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π•–π•‘π•šπ•€π• π••π•–: 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣

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Brynne was in a room with a Shadowhunter that had slaughtered a few warlocks before reaching Brynne. Brynne had also killed many Shadowhunters that were causing warlocks harm, while she preferred not to kill, they were the first to spill blood.

"Interesting choice in not using your magic," The Shadowhunter says eyeing Brynne up and down as she held a katana in her hand, something so delicate that he knew his seraph blade would easily break her old weapon

Brynne does a slight curtsy as she spins the katana in her hand and with a smile says, "Well what can I say, I am one of a kind"

"Which is why I won't mind adding your warlock mark to my collection," The Shadowhunter says making Brynne raise her eyebrow as he had no clue what her true warlock mark was, as he could only see the slight electricity running through her body

An arrow flies past Brynne and inserts itself into the Shadowhunter's shin making him fall backward in pain

Taking the risk Brynne uses her magic and blasts a current towards the Shadowhunter's making him fall backward on a flipped couch, with no sign of life in him. Feeling no sign of consequence in using her magic at the same time as Magnus she lets the katana fall from her hold with a sigh of relief.

"Well done," Alec says making Brynne turn around to see the familiar Shadowhunter. While his gaze was on the door to see if any more attackers were on their way, Brynne had her gaze fixed on him

"Alec..." Brynne says in shock that he was standing before her and didn't know what else to say. Alec turns around hearing his name being called and not expecting to see Brynne be the one he rescued

"We uh... should really...You know, probably get... you know..." Alec stumbles on his words not knowing why he was suddenly nervous while looking into Brynne's brown eyes and hers looking back at his

"Of course, we should join everyone else," Brynne says breaking eye contact with Alec as she had the sudden urge to run away from his gaze

"Right" Alec softly says before turning around to walk out of the room

"After all this fight is far from over," Brynne says taking one last look at the destruction left behind in the room.

Alec and Brynne walk towards the living room where Brynne spots Magnus among the destruction fighting had caused. While he was saying goodbye to a fallen warlock Brynne couldn't help but smile knowing that he was alive and well.

"Magnus" Clary says entering the room with Zoe walking next to her. Looking away from her Brynne starts to play with her pinky ring not liking the fact that in a room with five people, Clary doesn't acknowledge her

Closing the fallen warlock's eyes, Magnus turns around to face the redhead but seeing Zoe he hugs the young warlock and tells her "Go join the others, my dear. This is no place for a little girl. Go"

Taking his advice Zoe joins the rest of the warlocks and Magnus turns to look at Clary, "I heard what you did for Zoe. You risked your life without hesitation to save a young warlock child"

"She was just a girl and she was in trouble. I had no choice" Clary says making Magnus interested in her words which is why he couldn't help but glance at Brynne who stood her distance away from Clary 

"You always have a choice. Ryn was right you're not like the others, Clary Fairchild. Most Shadowhunters protect Downworlders out of a sense of duty, but you saved young Zoe because of what was inside your heart. You're more like your mother than you will ever know"

"Magnus, please you can't hide from this battle. Look, Valentine, he found you once, he will find you again. We need to work together. Help me" Clary pleads not giving up on finding her memories, all in order to save her mom

"I can summon the demon, but you must make the demand. Now, I warn you retrieving your memories will not be easy" Magnus says but it wasn't scaring Clary she doesn't even blink at the words she was being told

"I will do what I have to do"

"All right." Magnus says giving in after not seeing any type of protest from Brynne and the confidence besotted in Clary, so he speaks louder gaining the Shadowhunter's attention "But we're not safe here. The lair's location has been compromised. Hold tight, everyone, we're about to move"

Magnus raises his hands out creating a mystic blue glow gathering around in his hands and with a force, he brings his hands down. His magic moved everyone to a newly refurbished location.

