To properly see me trying?
"Alright class, today we will be learning Taijutsu." Iruka-Sensei said to the class that were still half asleep since it's still morning. I could hear him from the hallways. I woke up late, in all honesty I wish I could skip and stay asleep all day but my parents are crazy Senju parents. I wish I could stay asleep like my younger brothers.
I have three younger brothers the middle one, being 4 years old, and the youngest which are twins, being 2. And me, the oldest, 6 years old. My mouth holding my toast, I used my hands to slide the doors open to my classroom. My eyes still droopy because I'm beyond tired. "SENJU (Y/N)! YOU'RE LATE AGAIN!"
My hair blew as Iruka yelled at me. I still held my tired expression and toast in my mouth. "Sorry, Iruka-Sensei. You see, I'm very forgetfu-"
The whole class sighed at my lame excuse that I always use. The blue lines began showing on my forehead again, and my tired expression turning into a depressed one. "Have I really used that excuse that much?"
Iruka sighed, "I'll let it pass, just because you have good stats! But if you are late one more time I'll make you clean the classroom, again!" I sighed, "No please, these nasty kids put gum under their desks." Iruka soon had a vein popping. "Alright! I won't be late anymore!"
I walked up to my desk, and began eating my toast. "And I thought I was lazy, at least I get to class in time." Shikamaru commented. "It's different, at least you don't have three little boys asking you to play ninja with them till midnight while your parents are on a mission." I snapped, laying my head on my desk with toast still in my mouth. Shikamaru nodded, "must be a drag to have little kids to take care of."
"So Taijutsu contains zero hand signs, meaning it requires no chakra - but depending if you want to enhance the move." Iruka continued on. "Later in the afternoon, we will have a spar after recess."
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It was now recess and I went down the slide, playing with this random raven haired boy. When this blonde boy came in to play with us, both of them started fighting as I just stood there and watched. "Wooo! Go- what's your name?" I asked the ebony haired kid, "Uchiha ..Sasuke!"
"Wooo! Go Uchiha Boy!" I cheered since I didn't hear his first name that well. Until I saw the blonde boy winning I quickly switched up, "Nevermind! Go Naruto!"
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I yawned as we all lined up to get ready for sparring. "You're still tired, (Y/n)-Chan?" I heard my classmate, HyΕ«ga Hinata ask. "Yeah.. I thought I would be pretty woke by now.."
"Class listen up! We will begin Taijutsu! When I say your name please come up." Iruka-Sensei explained. "Why are we doing this again?" I asked, as Iruka's vein started popping, I chuckled, "Just kidding, Sensei!" Covering up my act.
"Just for asking that, I'll make you go first!" Sensei yelled, making my hair blow again. I sighed, going up in front of the class. "Who wants to go against Senju (Y/n)?" Iruka asked the class. "I'll go!" Naruto said, waving his hands. "Yeah! I want to spar with Naruto!"
Iruka nodded, "alright, go up Naruto."
Naruto went up and faced me. Doing the Unison sign. The Uzumaki ran up to me and began to raise his leg - getting ready to kick me. I knew this trick far too well, because my little brother always pull this one. I quickly grabbed his ankle, making him fall down and I held my fist up to his face. "I thought you were gonna put up more of a fight, Naruto-Kun!"
I held my hand out so Naruto could grab it, which he did. Standing up, the Uzumaki began cleaning the dirt that were on his capris. "Man, (Y/n)-Chan.. You're pretty quick!"
Sasuke looked at me in awe, "(Y/n)-Chan is pretty.... cool!"
Iruka smiled, "You may always be late to class, but you're quite the ninja.. I expect nothing else from a Senju!"
Class was over and it was time to go home, I left the classroom and later left the academy. As I was walking home I remembered today my father said that he'll try teaching me Wood Release. I walked in and saw my youngest brothers, Senju Masaaki and Kaoru walking up, and began hugging me while slightly stumbling. "Ooonee-Saaan~!"
The middle brother, Senju Katsu hit me with a toy arrow. Hitting me right on the forehead. "Ya! Why did you do that, coconut head?!"
Katsu had this basic bowl cut that made him resemble a coconut head. Which I always made fun of him for. My father walked in, looking at me with the arrow still on my forehead. "(Y/n).. Can you please be a good daughter and take your brothers to the park? I have a mission to go to."
My eyebrows furrowed, "But you said you were going to teach me Wood Release?!"
Father put his Hidden Leaf headband and put his hand on my head. "I promise I'll teach you it once I come back." I sighed, and nodded. The arrow still on my forehead. "Fine.."
"Oto-San! Will you teach me Wood Release too?" Katsu asked and father nodded. I was holding Maasaki as Kaoru was tugging on my pinstriped pants. (You all wear those outfits Hashirama and Tobirama wore when they were young.)
I pulled the toy arrow that was on my forehead. Which left a small red mark since the rubber was stuck on my skin for a long time. "Well... Let's go to the park then.." Oto-San laughed and got the baby carrier wraps so when they are tired I can carry them with. And with that, he started walking us to the park.
