she took out the eggs from the fridge.
"Cake???" Jisung's eyes lit up with happiness.
"Yes but not for you."
"What? How can you do that with me?," he whined.
"The way you ate my oreos."
He sighed and said, "It was just oreo."
"Yeah it's just a cake. Nothing will happen if you don't eat."
"Soojin please~"
"First take out the flour."
"Why would I?"
"Ok if you don't want to eat the cake-"
"Tell me where is it."
"It's up there. That cabinet." She pointed at it.
Jisung opened the cabinet and took out the big container. But the container slipped out of his hand and so the flour fell all over his body. He started to cough. Soojin turned around and saw Jisung who basically looked like a white ghost. She couldn't control herself and so she bursted into laughter.
"Oh my God! Let me take a photo." She picked up her phone and began taking his pictures.
"Kim Soojin!!! It's all because of you. Wait!" Jisung started walking closer to her.
"No Jisung. You can't do this."
"Yes I can."
Soojin turned around back facing him. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
Jisung hugged her tight and shook his head so that the she would also have flour on her body. "Now it's equal." Then he started laughing.
Soojin looked over her shoulder and saw Jisung's chin rested there. His arms around her body. Her heart started beating fast, too fast. She never realized how beautiful his laugh was, how much she liked to spend time with him, how fast her heart would beat when he would be around her. His touch melted her. She never thought that through those little fights, he would become so close to her.
He leaned away and dusted his shirt. "Now I have to take a shower again", he whined. "Soojin." She didn't respond, just looking infront. He called her name again and snapped his fingers infront of her eyes.
Soojin flinched and looked at him. "Huh?"
"You should also go and take a shower. Ok?"
"Hmm." She nodded. Then Jisung went upstairs.
At that time, the girl's phone started to ring. She received and said, "Ningning, I think I like him."
I finally finished Penthouse season 1 and started season 2 :)
Thank you~
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