"How did you guys get out?" Hermione asked as she hugged you tightly. You were feeling better and stronger now. You promised yourself that you would try and avoid someone who's going to zap you with the Cruciatus Curse. It wasn't a pleasant experience.
You hugged Hermione back and smiled. "Malfoy helped us."
Hermione pulled away while Harry looked at you, shocked. "He what?" Harry asked, a smile forming on his lips.
Ron nodded. "Malfoy helped us to get out."
Hermione placed her hands on your shoulders. "If that doesn't mean that he loves you and deeply cares about you, I don't know what is."
You chuckled and shook your head. "Stop it, Mione. We should focus on what to do next."
"Are you really going to leave your sister here while you get all the fun?"
You turned around and saw Megan approaching you. Your eyes widened. "MJ, stay here. I can't let you be in danger."
"(Y/n)." Megan sighed. "I appreciate you protecting me. Really, I do. But you have to let me fight. I can't just stay here while you're out there risking your life." She glanced at Ginny and Luna. "Besides, I want to fight with my friends."
You smiled. "Are you sure you want to come to London?"
"Positive." Megan nodded.
"How are we going to get to London?" Neville asked.
Harry stared at you and the others for a while. "Look, it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you, but... but I've got you into enough trouble as it is."
He walked past all of you while you all stared at him in disbelief. Neville frowned. "Dumbledore's Army's supposed to be about doing something real." Harry stopped and turned around to face all of you when he heard Neville's words. "Or was that all just words to you?"
Harry was speechless.
"Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself, mate," Ron replied with a small smile.
Harry closed his eyes for a bit and opened them again, sighing. "So, how are we going to get to London?"
Luna smirked. "We fly, of course."
You and Megan glanced at the Ravenclaw girl. 'Luna, you sweet angel, I love you so much.'
You and your friends finally arrived in London by flying with Thestrals. All of you entered the Ministry of Magic and followed Harry as you all looked around. "Department of Mysteries." You murmured.
You and the others entered a room and saw a room full of crystal balls. "Lumos." You whispered then a light came out from the tip of your wand. The others looked at you and did the same thing too.
All of you continued walking, helping Harry to find Sirius and the thing that Voldemort was after. Suddenly, all of you heard a noise. The door was moving away, revealing a lot more small crystal balls. Harry turned at you and the others before walking away to find Sirius. You noticed he stopped. Harry was not too far away. He looked around, then looked at you and the others frantically. "He's not here. He should be here!"
You looked at Neville, who was already looking up. You stood beside him and saw Harry's name. "Harry." You called out.
"This one's got your name on it," Neville added, not taking his eyes off the small crystal ball.
Harry ran towards you, and Neville then stood beside you both to look at the small crystal ball. Harry glanced at you before grabbing the thing. It suddenly spoke. It was a prophecy.
"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. And the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal, but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows not."
You, Hermione, and Ron glanced at each other as the prophecy continued. "For neither can live while the other survives."
Hermione turned around and spotted someone by the distance. "Harry!" She called out. You and the others turned around as Harry stood in front with the prophecy in hand. It was a Death Eater. Megan glanced at you and softly gulped.
The Death Eater slowly approached. "Where's Sirius?" Harry asked the Death Eater.
"You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams..." The Death Eater pulled out their wand and removed their mask, revealing Lucius Malfoy. "...and reality."
You inhaled sharply and gripped your wand tighter. Megan gasped but furrowed her eyebrows in anger.
"You only saw what the Dark Lord wanted you to see," Lucius stated. "Now, hand me the prophecy."
"If you do anything to us, I'll break it." Harry threatened.
A burst of maniacal laughter was heard and echoed. Neville's breathing hitched as Bellatrix Lestrange came out from the shadows and stood beside Lucius. "He knows how to play. Itty, bitty baby. Potter."
"Bellatrix Lestrange." Neville gasped, stepping a bit closer to Harry.
"Neville Longbottom, is it?" Bellatrix asked. "How's Mum and Dad?" She asked, raising both of her eyebrows.
