You, Hermione, Ron, and Harry stared up together with the other students as Filch placed something up again on the wall. Another Educational Decree. Your eyes narrowed to see what was written. 'Dolores Umbridge replaced Dumbledore as head of Hogwarts.' You scoffed. 'I suddenly want to commit murder.'
Dumbledore had escaped from being sent to Azkaban when he took the blame for creating the Dumbledore's Army, protecting Harry and the students who joined the organization. So the Ministry appointed Dolores Umbridge to replace Albus Dumbledore as the headmistress of Hogwarts.
"Boys and girls are not to be within eight inches of each other." Umbridge's voice echoed through the speakers. You glanced at Hermione and pointed at your ears. "Oi, Mione. Would you mind checking if my ears are bleeding?"
Hermione rolled her eyes with an amused laugh causing you to smirk. You turned around to walk away, but you bumped into someone. You blinked twice to see a familiar blonde-haired boy.
Draco's eyes widened. "I..." He started but was unable to form any more words. You looked away and walked away, earning some glances from Ron, Harry, and Hermione.
Ron turned to Draco, who stood next to him. "Is this your way of protecting her?"
Draco glanced at him with a glare and watched as the trio walked away, following you. He sighed heavily before going on a different way. "I fucking messed up." He whispered to himself, running his fingers through his hair.
He suddenly bumped into someone which he immediately recognized who the person was."Mr. Malfoy, would you please watch where you're going?" Professor Snape hissed. Draco gulped and nodded. "Sorry, professor."
The next day, you and the rest of the Dumbledore's Army members were on the Great Hall with Umbridge sitting on Dumbledore's chair. You and the others were writing on a paper with the same quill you used in Umbridge's detention. The words you write were forming and digging on your skins. You hissed in pain. 'It's sinking in, alright.'
You winced in pain and sucked in the air sharply. Your fists clenched as you glared up at Umbridge sitting too comfortably on the chair like she was royalty as she drank her tea. Students' suffering was her satisfaction. In conclusion, she generally hates children.
Fred and George looked up, glaring intensely at the toad of a woman as the headmistress inhaled sharply in relief. You and the rest of the Dumbledore's Army all exited the Great Hall when all were finished. All of you noticed Cho standing all alone, looking at everyone worriedly.
The members ignored her or avoided her. Cho glanced at you while you gave her a sympathetic smile before walking away and lowering your head down. You noticed Peter approaching Megan and holding her wounded hand firmly, even gently kissing it to ease the pain.
You held your wounded hand as some blood dripped on the floor. You stopped by an empty corridor and leaned on a wall, holding your hand out in pain. 'This is the third time that has happened to me.'
You looked around and saw Draco Malfoy with his robes hanging around his arm. You looked down, avoiding his gaze when he stood in front of you. He gently took your scarred hand, and his breathing hitched. "First of all, I didn't know you and Potter made an organization against Umbridge."
"Against the Ministry, specifically." You muttered. "The Minister of Magic has lost his damn mind."
"I..." Draco sighed as his thumb slightly brushed your wounded hand. "I'm not going to ask why you did it and why you decided to go against Umbridge because we both know the answer."
You glanced up at him while Draco gulped. "You were right. I should have just joined you. It pains me to see you getting caught and being punished by the organization I voluntarily joined. I may have been a coward."
Your lips pressed together before twitching a smile. "Yeah, you kind of are."
Draco softly chuckled. "I know you can protect yourself. But I also want to protect you whether you can do it yourself or not."
You slowly held his hand, slightly clutching it. "I want us to protect each other. If you want to protect me so much, then I will too. I will protect you too."
Draco exhaled in relief before pulling you towards him, hugging you. You hesitated but wrapped your arms around his torso while his chin rested on top of your head. "You know, Umbridge said boys and girls should be--"
Draco scoffed. "Fuck Umbridge."
His sudden statement caused you to giggle, which made Draco's heart skip a beat. He wanted to be the reason for your laughter, giggles, and smiles. He hugged you tighter and wished this moment could last forever.
"What's your name?" Fred asked in concern as you rubbed the back of the young Gryffindor, who had been crying for minutes now. Fred and George were the first ones to stay beside him while you were passing by and noticed the boy crying. You decided to stay with the Weasley twins to comfort the young Gryffindor.
