𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"You got any plans for the day?" Angel suddenly asked Zulu while the two conversed over the phone.

"You know my day only consist of working, then kicking it with these knuckle heads around here. What you trying to get into today?"

"There's a party I'm going to with a couple of friends tonight, and I know you wouldn't wanna miss it." She chuckled, knowing how much of a party animal he could be. It's something the two had in common.

Angel never missed a party, and this would be the first time she would be meeting up with Skai since the last day at camp. This outing was well needed, and as she always say, anything to get away from home. She could stroll back in here at three in the morning and it's not like anyone would care, that was one of the perks to her. She could literally do whatever she wanted, free to come and go.

From others that would seem very wrong, because it's as if she didn't have any sense of guidance, but she didn't care.

"I'm there, but who party is it? Did your lil boyfriend invite you or whatever?" She heard him snickering on his end.

"Boyfriend? You know I don't have a damn boyfriend."

"Well who was that dude that mysteriously strolled up on us that day? Looking like blacula ready to feast on his next victims, just a porch full of dark meat." He joked and Angel couldn't help but to cackle at his bizarre words.

"Really? His name is Dominique and I actually met him over the summer at camp. He's a nice guy and we're just friends."

"Camp? That's where you been all summer? At a camp?" He asked and Angel paused as he continued to question her "You were one of the counselors or something?"

Angel refused to go into detail about what kind of camp she attended, it was already bad that she slipped up and revealed just where she was. She didn't wanna lie to him either and pretend she was away being some goody two shoe counselor, trying to help other folks out. The less he knows, the better. Otherwise she would have to uncover the truth and tell him about her minor addiction, which she was keeping a secret till this day. At least from him. It may seem odd that she was trying her hardest to keep it hidden when Zulu wasn't the judgemental type at all.

She just didn't want him to look at her different.

"Don't even worry about that, are you coming or not?" She quickly asked.

"Hell yeah, it's been a while since I hit up a good party."

"Good, then we can use your car." She suggested, more so telling him that was the plan all along.

"....Ain't this a bitch."

"Byeee." Angel sung into the phone before pulling it away and placing it back on the hook.

She would've called Dominique next to invite him, but she didn't need his aunt answering the phone again while she tries to invite him out for a reckless party. Then she would look like the bad influence and enabler that Rita already sees her as. Besides, the past two times she called, she was told Dominique was busy or already out somewhere with his crew. Yes, Kendra included. Angel thought, nine times out of ten he already had plans with the girl today, and didn't think it would be a big deal to miss one little party with her.

They could see each other another day, whenever he was free.

Hearing noise from outside, she sighed and stood from the couch, squinting out the window to see unwanted company coming over with her mother. Not only was it her big brother Micah, but her other two sisters, Larissa and Jeanie. Rolling her eyes, she didn't hesitate to disappear up the stairs and away from the living room, trying to avoid the fake smiles and greetings.

She was in a good mood at the moment, and she didn't need any of her weird family members ruining her day already.

While Angel was now preparing for an outing tonight, Dominique was at home looking through jobs with his aunt. Mowing lawns wasn't cutting it for him, and though it was simple and easy, that was nothing but chump change. It was time for him to get back on his feet a little bit and go out for a real job. He didn't even care if it was something he didn't like, all that mattered was him bringing in some kind of money. He got tired of asking to borrow from his aunt majority of the time, knowing he didn't have a way to pay her back.

She was more excited than him while looking through the papers, because now he would have something to keep him busy.

"What about this? Can you see yourself being a truck driver for a little while? You can make some good money doing that." She suggested.

"Wouldn't I need some type of special license for that?"

She chuckled at the way her worded it "Yes, a CDL but that won't take years to get, just a month or two. Just pay the fee and take the class and past the test."

"Two months? Taking a class for two months and having to past some test?" He sighed and threw his head back "I don't know."

There he goes not wanting to give something a chance.

"Dominique, certain jobs have certain requirements. I really think you could do this, I'm sure it's not that difficult."

"Truck drivers are rarely home though, and would you really trust me out there on the road all alone. Those long tiresome nights and dark roads, trying to maneuver with a big ass truck."

Rita only continued to flip through the pages "Well what do you suggest? What's a 9 to 5 you think you can handle since this seems so bad."

"I never said it seemed so bad, I just don't think it's something that I would be so confident with doing. Maybe flipping burgers would be a easier start." He shrugged with a childish grin, knowing damn well that's not something he or his aunt could see his twenty one year old ass doing.

"Well fine, I'll let you look for something then. Hopefully Burger King is hiring and you'll make employee of the month." She joked and placed the newspapers in his lap, tapping them before standing up.

"Hopefully they are, them customers would love the burgers I make. Putting smiley faces on them with ketchup and mustard too." He exaggerated as if he was the greatest cook in the world. He couldn't cook to save his life no matter how many times his aunt tried to teach him.

The house phone started to ring and Dominique tossed the newspapers to the side, leaning over to grab it off the hook. Kicking his feet onto the table like he was king tut, he pressed answer.


"Yo, Dominique!" He heard and knew off bat that it was Chauncey on the other end.

