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DAVID JULIAN DOBRIK woke up with none other than zane hijazi sleeping at the bottom of his shared bed with mollie, things obviously got a bit wilder than expected. david sat up, immediately placing his hand on his banging head, he was hung-over.

this was unusual and un-relatable experience for david, as he usually is the sober one in the group, generally stemming from being the vlogger and being afraid of things getting out of control ( slightly like last night by the looks of the penthouse ) and him doing something stupid.

david shook mollie awake, earning a groggy mumble of 'fuck off' from his agitated girlfriend, she soon realised why he wanted her awake. their friends were scattered across their temporary apartment, shit. david quickly ran across the room to locate some sort of clothing for himself, mollie doing the same, and to answer your question.. no they weren't naked, just not exactly clothed either.

after making themselves decent, the two began to shuffle around the room to wake their friends up, tripping over the mess as they went. "PAIGE, ALEX WAKE THE FUCK UP" mollie lightly shouted as she shook the sleeping couple awake.

paige groaned as she immediately placed her hand on her head, clearly hungover, making mollie laugh as her boyfriend did the same.

"come on you two, i've called an uber to get you to your hotel, don't think you'd like walking in- mollie opened the blinds, the scorching miami sun seeped into the apartment, paige and alex hissing like vampires as they went under the duvet to hide, earning a laugh from mollie.

natalie and todd left next, following up with zane and the rest of the crew, leaving a mess for mollie and david to clean. the two cleaned majority, leaving just a few bits for the maids to clean. the rest of the day was spent lounging, eating, sleeping and making cute couple tiktoks together, a perfect hangover cure.

later in the evening, after the horrid hangover's were cured, david discreetly ordered all of mollie's favourite cuisines and his also, for a chilled night in, the first chilled day with no friends to bother them. mollie was luckily in the shower when the food arrived, david being able to set up a sweet, romantic dinner for the two of them.

mollie walked out of the bathroom in a white towel that made her bronze tan stand out. "baby what's all of this?" the girl asked as she towel dried her hair. david gave her a cheeky smile and threw her some comfy pyjamas, he too wearing comfy attire for the night.

as the dinner went on, david had mainly finished, leaving a few fries on his plate, the candle lit dinner was incredibly special to him. he watched mollie devour her pasta, leaving the sauce around her lips, something a lot of people would think is 'gross' but he thought she was adorable.

mollie noticed david gazing at her from across the table and sent him a wink. the two laughed it off as they both finished their food. david picked mollie up bridal style as he took her to the bedroom to cuddle. "look how bloated i get!" mollie let out angrily as she lifted her shirt up and touching her slightly bloated stomach.

"shut up you're perfect, that's normal!" david scolded her, giving her butterflies. he laid on her warm stomach as mollie tan her fingers through his hair. "oh before i forget!" david let out as he got up quickly and ran to his jacket pocket. he lifted a medium sized box out of the pocket and ran back to the warm bed.

he laid back on her stomach as he gave the girl the box to open. mollie's eyes glistened in the moonlight as she lifted the necklace up and admired it. "david! stop spoiling me!" she jokingly shouted as she kissed the slovak's head.

"look inside the stone thing" a confused sounding david instructed. listening to his words she put the necklace up to her eye and looked inside the little hole. the necklace was engraved with "i love you" in many different languages, mollie only understanding english italian and french but she still adored it.

"david this is so special" she let out. he smiled like a little kid up at her, glad to know she liked the gift. "i'm sorry we have to go home tomorrow, i wish we could stay" david apologised, feeling bad about having to go home to work. "david! you've spoilt me so much this trip has been amazing beb" the new yorker replied, earning a sympathetic smile. he still felt bad.

"david julian dobrik" mollie amato shouted, david wincing at his middle name, which he despised. "these 3 days have been amazing and just what we all needed, especially you! so stop feeling bad! i've had the best time with you and i always have the best time with you no matter if we're in a mcdonald's car park at 3am or in bed at home or in fucking bora bora! i love you and this trip has been the best gift ever!" mollie screamed happily at her sad boyfriend, but she seemed to believe her.

"can you put it on for me?" mollie spoke as she got up so she could wear her new gift. david smiled and got up quickly as he tried to open the little necklace to place around her neck. "how the fuck do you girls be fucking girls" david spat annoyedly as he tried to open the necklace. mollie laughed at his remarks, turning round and opening the necklace for him.

david eventually managed to put the necklace around her neck, placing a kiss on her neck as they laid back down. david falling asleep in mollie's embrace. david let out little soft snores every once in a while, mollie recording the sleeping man, finding it adorable.

mollie eventually fell asleep admiring her perfect boyfriend, finally happy in a relationship. something she thought she'd never ever have, david treated her like a queen and she adored him and would do anything for him. she was finally not in a one-sided relationship, a love and trust built relationship. they were only so little along the course of their relationship and it was already going so well.

mollie shot up quickly as she felt her phone ring and vibrate loudly, david still very deep asleep. "paige?" mollie answered as she checked the time. 5:43am. "mollie" paige responded after a few seconds.

"i think i'm pregnant."


guys i'm so sorry it's been another month!!! ugh you all must hate me): the UK is in another lock-down (covid) and its so shitty); it makes my motivation for anything to go so shit and i hate it!!! i have all the time to write but i just can't bring myself to do it. but i will finish this book!!! i love you all and thank you for your support

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