"Michael." The boy answered as he rubbed his wounded hand.
You took his hand and rubbed some shapes around his hand by your thumb. "It's gonna be fine, Michael." You reassured him with a comforting smile.
Fred nodded. "Yeah, it's not as bad as it seems." He showed his scarred hand. "See? It's fading already."
George smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulder as he showed his hand at the young boy. "You can hardly see ours anymore."
"And the pain stops after a while," Fred added.
You glanced at the twins, smiling at them until you saw Harry approaching. He stood just beside you and stared at the little boy's wounded hand. You, the twins, Michael, and Harry, turned to the side to see Umbridge standing by the doorway.
The Weasley twins stood up while you remained seated, wrapping your arm around the boy's shoulders, comforting him as he continued to cry.
"As I told you once before, Mr. Potter, naughty children deserve to be punished." She stated before walking away with a sinisterly sweet smile.
Fred and George stood beside Harry. "You know, George, I've always felt our futures lay outside the world of academic achievement," Fred told George with a smile as he tucked his hands in his pockets.
You looked up at them and a smile formed on your lips.
"Fred, I've been thinking exactly the same thing," George smirked.
The day had arrived where everyone was taking the OWLs examinations. Today, you and the others were taking the Theory of Charms. After answering a question, you took a quick glance at your friends.
Hermione was thinking for a moment before quickly writing down her answer, Ron sighing deeply and scratching his head, while Harry was staring at Umbridge.
Before you could look back at the next question of your exam, you and the other students heard a noise. Umbridge furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She walked towards the door, glancing at Harry, and opened the door of the Great Hall.
You and the other students turned around as tou watched a small spark appearing in front of her. It flew inside the Hall and became a small firework.
Suddenly, Fred and George came inside, flying with their broomsticks. "All right, professor!" The twins waved their wands, flying your examination papers away, making a mess. You gasped in delight while Hermione gasped in horror. "I was in a middle of a good essay!" She exclaimed.
You stood up with the other students as they cheered when the Weasley twins threw some fireworks that exploded up in the air. You stood beside Hermione who was approached by Harry and Ron. "Don't worry, Hermy." Ron teased with a slight nudge. "I'm sure you can make another good essay."
"Hermy?" Hermione questioned in disbelief.
You looked up to see the fireworks and so did Umbridge who was horrified and confused. It's been a while since you saw fireworks. You watched in awe as different colors light up around the room. "Here you go!" The twins threw small sparks around you and your friends. You stared at the four sparks in front of you and they exploded into tiny fireworks.
Draco along with Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise Zabini looked around. Blaise looked around until he nudged Draco and pointed his finger towards you. "Isn't that your little girlfriend?"
Draco stared at you as you smiled in amusement and looked up again to the Weasley twins. When Blaise was distracted with another fireworks display and some fireworks almost hitting Umbridge but she was dodging them, Draco smiled to himself. "Yeah."
You noticed the twins passing by each other and gave each other a high five. You looked everywhere and your eyes landed on Draco admiring the fireworks above, smiling so brightly.
Hermione noticed your stare causing her to nudge you. You gave her a small glare before staring back at Draco. 'Blimey, that smile that's making me fall for him all over again.'
Draco turned his head to look at you causing you to look away immediately and turned your attention back to Fred and George. Draco noticed a spark flying towards Goyle causing him to flinch and step back. Goyle exclaimed in annoyance before slapping the spark away. The spark followed Crabbe as the Slytherin boy ran away but the small firework got to him, hitting his buttocks.
Filch came in with a mop in hand. Fred and George turned to each other. "Ready when you are." The twins threw a big firework that turned into a dragon. Umbridge gasped in fear and suddenly ran away as the dragon made of fireworks chased her.
When she was at the door, the dragon 'ate' her. Harry chuckled to himself. You and the others heard glasses start breaking outside. It was from the wall full of rules that Umbridge made. And now those Educational Decrees are gone and shattered.
Students cheered as Fred and George exited the room. You with your friends and the other students followed them out and saw them flying away from Hogwarts throwing some more fireworks.
