Why is it so hard for you?
βAlright! So, my life still isn't complete. I have many things to look out for, I've written this bucket list out of boredom and the uneasiness of the future. So, let's not write out the things I want to do, instead I'll write down the things I've completed. So this is where my, or should I our? I don't know. But this is where the story begins. I've always loved writing in cute stationary, I'll write notes and never send them out. It's a waste I know, but I've always loved it.
Today, I've came to a conclusion that I'll use the voice I always had in me, but I was also pretty talkative, uh never mind that then... But since we are close to graduating Academy and become real ninja, I will use the power I always had, and use it for good. I'm not from the biggest clan in Konoha, but my clan, and our former leader is what started Konoha.
And you guessed it! I'm Senju (Y/n)! My family and myself are probably the last of our clan, since it's still unclear if we are completely wiped out or scattered around the nations or hidden villages. We don't even know ourselves.
So this is where I'm gonna leave off, let's get back to learning and listening to Iruka-Sensei talk about Shadow Clones since that's gonna be the topic for the next month. β - Senju (Y/n) Κβ’α΄₯β’Κ Κ'β’α΄₯β’'Κ
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"Oi, (Y/n)-chan, can I have one? I'm starving." A lazy voice asked me. "Sure, but is candy gonna fill you up, Shikamaru?" I pulled another candy out from my pocket, and gave it to Nara Shikamaru. As I started unwrapping mine, it slipped out of my hands.
Shikamaru tried holding in his laugh. And so did I too. Because my candy fell on top of this kid's head. He had a strange hairstyle, it was all spikey in the back, and it was weird in all honesty. Like party in the back and business in the front.
Until my eyes widened, "That's Uchiha Boy!"
That was when I seriously bursted out laughing, and the whole class was looking at me and Shikamaru joined in too. "What's happening?" Iruka-Sensei asked. Sasuke picked the candy that fell on his head and threw it back at us. "Ew! I don't want it back, it has all your hairs on it!"
"Well you're the one who dropped it." Was all he said before turning back to face Iruka-Sensei. I instantly got depressed as blue lines started showing on top of my head. As Uchiha Boy turned around he told Iruka-Sensei that "nothing happened."
The blonde girl who sat next me, her name is Yamanaka Ino I'm pretty sure, started glaring at me. "Aren't you gonna apologize to him?" She whispered to me. "Nope."
She smiled at me, "Senju (Y/n), right?" I nodded my head, "and you're Yamanaka Ino?"
"I saw you writing in some stationary, what was it about?" Ino asked, and I shrugged, because I really don't know myself. "Nothing really. Just random stuff." Ino wigged her eyebrows, "was it about Uchiha-Kun~?" Shaking my head no, I then crossed my arms.
"We've sat next to each other for the longest time, and we never once talked!" The Yamanaka stated. "That's true... We should hang out sometime-" Before I could even finish my sentence we heard Iruka tell the class that it's time for us to leave, and I stood up and went down the risers.
"Maybe I should apologize to Sasuke? No. You're a mf savage, your mom and dad know that far too well! You don't need to apologize to no boy. Especially an Uchiha." I thought to myself. "Maybe I should..? I mean, I gotta be a good person and be a golden hearted child."
But all I wanted to do at this point was go home, and I told myself that I'll apologize tomorrow. All planned.
I started walking on my home, but heard someone calling out for me. "Hey! (Y/n)-Chan!" Turning around, I faced the blonde boy everyone is annoyed of during class. Uzumaki Naruto, our knucklehead classmate. "Huh? Naruto? Why are you following me?"
Naruto smiled, "you left your notebook thingy on your desk! You should be more careful about stuff like that, (Y/n)-Chan! Someone could've read that!" I chuckled, "I guess you're right."
"Do you want to go get ramen or something?" Naruto asked, and I blushed, "wait what.. Did he just-?"
"Don't get the wrong idea, I'm just very hungry!" Naruto added, smiling at me. As I instantly got depressed with blue lines on my forehead. "Sure-, Actually! I can't, sorry about that Naruto-Kun, maybe some other time?"
"It's fine, how about tomorrow?" Naruto asked, "I can go tomorrow! Thank you for getting my notebook, Naruto, I'll see you tomorrow then!"
I smiled and waved Naruto goodbye, and for real started walking back home. But only to be stopped again, this time I was hit with something. I sighed and turned around. "What is it now?"
"Oh, Uh... What's your name again?" I asked, scratching my head, dumbfound. "Are you serious?" The ebony haired boy exclaimed. "I'm very forgetful. Heh. But I do know I dropped that candy on your head. Sorry about that!"
"You're a Senju. Aren't you?"
γ»At least I apologized. So, first thing I'm gonna write down on this bucket list...
#1 Apologized to Uchiha boy.
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