"Ah, much better. Ugh, it's inevitable. After each move, I get the itch to redecorate. Normally, I love a dirty lair, but this is one is just sloppy." Magnus says looking over at Alec making Brynne look at the warlock amused at what he was doing, "I believe in payment for services rendered. Thank you for defending the warlocks"

Magnus looks over at Isabelle and presents her with the ruby necklace leaving the Shadowhunter speechless, "I couldn't"

"But you should," Brynne says walking towards the girl as Magnus walks behind her and gets the necklace ready to place around the shadowhunters neck, "that necklace has been worn by Lightwoods for years and it would look silly on either of your brothers"

With her arms crossed, Brynne looks around the room at Jace and Alec skeptically looking over at Magnus whispering to Isabelle. Lastly, Brynne looks over at Clary who sat at the edge of the sofa and had yet to meet her eyes.

"Okay," Clary voices turning the attention back to why they were there, "so how do we summon the memory demon?"

"Are you certain?" Magnus asks walking past Isabelle to face Clary "Summoning such a powerful demon could be lethal"

"I'll do anything to save my mother. Where is the demon?" Clary confidently asks which made Brynne smile at the redhead's bravery

"Okay. Pretty boy, get your team ready" Magnus tells Alec without looking back making Jace take the complement being referred to himself

"You know what to do," Jace says making Brynne place a hand on his chest, stopping the Shadowhunter from taking another step

"He wasn't talking to you," Brynne says knowing that with the words Magnus has been throwing around he was interested in a certain brunette making her smirk looking at the archer, "Alec get your team ready"

Jace looks over at Alec who quickly hides his smile and starts to look confused but it was genuine not knowing why he was the one being complimented. While the team was getting ready, Magnus led Clary to a room to talk and Brynne went to find a room with the clothes that she could change to.

Magnus tells Clary not to trust anyone with the Mortal Cup, especially not the Clave, and how she shouldn't even trust him. Then he tasks her to draw a pentagram with chalks to summon the demon. Then Jace walks into the room to draw a rune on Clary for her protection.

Clary was just finishing up sketching as she dusts off any remaining chalk from her hands when the group walks into the room.

"Jocelyn was right, your artistry is beyond compare," Magnus says not mentioning anything about how Brynne would describe her art skills as she needed Clary to be focused

"I don't know about that" Clary says standing up and looking down at her work.

"Oh, the only other person I've known who could draw this well was Michelangelo, who was excellent in bed, I might add." Magnus flirts looking over at Alec making Isabelle laugh "Okay. We're ready. Everyone take your rightful place on the pentagram"

Magnus walks to one end of the pentagram and rolls up his sleeves. Clary not knowing what place Magnus wanted them to stand Jace helps her stand at one corner of the star.

"We must initiate a bond. Once this bond is sealed, it cannot be broken until the demon retreats. No matter what happens, we must not let go of each other's hands" Magnus instructs everyone while Brynne stands at the door keeping her distance from the pentagram

Magnus raises his hand extending them to either Isabelle or Alec to take hold first. Alec looks over at Brynne who immediately met his eyes, "Are you not going to join?"

"No, summoning demons it's..." Brynne says looking away trying to think of the best way to explain it, "well, let's just say I'm better at fighting them. Just do as Magnus says, and don't let go"

Alec places his hand on Magnus making them feel a sonic boom, and with each hold, they all feel the power surging through them.

Now that the circle was closed Magnus gives further instructions, "I will lead the ceremony, and you all must do exactly as I say. The demon's name is Valak. And at some point, he will ask for payment in exchange for Clary's memories"

"What do you mean? What kind of payment?" Jace asks worriedly about what was about to happen

"We will see. Let us begin" Magnus says before starting to speak in Chthonian making the Shadowhunters look around the room for a certain change

The only change was wrapped around Isabelle's neck, the ruby started to glow, "The necklace. It's pulsing"

The wind started rushing and then a bright light with a gust of wind makes everyone look up to see a black smoke escaping the drawing beneath them. The demon growls making Brynne stand up straight knowing everything was starting, "Valak is among us. Do not break the bond"

Everyone listens to Magnus's words but the wind around them was breaking them and Jace feeling Clarys hold slip from his hand, he shouts, "Hold on!"