Everyone started clapping and Hermione eventually cracked a smile, feeling relaxed and happy about the twins' big stunt. You clapped your hands with Ron as they showed a letter W that was made of fireworks. You glanced at Hermione before looking around to find Harry. You turned worried when you couldn't find him in the crowd. Hermione's smile faded away when she approached someone. You followed her and saw Harry on the floor, his eyes were wide open, and his fists were clenching.
You and Hermione crouched down worriedly. You held his arm as Harry gasped for air. "Sirius!" He exclaimed in panic.
Harry stood up and immediately walked away in hurry causing you, Hermione, and Ron to follow him. Harry had explained to the three of you what he saw. "Harry, are you sure?" You asked as the four of you ran up the stairs.
"I saw it!" Harry exclaimed. "It's just like with Mr. Weasley. It's the same door I've been dreaming about for months, only I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before."
"Sirius said Voldemort was after something. Something he didn't have the last time, and it's in the Department of Mysteries!" Harry continued.
Hermione stopped running causing you and Ron to stop and look at her. "Harry, please, just listen!" Harry stopped and turned to her. "What if Voldemort meant for you to see this? What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you?"
"What if he is? I'm supposed to just let him die?" Harry questioned before sighing. "Hermione, he's the only family I've got left."
You, Hermione, and Ron stood in silence, glancing at each other. Ron looked up to his best friend. "What do we do?" He asked.
Harry exhaled before running causing the three of you to follow him. "We have to use the Floo Network."
"But Umbridge has the chimneys under surveillance." You told him.
Harry shook his head. "Not all of them."
You found yourself approaching Umbridge's office with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. You frowned. "God, I hate that place." You muttered before pulling your wand out and pointing it to the door. "Alohamora."
The door was now unlocked. Harry opened the door and was the first one to enter with you three following him from behind. Ron closed the door and followed you, Hermione, and Harry as the four of you crouched down, staring at the fireplace. A green fire showed up.
"Harry, it's too dangerous." You informed him, looking at the fire.
Harry nodded. "I know. Alert the Order if you can."
"Are you mental?" Ron questioned. "We're going with you!"
Harry glanced at Ron. "It's too dangerous!"
"When are you going to get it into your head?" Hermione asked, placing her hand on Harry's shoulder. "We're in this together."
"That. You. Are."
You froze in fear before looking up at Umbridge with your friends. Umbridge's face was covered with dust, her hair was messed up, and her pink clothes are slightly damaged.
You controlled yourself from smirking. 'Good job, Fred and George.'
Your eyes widened when Stacey, Pansy, and the rest of the Inquisitorial Squad entered the office. The Inquisitorial Squad got Neville, Ginny, and Luna. To your relief, Draco was nowhere to be found but you can't help but wonder where he was. Harry was forced to sit down on the chair and his arms were tied up.
You were about to run towards him but Stacey grabbed your shoulder too harshly and dragged you towards her. She held you tight and pointed her wand at your neck. "I could hex you right here and now, Stark." She hissed.
You turned your head to face her. "You don't have the guts to do it, Doom." You whispered with a small smirk. Umbridge ordered Pansy to guard by the door while you looked at Goyle who's holding Neville.
Umbridge bent down and faced Harry. "You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?"
"No." Harry simply said.
"Liar." Umbridge suddenly slapped Harry harshly causing you and the others to jump and flinch in surpise. Stacey even flinched but she immediately smirked, glancing at Goyle in amusement.
"You sent for me, Headmistress?" You turned to the door to see Snape who just entered the office.
Umbridge stood up straight and smiled. "Snape, yes. The time has come for answers, whether he wants to give them to me or not. Have you bought the Veritaserum?"
Your eyes widened. 'Veritaserum? Isn't that...?'
"I'm afraid you have used up all my stores interrogating students, the last of it on Miss Chang," Snape informed.
You slightly gasped while Harry's eyes widened in realization. 'Cho! The Veritaserum was used on her that's why she... well, snitched on us. She didn't do it on purpose.'
"Unless you wish to poison Potterβand I assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you didβI cannot help you." Snape finished.