"Better, now they're about to be avenged!" Neville exclaimed and pulled out his wand, ready to attack Bellatrix. They both pointed their wands at each other.
Lucius stopped Bellatrix while you and Harry stopped Neville. "Now, let's everybody just calm down... shall we?" Lucius asked. "All we want is that prophecy."
"Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?" Harry asked, glaring at them.
Bellatrix gasped, her eyes widening in disgust and shock. "You dare speak his name? You filthy half-blood!"
Lucius hushed Bellatrix. "It's all right. He's just a curious lad, aren't you?" Neville and Megan looked around and noticed Death Eaters were coming out while Lucius continued to talk. "Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you, really."
You and the others finally realized that the Death Eaters were starting to surround all of you from all sides. You pointed my wand at a Death Eater in front of you with Megan.
Lucius walked with Bellatrix slowly towards Harry. "Haven't you always wondered what was the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord? Why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant? Don't you want to know the secret of your scar? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do is give it to me. Then I can show you everything."
All of the Death Eaters start closing in around you, your sister, and your friends. You glanced at Harry worriedly.
"I've waited fourteen years..." Harry said softly.
Lucius gave him a sad look. "I know."
"Guess I can wait a little longer." Harry stepped back and pointed his wand at Lucius and Bellatrix. "Now!"
"Stupefy!" Neville and Harry yelled, hitting Lucius and Bellatrix. "Stupefy!" You and the others exclaimed as the Death Eaters flew backward. You grabbed Megan's arm and ran away.
All of you got separated while you and Megan remained close. You saw a Death Eater apparating in front of Megan and knocking her out. Megan fell, and you quickly pointed your wand. "Petrificus Totalus!" The Death Eater froze, and you helped Megan up. "Are you okay?"
"Oh, yeah." Megan hissed in pain as she rubbed some blood off her nose. "I loved the part where I almost bled to death."
"They just punched you, MJ. No need to be dramatic."
Megan frowned. "Your such a mom." Her eyes widened, and noticed a Death Eater behind you. "Stupefy!" You ducked, and the spell managed to hit the Death Eater. You looked at Megan, who shrugged. "Your welcome."
You and Megan continued running and sent spells to those Death Eaters trying to hurt you and Megan. Eventually, you and your sister reunited Harry and the others. You and your friends looked in one direction to see a Death Eater flying towards all of you. Ginny stood in front of you and everyone, pointing her wand at them. "Reducto!"
The spell and its impact made a massive explosion. It went quiet for a while until you all noticed the other prophecies falling and crashing down. Your eyes widened. "Great job, Ginny! Now, run!" All of you started running away again. Neville stopped when Luna was amazed by what was happening, so he quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her with him into running. "Get back to the door!" Harry yelled.
"Ah! I'm not ready to die here!" Megan shrieked. Harry opened the door, and you followed him until all you fell by entering the door. Everyone saw the ground until Harry stopped just a few inches from the ground. You and the others were stopped as well, avoiding hitting the ground too hard. Finally, you were all dropped to the ground.
Harry looked at the prophecy which was on his hand, unharmed and undamaged. "Department of Mysteries. They got that bit right, didn't they?" Ron commented. All of you stood up and looked around. Harry started to walk forward, and you followed him. All of you noticed a stone-built archway that contains a semi-transparent veil of what looks like a mist-the Death Chamber.
You heard faint whispers which sent shivers down your spine. You glanced at Harry, who also took a note of hearing whispers and voices. "Can you guys hear that?" You asked. "Those voices?"
"The voices," Harry added. "Can you tell what they're saying?"
"There aren't any voices," Hermione replied. "Let's get out of here."
"I hear them too," Luna stated, standing beside Harry.
"Harry, it's just an empty archway." Hermione pressed. She glanced around and looked back at you, Harry, and Luna, who were staring at the archway. "Please, let's go."
"It's the Death Chamber, Hermione." You told her as you stood closer to Harry. "My father told me about this. This is a room devoted to the study of death."
