MOLLIE AMATO'S growing crush on the slovak youtuber that she called her best friend was becoming hard to handle. every little thing she did she was very wary of, the way she ate, the things she wore, the way she styled her hair and the way she did her makeup. it all mattered so much more now. she wanted to impress, although she knew he probably wouldn't even notice her efforts.
the youtuber himself had slowly became aware of his apparent feelings for the singer. everyone around the two was aware of their love for each other. however it took ages for the two that actually needed to know, they couldn't process or acknowledge it for a long, long time.
carly and erin were filming another one of their starbucks drink videos and david and mollie were tagging along. erin started filming and did all the usual introduction greetings and the video explanation with carly.
"carly guess what!" erin said suddenly. carly gasped. "what?". "dogs are allowed at my wedding venue and we already know like three people bringing them" erin said excitedly. david and mollie laughed at erin's excitement. "i'll get a dog for your wedding" carly joked.
"is sad bobbie coming?" david asked, referring to joe and annelise's little dog which they named sad bobbie. he always looked as if he had just experienced someone murdering his whole doggie family. he looked THAT sad.
"he can come, if he wants." erin replied. "not joe, just his dog" david let out, earning a giggle from the three girls. "no, joe's on the list. he made the cut" erin chuckled. "okay, so like we said we're ordering a bunch of the summer drinks at starbucks and some of the food." carly commented, erin agreeing. "and by food we mean like, what is it cake pops?" carly asked, erin conforming her statement.
"ohhh dave they have a 'crispy' grilled cheese! you might like that" mollie said, pointing to the starbucks menu board. carly and erin adored how she was like a girlfriend and mom at the same time. "what is it?" the slovak asked. "crispy grilled cheese" carly and erin replied. david's eyebrows furrowed. "aren't all grilled cheese's crispy?" he confusedly asked the older girls, earning fits of laughter from the three.
the four continued to make jokes about the grilled cheese before david spotted a drink. "oh! look at this strawberry açai? is it açai?" david spoke, while trying to pronounce açai properly. "açai!" carly and erin corrected. "i want the açai strawberry refresher" david told the iconic pair.
mollie passed david erin's phone, telling him to order the food and drink items written on the list. "hi, can i do all these in talls?" david asked the starbucks employee. david then went on and read everything off of the rather long list, with a tiny bit of struggle but he got there eventually. natalie or taylor normally goes out and gets food for him.
"should we go to mcdonalds?" david asked, keeping his eyes on the road. erin sighed. "david no, your mom's making goulash!" mollie replied slightly harshly. mollie had to remind the slovak that his parents were making the four goulash for their dinner that night.
when they got their drinks, david being a diva had to drink from the straw first, considering he had some
issue with sharing drinks with his friends. weirdly, carly and erin noticed how he would share with mollie and not anyone else. so them being the leaders of the 'mavid' ship, they texted the groupchat.
yeah don't ever say
that again
okay, so you know davids weird
thing with sharing drinks with others??
ofc i do, i'm just assistant.
to others that would be
the most insignificant thing
ahhh cute he's in love
well wbk about mollie being
in love w him since she's said it
little cubsssss
i swear to god it's literally fucking may now.
only corinna and i are in the bet!!!
but before this convo ends,
prepare to lose, old man.
watch your mouth. REMEMBER WHEN WHO
DAVID DOBRIK dropped carly, erin and mollie back at his home as he had to go and shoot a video for buzzfeed. carly and erin went to go and film one of their 'vlogsquad gossip' videos with natalie. mollie asked kristina if she needed help with the goulash.
"hey, mrs dobrik? do you need help making the goulash?" the singer asked politely. the woman kindly smiled and accepted her offer, thanking her in the process. mollie and kristina got on very well, they texted frequently. weather they spoke about david or a slovak dish that kristina would recommend to the new yorker, the two had such a special mother-daughter bond.
"you really need to come out here more often, i miss you guys so much when you leave!" mollie commented as she began washing the carrots. "i know, i miss you and david a lot. it's mainly just when the kids have school it's harder to travel, you know?" mrs dobrik explained.
the two continued to talk about many things, new music, david and a lot more. "i see the way you look at each other, don't tell him i said this but i know love when i see it. david loves you." kristina said, eyes not leaving the pot of goulash. mollie chocked on air, as soon as she heard david's mother say that her heart dropped. is she just saying that? or is she lying? she wouldn't lie to her?
"what? no!! me and dave are only friends!" mollie slightly shouted, very evidently panicking. the older woman smirked. "hmm, if so then why are you reacting this way?" mrs dobrik laughed, earning an awkward laugh from mollie. "i know he loved liza, he liked her a lot but i've never seen my son look at someone the way he looks at you. i know how it works, i was like you both once. afraid of love. you're both terrified to possibly ruin your great friendship, to lose each other" the slovak woman explained without hesitation.
mollie's eyes were brimming with tears at this point. she'd never felt so at home and comfortable with someone's family, david's family treated her as if she was a part of it, she knows she is definitely considered a family member. "i-i really am terrified of facing my feelings. i care about david so much that sometimes i get scared of how much i care, you know? however i do know that david could never return the sort of feelings i have for him.. i'm pretty sure he has his eyes on one of his model friends" mollie let out, many tears falling down her face.
"hey, hey, hey, hey, don't cry. i know it's a sensitive topic for the both of you. you're both so young but trust me, i know david more than anyone and i've never seen him like this. he normally has the most s-sociopathic t-tendencies?" the woman explained, she wasn't the best at english but mollie knew exactly what she meant.
"but when he's around you it's a different a-story. palo and i noticed it before we even met you. actually i think even ester, sara and toby even noticed. the way he speaks about you to everyone is adorable. when you two had your fight, if that was anyone else he wouldn't- excuse my language! give a shit!" kristina laughed, comforting the emotional girl. "thank you, you're honestly my second mother". more of her only mother, considering mollie and her mother hadn't spoken since mollie moved out here.
"hey guys!" david shouted as he walked through the large glass door. his siblings greeted him from the living room. spotting his mother and mollie hugging the kitchen, his eyebrows furrowed. when mollie turned round he was her tear-stained cheeks and his stomach dropped. "hey, hey! what's wrong?" the slovak boy comforted, panicking. he hated seeing her upset.
"i'm fine silly, just got emotional" mollie said, sniffling and walking off as sara and ester had asked her to do makeup and tiktoks with them. david walked towards his mother, asking what had happened. she just brushed it off, continuing to make the food. palo dobrik joined her in the kitchen. tapping his wife's shoulder, he pointed to his son, who was gazing at the amato girl who was dancing with ester and sara. "she's definitely the one" palo spoke, resting his arm on kristina's shoulder.
kristina smiled, knowing her son had definitely found the one. the love of his life. and her name was mollie amato.
hello((: i'm back!!! sorry for the long wait
between chapters.. i couldn't find motivation to write ahah!! but yes i'm back and it won't be almost a week between chapters this time round!! how are you all!? we're almost at 10k reads which is CRAZY. like what??? i'm trying to improve my writing and make it the best it can be. so any tips and tricks you guys have, please comment!!! anyway luvs, hope you enjoyed and thank you SO SO much for the love and for reading!! also i have a new imagines book which will be slow updates until i finish this book!!!love you alll<3
votes and comments are very appreciated <3
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