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"mollie?" paige spoke again, sounding confused. mollie's eyes widened as she gulped. "y-yeah WHAT?" the singer quietly shouted as she hopped out of bed and put her sweats on. "you heard me!" paige scolded, sounding as if she was moving around.

"okay meet me at the drug-store down the street in 10" mollie planed. paige and mollie said goodbye as the amato rushed around to make herself look slightly presentable.

mollie quickly scribbled down a note for david and gave him a peck, nothing phasing him being the deep sleeper he is. mollie sped down the road to the close store. the brunette spotted her blonde friend outside the automatic doors and waved.

the photographer looked a mess, knowing this could either go one way or the other. "hey hey it's okay" the shorter or the two claimed as she gave paige a warming hug to try keep her calm.
the two girls entered the store in search of a pregnancy test in the most discreet way possible.

the two girls walked to the restroom situated in the store and paige started to freak out a bit more, mollie placed her tanned arms on her friends and indicted for the girl to take a deep breath and muttered "it will be okay no matter what that thing says"



where are u
i didn't sign up for

missing my morning

i'll explain when
i'm back, i promise
it's nothing to worry
about & you'll get your
cuddles i promise you

are you sure?
have you been

don't be silly i'm
with paige, we're
just at the store

is she okay?
has she been

noo!! we're both fine,
it's not even 7am go
back to sleep!! i love you

okay then
i love you too


mollie placed her phone back into her pocket as she anxiously waited for her best friend to come out of the cubicle. "are you okay?" the girl shouted over to her friend, mollie could basically feel her poor friends anxiety.

a pregnancy in the vlog-squad would be

something the tabloids would love to get in on. alex and paige seem to be settling down together after being together for almost a year, but still only being young it's also a big thing.

paige has a good paying job and alex does too, they live together in a cute little suburban house outside LA and physically speaking could have a baby right now, but is that what they want?

mollie's thoughts were pushed aside when paige burst out of the cubicle and practically threw the test at the counter. she then sat on the sink as she put her head in her hands.

the shorter girl walked towards her fearful friend and engulfed her in a hug. "baby i promise you it's going to be okay! alex will be so understanding and he knows that stuff like this happens" mollie explained

"if there is a little peanut inside there- mollie gently poked her stomach "then i'm sure he'll be so happy and he'll be supportive of any choice you make" the singer comforted

"and if there isn't, then there was no need for me to get up at 6am" mollie joked, earning a soft smile from paige. mollie realised it had been around 3 minutes and handed the blue and white test to her friend.

"you do it please i cant look at it" paige said fearfully, still looking down. "are you sure?" mollie asked, earning a nod from the curly haired girl. mollie flipped the test over as her eyes scanned the test.

6-8 weeks

mollie's eyes widened with excitement as paige looked up at her and mollie sent her a knowing nod. paige snatched the test to see for herself. paige's jaw dropped (literally) as she jumped off the countertop, still staring at the positive test.

"paigey i promise you whatever you decide to do it's entirely up to you, and i'll support you no matter what you chose" mollie said with a sad smile. "i don't know how i'm going to tell alex" the girl worried.

"don't worry too much about it, he'll be fine and he'll support you too. i'm sure he'll be just as shocked as you are but he'll come around and i know he'll be okay and be okay with whatever you decide to do" the new yorker assured.

paige took a few minutes to process the test and then wiped her nerve tears as she placed the test in her purse. she took the singers hands and walked out of the restroom. paige looked down at her apple-watch to see that it was almost 9am.

the two girls grabbed breakfast at a cute little beach cafe and then went their separate ways back to their hotels, knowing they'd see each other tonight at the airport for the long tiring flight home to california.

mollie opened the penthouse door and saw david was lying on his phone, still in bed of course. mollie had gotten david a crispy snack wrap, one of david's favourites from mcdonalds, which la mcdonalds seem to always be out of.

mollie was desperate to tell david paige's news but she knew it wasn't her place, even if david didn't say anything to alex. she usually shared everything with the goofy slovak, as he did with her. but she knew that she had to let paige make her decision and tell alex.

david looked up at his girlfriend and saw she was holding something behind her back with a goofy smile on her face. "what did you get?" david asked with his famous laugh. "you'll have to find out for yourself" mollie responded as she started to run away with the hidden mcdonald's bag.

david quickly got out of bed and ran after his slower girlfriend, obviously letting her win and pretending to be slower for her sake. "mollie!" david lightly shouted as he chased her around the house.

the couple were in stitches with laughter as david finally cornered the amato and she slid down the wall in tears as he just stood laughing at the hysterics of their fun. david leant down to lift the girl up and he took her over his shoulders and carried her back to the bedroom.

the two sat down as mollie revealed the
mcdonald's bag, little things make david the happiest. "you didn't!" david stated as she had a goofy grin on her face indicating she did. david's eyes widened and he lunged at his girlfriend to thank her.

"thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you" he said while kissing her, earning giggles from the girl. "dave it's only a mcdonalds" the girl laughed at her boyfriend being so grateful over fast food.

the two relaxed before leaving the penthouse mid-afternoon to have a final walk around miami before going back to pack later in the evening for their flight home.


heyy!! just under a month now, i'm getting better! just kidding i know it's still annoying waiting over 3 weeks for an update, but i do appreciate you guys being so patient with me. i thank you all, and thank you so much for almost 80k!! that's incredible i love you all and thank you for your support - m xx

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