Megan stepped closer to you until Harry heard noises. He turned around and quickly pointed his wand up. "Get behind me!"
The others obeyed and quickly went behind him, pointing your wands up. Death Eaters started to come towards all of you, blocking your eyesight so you wouldn't see each other.
Suddenly, it stopped. Harry stood up from the ground and spotted his friends taken hostage by the Death Eaters, the tip of their wands pressing against your heads or necks. You opened your eyes and heard Lucius' laughs. You looked up and realized you were locked in Lucius' grasp. His arm wrapped around your neck, and his wand pointed at your head. "I'm sorry about your daddy, by the way, (Y/n). He truly was a great man." He whispered.
You gritted your teeth and tried to get out of his grasp.
"He told me to stop."
"Do not do this."
Your eyes widened on realization as you started to feel weak. Harry gasped while Megan's eyes widened as she heard Lucius speak.
"He pleaded."
"But he knows I have to."
"You know I have to."
"I have to kill him."
Your fists clenched as tears welled up in your eyes. Your blood boiled in anger. Megan screamed and squirmed under the Death Eater's grasp. "You killed him! You killed our father!" She yelled.
Lucius turned back to Harry, ignoring Megan's angry yells. "Did you actually believe, or are you truly naΓ―ve enough to think that children stood a chance against us?" He questioned. I'll make this simple for you, Potter." Lucius looked at Harry sternly.
"Give me the prophecy now..." He pressed the tip of his wand on my head. "...or watch your friends die."
Harry looked at everyone, hesitating. You shook your head, pleading for him not to give Lucius the prophecy. "Don't give it to him, Harry!" Neville yelled, causing Bellatrix to silence him.
Lucius reached his arm out to Harry, waited for the boy to surrender the prophecy. Harry hesitated at first but gave it to Lucius. "Harry, no!" You yelled. Lucius smirked and quickly pushed you away to Harry, and he caught you in his arms.
The prophecy dimmed once it was on Lucius's hold. Lucius held the prophecy up, smirking to himself proudly. You clenched your wand in anger. "I'll make you pay for what you've done!" You were about to cast a spell until you saw someone apparate behind Lucius and walk towards him. Harry's eyes widened.
Lucius noticed Harry's eyes, so he turned around and saw Sirius Black. "Get away from my godson." He threw a quick and hard punch towards Lucius in the face.
The Order of the Phoenix came in and helped everyone to be free from the Death Eaters. You saw Lucius rolling on the ground and reached his arm out to catch the prophecy but failed. The prophecy was shattered into pieces leaving Lucius horrified.
You noticed Nymphadora Tonks, who smiled at you while the rest of the Order showed themselves. Soon, you spotted Steve Grant and Peggy Watson. You gasped. "Aunt Peggy? Uncle Steve?"
Peggy's eyes widened in shock. "(Y/n) Althea Stark, what on earth are you doing here?" She scolded before noticing Megan being helped by Nymphadora and Luna. "Oh, dear God."
She pulled you away from Harry as Sirius took his godson. Peggy cast some spells to protect you while you looked at her. "You and Steve are in the Order?"
"We joined a wee bit late, darling." She explained. You saw a Death Eater behind her, causing you to pull your wand out. "Protego!" The spell from the Death Eater backfired, and Peggy looked down at you, stunned. "Splendid." She gasped before shooting a spell at the same Death Eater.
Peggy brought you to Hermione, who was with your other friends, including your sister. All of you hid on a giant boulder. Peggy looked down at you. "Stay here." She apparated away and started fighting some Death Eaters.
You looked up to see Harry and Sirius fighting beside each other against a Death Eater and Lucius Malfoy. Hermione placed a hand on your shoulder. "Are you alright?"
You looked at her before looking away to see how your sister was. Ginny has her arms around your sister, comforting her with Luna, who was rubbing her back. You clenched your fists. "With this new information?" You placed your attention back on Hermione. "It's going to take time to process and accept everything."