"I'm trying," Clary says looking down at their hands

Seeing red eyes in the black smoke Magnus shouts hoping the noise will travel around to reach everyone, "It is time, the demon demands payment"

"What does it want?" Alec asks

"We must each relinquish a beloved memory of the one we love the most" Magnus shouts and first it was Isabelle to give up a memory of Alec smiling. A memory that everyone was able to see being sucked into the black smoke

Clary was next to let out a gasp and let a light memory of her mother smiling is sucked into the smoke. Breaking the order it was time for Alec to give up a memory of the person he loved the most, Jace.

Jace looks over at Alec making him start to panic, "No, it's not true! The demon deceived me!"

"Do not break the bond!" Magnus shouts seeing Alec start to want to pull away

"Alec, it's okay!" Isabelle shouts but it wasn't enough Alec protests and pushes away from his holds letting go of each hand. Breaking the black smoke sends everyone to break their hold and fly backward.

"No! I cannot contain the demon much longer!" Magnus shouts straining every inch of his power to hold the demon so it wouldn't get loose

Seeing Alec stand up and walk towards the contained shadow making Jace shout, "No!" before jumping in front of Alec only for the demon to take him and move him around with a tight hold.

"Jace!" Isabelle shouts running to Jace reaching for his hand but her tight hold wasn't enough for him to escape, "Grab him! - Grab him! -"

"Hold on!" Alec shouts taking hold of Jace's hand and pulling him just like Isabelle

"The demon is growing stronger!" Magnus shouts making Brynne hesitate to step in to take a hold of Jace's hand on the same side that Jace was

"He's slipping!" Alec shouts making everyone tighten their hold on

"Clary! Help us!" Isabelle shouts making Clary take out her seraph blade but doesn't walk towards the group, she stopped when Magnus spoke up

"Clary, if you kill the demon, your memories will be lost forever!"

"Help us!" Isabelle called out for Clary making her run towards the demon and stabs it. The creature screams but ultimately it is extinguished making those who held on to Jace fall back

Clary walks towards Jace just as Brynne stands up to see if Magnus was doing okay, Clary seeing Jace on the floor says, "Jace. Oh, my God, Jace"

"Jace, get up," Alec says at a lifeless looking Jace but nothing happens, Jace doesn't move and it didn't look like he was breathing

Brynne quickly makes her way towards Jace moving anyone who was in her way and the first thing she does is place her finger on his neck to feel a very light and uneven heartbeat. Looking up at everyone worried for Jace she speaks up "I need you to take your hands off of him, now!"

They do as she says making Brynne roll him over to his back, she takes a breath before she places two fingers in the middle of Jace's chest. Feeling the slightest electric current run down her hand, Brynne allows for it to escape into Jace and moves her hand off his chest before she can release anything more.

"Is he gonna be all right?" Clary asks but instead of looking at Brynne she looks up at Magnus making him look down at her puzzled

"I don't know. Does he normally just lay like that without moving?"

Brynne looks up at the Lightwoods and then lastly at Clary, "He is going to be okay"

"Get up. Jace" Alec says still not seeing any movement in Jace followed by Clary calling out his name.

Jace gasps awake, coughing trying to get his breath back and when he gets the color back in his skin he looks at where he was attacked seeing the demon was gone, "I'm all right. I'm all right. I'm all right. I'm just getting my second wind"

Alec disappears from Jace's side, standing in between the pathway looking over Jace recovering. Magnus walks over to the shadowhunter and stands next to him, "There's nothing to be ashamed of, Alec"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Alec says with no emotion in his voice, his eyes still set on Jace recovering

"You will," Magnus says before walking away

Seeing that she wasn't needed Brynne walks away knowing that it must take a lot to get Clary to forgive her, especially since their world was now the same.

A/N: I know Brynne still has yet to be the main character but I wanna know what y'all want to learn about her as she becomes the main character?

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