"Chauncey? What's good with you bro?"

"Shit, just rolled outta bed not too long ago, was trying to see what I was gone get my black ass into today."

"Well you talking to the wrong person, I ain't even got no plans today. You the first person that even called me talking about getting out." He told him and scratched his head, wondering what everyone else was doing at 12 this noon. Around this time at least one person would've had him on the phone, talking him into going out and doing everything under the sun. That haven't happened yet, and he was so sure today might be the day he'll just be a homebody.

"What you doing right now?" Chauncey questioned him.

"Looking through the newspapers for a job. Cutting grass just ain't doing it for me."

His friend snickered "Well what's gone do it for you? Making $13 at Mickey D's?"

"You sounding real high and mighty right now, what the fuck you doing to make some money?"

"I'm working at a car wash right now thanks to my cousin hooking me up. It's just temporary though, until I find something more serious." He told him but Dominique knew he wouldn't have to rush to find anything serious, not when his parents still didn't mind giving him money just because. Hopefully he was doing a little better and not blowing it on his favorite drug.

"Aight then, that makes two of us just trying to do something for the moment."

"Exactly, but look I did hear something about a party going on tonight, if you trying to get out the house?"

"Who told you something about a party?"

"Hakim. Apparently Skai told him and of course she'll be rolling through with Angel." He told him and smirked as if Dominique could see him "I know you gone be coming through tonight to see her ass!"

Dominique chuckled and nodded his head "I'm surprised she wasn't the one to call and tell me about this lil party happening."

"Maybe she was gonna call a little later." Chauncey assumed "I know her and Skai need to sit they asses down somewhere though, like they ain't just attend a party last week. What the hell they got going on? They party promoters on the side or what?"

Dominique snickered into the phone "Shit, probably." He shook his head.

"So, what's it's gone be?"

"A party do sound fun tonight, but I ain't got no way to get there." Dominique said in a bummed out tone, not wanting to take the train or a bus to a different neighborhood. Unless he asks to borrow his aunt car which he rarely does, because she'd be worried about him driving around doing gods know what in her vehicle.

"Don't trip, I'll come by to get you. Just make sure you come out with some gas money at least, help a nigga out." Chauncey assured him.

"Cool, I can do that." Dominique told him before the two ended the call. He rubbed his hands together with a smirk, as if he was about to cause trouble tonight but really he just couldn't wait to drink and have fun.

His aunt Rita reappeared in the living room and seen his feet on the coffee table, which he quickly removed before she could say anything. Noticing the grin on his face, she didn't hesitate to ask "Who was that? One of the three stooges?" She was referring to either Nick, Isaac, or Kendra.

He chuckled and shook his head "Nah that was my boy Chauncey from camp. We just made plans tonight."

"Plans to do what?" She gave him a knowingly glare.

Dominique snickered "A party of course, just for a little while."

She placed her hands on her hips and shook her head "Is partying the only thing y'all enjoy in life? Every other day you talking about going out to a party or some other nonsense. Go to an aquarium or a nice park for god sake."

He tried hard not to laugh at her random outburst and annoyance of him partying every other week "Auntie I'm twenty one, not ten years old." He joked with her and she only waved him off.

"Whatever. i'm surprised it wasn't that Kendra calling here to take you out somewhere. Or that girl from camp."

"Her name is Angel." He reminded her for what felt like the millionth time.

"Angel? When's the last time you two actually talked? It seems she calls at least once a week but you're never here!" She blurted out, getting at how he was always out with those troubled friends of his.

He chuckled "We talk here and there..." He trailed off since it seemed to have been a while since the two actually shared a phone conversation "We try to see each other as much as we can, but it's been at least two weeks since we actually met up." He said a bit lowly, since it felt like the two were slowly drifting apart though they were suppose to be friends.

Rita stared at his blank but bothered expression before suddenly asking "What seems to be going on here? With you and these two girls?"

Dominique furrowed his brows "What you talking about?" He asked.

"You're out every other day with Kendra, spending a lot of time together. Yet you clearly like this Angel girl too and was once head over hills for her, probably still are..." She told him and paused for a second "You're not being some two timer are you?"

"A two timer?" Dominique was dumbfounded by her sudden assumption and couldn't help but to snicker "That's not what's going on here, I promise you."

"So tell me what's going on?" She sat down and crossed her legs, becoming a little too invested in his love life out of the blue.

"Me and Kendra are not romantically involved, at all. We haven't been for years now and I like it better that way. I grew out of my lil infatuation with her and decided to just remain her friend. Literally that's all I am, a friend." He said, wanting to make things crystal clear for his aunt "We're close but that doesn't mean something romantic is going on."

"What about Angel?"

Dominique sighed and licked his lips "Angel is a different story. I actually feel something deeper for her, and I know them feelings snuck up on me kind of fast but it is what it is. We was drawn to each other instantly, that connection is different and I ain't never felt it with anybody else. Not even Kendra and we had a lot of things in common too. I can't put my finger on it but I jut feel more at peace when I'm with Angel. Even though she troubled just like me, her head is on straight. She just has this natural calmness to her and I love that about her. I love her." He finished, shocking his aunt.