"Oto-San." I said, with Masaaki still in my arms, "What is it, (Y/n)?"
"I'm hungry."
"There's food at home."
"But I want Ichiraku Ramen."
Katsu, or Coconut Head, who had Kaoru in his arms nodded, "yeah I want Ichiraku Ramen too!"
"I've got no money on me right now, to earn money I need to go on this mission." Father explained, as my stomach growled. "So you're gonna let your children starve while you're on a mission?" I said, acting all smarty-pants. "Yes, I am since I know that they can take care of themselves cause I taught them how so." I 'hmph'ed. Masaaki started playing with my (hair color) hair. Mother currently isn't in the picture because she's on a four month long mission. Making father our only guardian at the moment.
Katsu, with Kaoru still in arms began running the the park, putting Kaoru in a baby swing and later started pushing him. Masaaki's eyes sparkled as he began pointing to the swings, so I had to put him on one too. With all of us in pinstriped Kimono pants with a green sash, it was easy for our father to distinguish us.
As I was putting Masaaki in the baby swing, I heard my name being called out. Though I recognized the voice, I couldn't distinguish it. "Onee-san, that boy is calling you!" A confused Katsu said, poking me. Squinting my eyes, I saw two older males with a small boy around my age. Now I remember.
"It's Uchiha Boy!" I exclaimed, waving my open arm as the other pushed Masaaki gently. "Uchiha-Kun!" Katsu yelled, as if he was his classmate. "Oi! You don't even know him!"
I saw my father exchange words with what seems to be Uchiha Boy's father. The other male looked like Uchiha Boy so I am guessing it's his older brother or uncle. Uchiha-Kun tugged on his father's sleeve, pointing at my direction. He smiled and started running to my brothers and I. "Hi, (Y/n)-Chan!" I heard him address me. I stood there dumbfounded, behind the baby swings. "I don't even know his name..!"
"Hi!" Katsu interrupted, "I'm Senju Katsu!" While introducing himself, I chuckled. "This is my brother, Katsu. And the ones on the swing are twins, their names are Senju Masaaki and Kaoru." Uchiha Boy smiled and waved at them, turning around he pointed to the group my father was talking to. "See the one with the lines on his face? And the long hair? That's Nii-San! Uchiha Itachi!" I fake smiled, "should I ask him what his name is...?" After faking enthusiasm, I said "Wow! Your brother looks so cool!"
"So those are your kids?" Fugaku asked, while Father nodded. "Yes. It seems they are getting along with Sasuke." Father then looked at Itachi, "are you two ready for the mission?" Fugaku and Itachi nodded, before walking away from the park to go to the village gate entrance. I looked at them, confused.
"Huh? Where are they going?" Sasuke asked, "Oto-San told me that he was going to a mission, maybe Itachi and your dad are tagging along."
We continued playing on the swings as Katsu played somewhere else. "You are really quick. Being able to take down Naruto." Uchiha Boy said, as he pushed Masaaki. "Naruto is really easy to read.."
Kaoru began crying, and I sweatdropped. I took Kaoru out of the swing and started carrying him. Masaaki started drooling on Uchiha Boy. "Nee-San! I'm hungry!" Katsu yelled from the slide as his stomach growled. Uchiha Boy then carried Masaaki. "I got drool all over my hand because of you!" He said jokingly. "(Y/n)-Chan, my mom is making dinner right now. Do you want to join us?"
"I still don't know his name!"
Katsu, who heard this yelled. "Yes! Please Uchiha-Kun! I'm so hungry! And Onee-San only knows how to make eggs. Pleasee!"
Sighing, I was still reluctant about going to Uchiha Boy's dinner. But Katsu insisted that we go. "But Oto-San said we can't go anywhere else besides the park and home." I argued, "But Oto-San isn't here!"
Masaaki continued drooling on Uchiha Boy. "Katsu! Don't let Uchiha-Kun hold Masaaki! He's the guest!" Katsu then got his little brother and carried him. "Pleasee Onee-San?"
I sweatdropped, "Fine."
As we entered the Uchiha Residence I could feel all the stares on Katsu and myself. It was obvious that we were Senju just because of what we were wearing. Plus, Masaaki and Kaoru look like the legendary Tobirama Senju. Though, the Uchiha and Senju have became allies there are still some grudges held against us. And us Senju aren't any different.
Uchiha Boy who held a proud smile, guiding us to his house. "This is Okaa-San! Okaa-San, this is Senju (Y/n), Katsu, Kaoru and Masaaki." Pointing at all of us as he introduced us.
"Oh! Are you Sasuke's friends?"
#2 I learned Uchiha Boy's name, even if it was a couple years ago.
End of Chapter 1.
y'all should listen to Blackpink's RosΓ© cover of "If It Is You" while reading this fic. ts has me crying π
oh & Masaaki and Kaoru
They both have red eyes and sliver hair because Senju mama has that trait. That's about it? To distinguish them let's say Kaoru has a small beauty mark under his eyebrow, and Masaaki doesn't.
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