Snape glanced at you before turning around, ready to leave but Harry stopped him. "He's got Padfoot! He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden."
Umbridge looked down at Harry and then looked back at Snape. "Padfoot? What is Padfoot? And where what's hidden? What is he talking about, Snape?"
Snape took a moment to turn around and paused. He looked at Umbridge and raised his eyebrows. "No idea."
After Snape left, Umbridge cleared her throat. "Very well. You give me no choice, Potter." Umbridge turned to you and your other friends. "As this is an issue of Ministry security, you leave me with... no alternative. The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue."
You shot a glare at Umbridge as you tried to get out from Stacey's grasp. "That's illegal," Hermione complained.
Umbridge set a picture of Cornelius Fudge on her desk face down. "What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him."
You gritted your teeth and tried to get out, but Stacey's hold got tighter. Umbridge pulled her wand out and pointed it at Harry. "You know, I really hate children." She said in a calm and relaxed voice.
"And we really hate toads like you." You spat angrily.
Umbridge paused for a moment before glaring at you, pointing her wand at you. Her lips twitched a wicked smile. "Ah, Ms. Stark."
She stood straight and huffed. "I never liked your father and your family. I was quite glad he was gone in the Ministry."
Your fists clenched as your blood boiled in anger. Neville, Ginny, and Luna looked at you in sadness while Harry, Hermione, and Ron looked at you worriedly. "Would've been better if you were the one who's gone in the Ministry." You hissed.
In anger, Umbridge gestured Stacey to move away and pointed her wand at you.
You gasped and shut your eyes closed, screaming in pain. You leaned against the wall behind and slowly collapsed. The pain was so intense that your mind was fogged from pain. You couldn't think straight, nor can you shout for Umbridge to stop.
"No! Stop it!" Hermione screamed helplessly as she tried to get out from Crabbe's grasp.
"Hey! Stop it!" Ron yelled in rage along with Harry, who was struggling to get out of his restraints.
The curse was lifted, and you gasped for air. You breathed heavily and refused to open your eyes. Stacey was staring at you in shock. "Nothing?" You heard Umbridge ask. Then there was a small silence. "Cr--"
"Tell her!" You weakly opened your eyes and looked at Hermione. Your eyebrows narrowed together in confusion.
"Tell me what?" Umbridge asked, tilting her head to the side as she looked at Hermione.
Everyone looked at her. "Well, if you won't tell her where it is... I will." Hermione exclaimed.
"Tell what? Where what is?" Umbridge hissed, getting impatient.
Hermione inhaled sharply. "Dumbledore's secret weapon?"
You slowly sat up in pain and stared at her in disbelief. 'Wait, what?' You soon realized that Hermione was making it all up. You hid a smirk. 'Smart.'
After that, Umbridge ordered the Inquisitorial Squad to keep an eye on all of you. She brought Harry and Hermione with her. Once they left, you were forced to stand up by Stacey, but you felt like your knees would give in.
"Be careful with her, you bitch!" Ginny exclaimed.
Stacey cocked an eyebrow at the younger Weasley. "Shut it, you filthy blood traitor!"
After a few minutes, the door opened, revealing Draco Malfoy in a hurry. He pushed his way towards you and pushed Stacey aside. Stacey was stunned but stepped back anyway. Draco cupped your cheeks as you looked up at him tiredly. You sighed in relief and smiled weakly. "There you are." You whispered before resting your eyes close and leaning your head to his chest.
"Oi, Malfoy! What are you doing?" Crabbe asked.
Draco thought for a moment before turning to the Squad. "I'm taking them with me." He stated as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Let go of them. I'll bring them somewhere else."
Stacey cleared her throat. "Umbridge told us to watch over them. So wherever they go, we go and follow."
"Oh, good." Ginny rolled her eyes. "You just proved yourself to be a useful pet for Umbridge."
"Why you--"
Draco blocked Stacey's way. "Stand down. I got this." Since they're idiots, Crabbe and Goyle released their hostages from their grasps. The others hesitated but followed anyway. Draco turned to you with worried eyes. "Can you stand? Or walk?" He whispered.
You pulled away and nodded. You wanted to make a sarcastic comment, but you had no energy to do so. Draco led the way out as your friends
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