Her eyes grew a bit wide "You hardly know the girl, and you love her?" She asked, more than stunned since they didn't even know each other for at least four months.

"Yeah, I love her." He didn't hesitate to repeat it, proclaiming his love for the girl. After a few seconds of silence, he finally stood from the couch with a sigh "I gotta go get ready for this party though."

He had more than enough time until this party started, but he rather remove himself from the living area instead of staying and having his aunt look at him like what he was saying was a bit much. It was the truth though, and he wondered why his aunt had such a problem with his feelings towards Angel. It wasn't only because of how fast things seemed to be moving between the two, but also because of the type of girl Angel was. An addict. Just like him.

Rita wasn't going to say it out loud again, but she wished Dominique had this kind of love for a woman who was going down the right path at least. Was that such a bad thing? She felt that would be a better match and could help Dominique really get his life together, aside from going to therapy. He needed a woman who loved herself, so she could also love him the right way. Not someone who was just as empty as him. Now Rita doesn't know Angel from a can of paint, but the fact that Dominique and her met at a camp for addicts, still doesn't sit well with her.

The two of them dealing with their own issues and still trying to be together during this time of their life, is a recipe for disaster. The two being in a romantic relationship wasn't going to help at all, and would possibly drive each other over the edge. For Dominique to claim that they were just friends now and waiting till they worked on themselves, he sure seemed ready to jump head first into a relationship with the young woman.

Rita wasn't on the same page when it comes to all of that, but she couldn't and didn't wanna tell Dominique who to become involved with. Just let the two of them give it a try and see how things play out.

It was going on nine o'clock at night, and Angel finally stepped out of her room after getting herself together for the shindig. She was in such a good mood tonight, being that she was going out with a couple of friends and out of this house. She rocked a cute hot pink mini dress, that was laced up the sides and revealing her smooth skin, along with silver heels. It took her a while to flat iron her hair and get it to be bone straight, but it was a success as it just flowed whenever she walked.

As she walked towards the stairs, she could hear her loud and obnoxious siblings laughing and conversing with their mother about nothing she seemed to care about. Rolling her eyes before she could even get down the stairs in the same space as them, she grabbed the wooden rail as her heels clacked against the floor. Now that she entered the living room, she could feel all eyes on her as the energy shifted a little. She didn't even bother looking their way, as she headed straight towards the door, knowing that Zulu was out in the car waiting.

"You look pretty, auntie Angel." Her niece complimented as she strutted past everyone.

"Thank you." She cooed with a toothless smile.

"Where are you going this late?" She heard her mother ask, which was way out of the ordinary.

"Out." Angel simply mumbled since she never seemed to give a damn before tonight.

"Well we need to talk to you, it's important. This could've happened earlier if you ever came down to speak." Her older sister, Larissa suddenly said.

"Well it's gonna have to wait another day, I'm leaving." She stated before reaching for the door, you could just hear the slight attitude in her voice.

"Mama you need to gone up stairs and check to see if she haven't stolen anything from you, again." Larissa spoke aloud, and Angel knew what she was trying to do. She was suddenly trying to get under her skin for whatever reason.

"So that's what this is about? Y'all trying to give me the third degree about stealing some money?"

"Yes, that's what we're doing! How far gone in the head are you to steal money from your own mother, Angel? You don't know what she needed that for! It could've been going towards a bill or for groceries to keep food on the table for your thieving ass. Did you even think about that? No, the only thing you think about is when and how your gonna get your next dose of ecstasy, even if it means snatching money out someone else's pockets." She called her out, seeming a little more bothered about this than the person who she stole it from.

"First of all, if your mother cared that much about her fifty dollars being stolen, she would've said something already instead of letting me slide. Second of all, ain't no food being kept on the table for Angel because I don't remember the last time I had a nice cooked meal since I've been back. I literally had to fend for myself and that fifty dollars came in handy."

"Your about to be twenty, so get used to fending for yourself sweetie because we all had to do it. Unlike you we didn't have to go snooping through mama's drawers for money, and we damn sure wasn't spending it on drugs." Larissa crossed her arms, not letting up on Angel at all.

"She said she took it for food, hopefully that was it." Her big sister Jeanie finally chimed in, but sat on the couch very calmly for the most part. Angel was surprised she wasn't going off just like their sister, but Jeanie actually calmed down over the years. Still, Angel also saw her as a ain't shit person too. She too had her days of down talking the baby of the family.

"You really believe her?" Their big brother Micah added his two cents with a chuckle, shaking his head like he couldn't be fooled.

Angel rolled her eyes "This conversation is already old, just like me stealing the money. It happened already! So y'all can sit here and whine about it because I don't give a damn anymore."

"Watch your mouth, you won't be cussing at anybody in my house especially when I'm sitting here. Don't be disrespecting me little girl. I've been letting you get away with too much." Her mother told her.

"Nah mama, don't call her a little girl because she's not. She may act like one but this is a grown woman who clearly needs some sense talked into her. She's been acting out for some time now and need someone to set her straight, tell her about herself-"

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