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anika and paul hadn't been in contact. paul had messaged to ask when anika was free but most of the replies said to be occupied already. anika wasn't that busy she was just putting off seeing paul.

her mind was a mess. her feelings were all over the place which confused the nineteen year old. she had never felt so confused for such a thing before and it was stressing her out. but she knew she would have to face it eventually even if that meant that she would have to brake down her walls she had put up.

she found herself at the beach for the past few days, hoping that taking her board out would clear her mind. she had come home one day with a bruise on her leg, she had completely lost focus from the wave she was catching and fell off. unfortunately for anika her board didn't fling the other way instead it smacked into her leg. it was swollen, purple and extremely painful to touch but it didn't stop her from going back out.

anika sat on the sand with her head in her knees. her board discarded next to her with the strap still attached to her ankle. anika had no idea why the sudden thoughts of her liking paul where consuming her mind. she wanted to figure out why. why she would even think of such a thing. the two had been friends for almost ten years, being nothing but best friends and now suddenly the title of friends even sounds off to her.

"anika?" anika lifted her head up slowly, tucking a fly away hair away from her face.

"hi" her voice was quiet as she greeted the blonde.

paul knew he would be able to find her at the beach. with her not answering his texts it was obvious where she would be hiding. he placed his board down beside hers and sat on the opposite side of her, his elbows placed on his knees as he looked in front of him.

"why have you been ignoring me?" he asked in a hushed tone.

"just...needed space" she answered. her eyes not leaving from the ground.

"what's bothering you? i can see the corks turning in that pretty head of yours"  paul tapped her head with his index finger lightly, hoping that a bit of joke would lighten up the dull mood.

for the first time ever, anika blushed. a small smile crept onto her face before she covered her mouth with her hand so he wouldn't see it.

"just thinking" she answered

"did i do something?" paul asked as he raked a hand through his hair

"noβ€”definitely not. just something stupid that i cant stop thinking about"

"sharing is caring y'know" paul grinned, nudging his shoulder with hers

"i'll tell you one day don't worry. justβ€”when i figure out what to say" anika stiffed out a laugh


silence drew over the two. both of them thinking about what to even say next. anika didn't want to leave paul but she would also rather not sit at the beach in awkward silence.

"oh! i umm, i bought something for you at the markets the other day" paul mentioned, a subtle smile played on his lips

anika hummed as she watched paul fish something out of his pocket. a laugh almost slipping out when he had accidentally grabbed a piece of rubbish instead of the item he had bought.

"i got you this. it reminded me of you because i know you like the colour green and obviously your obsession with turtles" paul handed the green and white bracelet over to anika. placing it in the palm of her hand for her to take.

pauls fingers grazed anikas, the soft touch left her hands feeling rather hot from the small touch.

"oh my god, i love it. thank you!" anika let out a gasp as she inspected the jewellery closer, only now realising the turtle charm on it "i didn't even realise the charm! i know you said it but i didn't even see it" the two friends fell into a fit of laughter. the awkward silence now turning into normal company between the two. it was as if nothing even happens between them.

anika let the bracelet fall against her skin as she tightened the string for it to fit her wrist better. flipping it over she placed the charm in the middle of her wrist for it to be seen better.

"i'm never taking it off" she said looking at paul.

authors note,
bit of a short chap but they are talking again!!

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