Hermione sighed deeply before bringing you to her arms. You hugged her back, burying your face on her shoulder.
You pulled away and saw Lucius flying away from Sirius' attack. Your eyes widened when you noticed Bellatrix showing up. "Sirius, look out!" You yelled.
But it was too late. Bellatrix shot a spell towards Sirius Black, knocking him towards the Death Chamber.
Sirius' body arched as he sank backward through the Veil of the Death Chamber. Bellatrix Lestrange has killed her own cousin.
You gasped loudly in shock as Harry stared in horror as his godfather disappeared through the Veil. He was breathing heavily. "No. No." Remus came to Harry, wrapping his arms around the boy. Remus softly cried as Harry screamed in agony. His body was shaking from his uncontrollable sobs.
Your friend's screams were too heart-wrenching that you covered your mouth when you choked out a sob, feeling his anguish and despair. Hermione leaned her head to your shoulder, quietly crying as she heard Harry's cries. Ron hugged you both, closing his eyes as he tried to control his emotions.
Bellatrix smirked to herself and spotted Harry looking at her. She immediately ran away to escape causing Harry to break free from Remus and chase after his godfather's killer. You could hear Bellatrix's mocking yells. "I killed Sirius Black!" She cheered.
You and your friends quickly ran where Harry and Bellatrix went. All of you stopped when you saw Harry on the ground, and Dumbledore crouched down beside him. His eyes weren't the same as the ones you've always seen before.
"What's going on with Harry?" Megan asked worriedly.
"You... you've lost, old man," Harry told Dumbledore. You noted that his voice was different. You deducted who was controlling him and looked at Megan. "Voldemort."
Harry struggled to keep in control, groaning and screaming in pain. He was squirming on the ground.
"Harry," Dumbledore said calmly. "Harry, it isn't how you are alike. It's how you are not."
"Harry?" You glanced at Hermione, who stood beside you, looking worriedly at the boy. Harry looked around until he saw you and the others looking at him worriedly. He groaned in pain as memories flashed back before his eyes.
"All right there, Ron?"
"All right. You?"
"All right. How about you, (Y/n)?"
"Never better."
Harry stared at Hermione, who was breathing heavily.
"Are you alright? You must be freezing! Personally, I think you behaved admirably."
"I finished last, Hermione."
"Next to last. Fleur never got past 'ze Grindylows!"
He then turned to Ron.
"At least I warned you about the dragons."
"Hagrid warned me about the dragons."
"No, no, no, I did! Don't you remember? I told Hermione to tell you that Seamus told me that Parvati told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you! Seamus never actually told me anything, so it was really me all along. I thought we'd be alright, you know? After you figured that out."
"Who... who could possibly figure that out? That's completely mental."
"Yeah... it is, isn't it? I suppose I was a bit distraught."
Harry winced in pain and opened his eyes to see you.
"You two should really talk about this. All of this."
"Well, he wouldn't listen. I didn't want to argue with him. He just wouldn't listen to me."
"Life always gives us obstacles. Especially on friendship. Either you two work together to pass those obstacles, or just give up."
"How are you so good in advices?"
"Yeah? Sometimes, I experienced those, but sometimes, I didn't. I'll just have to pretend I'm in that situation, then analyze, then make it as advice."
Harry breathed heavily as more memories flashed back. "You're the weak one..." He stated, his voice returning to normal. He was talking to Voldemort. "...and you'll never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you."
After a few more screams and groans, you and your friends could not see Harry and Voldemort. There was a slow whirlpool surrounding where Harry was. Harry stared at Voldemort as he approached him.
"You're a fool, Harry Potter. And you will lose everything."
Suddenly the Aurors and the Minister arrived at the scene. Voldemort quickly apparated away; however, Fudge had already spotted him. He flinched, and his eyes widened in surprise and horror, including Percy Weasley. Ron glanced at his older brother before looking away when Percy turned to him. Cornelius Fudge gasped in fear.
"He's back!"
6th year? Coming soon!
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