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paul pov:

"what's up with you and anika? you two seemed a bit weird earlier" kimi was the first one to speak up.

the three boys all sat down on the hill that overlooked the markets, none of them had brought anything yet just walked and talked. but they all let the silence unfold once sat down, thoughts going through all of their minds.

but all pauls thoughts were consumed by anika. he couldn't stop thinking about her. what wasn't there to think about?

the way she can look so perfect without trying, and her ability to put a smile on your face even when going through a rough patch. like in the car earlier, she still put a smile on pauls face after not speaking to him all morning.

"nothing" the uncertainty of pauls voice was a give away but what was even the point of hiding it anymore when it already seemed so obvious.

"yeah looks like it" dino said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"i don't know. what do you want me to say?" paul sighed at the two, he really didn't know what to do anymore.

"that your obsessed with her?" kimi said, almost taking the piss out of the situation

"and what if i did say i was obsessed with her?"

"then kimi owes me twenty bucks" dino shrugged like it was nothing

"you guys bet on me?" paul stared at the two in shock

"yeah? i asked kimi about it and he thought you didn't like her so we placed a bet and i won. pay up bitch" dino placed his hand out to kimi, who reached into his pocked for his wallet.

"so you like her?" kimi asked as he fished out a twenty dollar bill

"like her? its way more than like mate" dino butted in "when did you start liking her. i bet you it was in...year seven!"

"year six" the blonde corrected

"woah...thats like, the year you guys met right?" kimi asked stunned

"yeah" paul mumbled, his head hung low as he picked at the grass

"thats crazy you know" kimi stated

"nah thats loyalty bro. liking someone for ten years, i have never met someone more loyal to a girl thats not even yours"

"wow okay way to put it man. your gonna make him all depressed" kimi slapped a hand on dino's shoulder.

"you gonna do anything about it?" kimi asked

"does it look like it? she doesn't even see me the same way" paul rubbed his temples, fed up with the conversation

"you don't know that for sure though. she may also be obsessed with you" dino reached out to nudge pauls shoulder to lighten the mood.

but he still felt down.

"you guys wanna go buy anything?" paul asked in hoped that the three of them could switch the conversation up

"sure. i actually wanted to go by elvira something. ay paul, you should get something for anika"

paul thought about it. weighing his options he decided he would but he didn't know what just yet.

dino made kimi and paul stop but the jewellery tent. different styles of bracelets and rings, necklaces and earrings all on display. paul noticed two green and white bracelets next to each other. green and white string tied together with a charm in the middle. one had a shell, the other had a turtle.

it was almost like it was made for paul to buy. stepping away from kimi he picked up the two bracelets ready to ask how much they were

"hi, excuse me umβ€”how much are these two?" paul handed the bracelets to the woman gently

"is it for you and your girlfriend?" the woman wore a proud smile on her face, once paul saw it his words stuttered not making a sentence.

"well ummβ€”" the woman cut him off

"i'll charge you ten for each. usually is thirty for both but if its a gift for you and your girlfriend then i'll make a special offer for you"

"oh umm thank you but you really don't have to" paul tried to dig himself out of the conversation but the woman wouldn't budge only making it worse for him

"ah your girlfriend is lucky she got a gentleman like you. you dont need to pay the full price, twenty dollars if thats all"

with a sigh paul dug out his wallet and handed the lady a twenty dollar bill and thanked her before leaving

"i hope she likes them" the woman said hopefull

"she definitely will, thank you" paul nodded before stepping away from the awkward situation

"no way you just got a discount for an imaginary girlfriend" dino said as he laughed

"great" paul grumbled as he walked straight past them. already dreading what fun they would do because of the conversation they had overheard.

"maybe i should ask her which bracelet my girlfriend would like?" kimi teased, knowing damn well he did not have a girlfriend.

"can we just go?" paul asked annoyed now.

"dang okay mr.lover boy. see this is what happens when you obsess over someone, your no fun anymore" dino reckoned as him and kimi laughed

paul leaded them back to the car where he would now hopefully not have to sit next to anika no matter how much he wanted to.

"you gonna sit next to your girlfriend paul?" kimi snickered as he ran up to paul

"i hate all of you. all of you" paul pointed

"not anika though" dino said as he tilted his head.

dino knew him and kimi were getting into his head but it was fun to watch.

"so paul...when are you going to give her the bracelets? when you ask her out?"

"when are you going to shut up? when you get a girlfriend?"

"ohh good one" dino high-fived paul at the insult he spat back.

paul wasn't going to ask anika out anytime soon which is why the insult was good because kimi wasn't going to get a girlfriend any time soon.

paul saw anika and elvira walking towards them in the distance. he noticed that her mood had been lifted completely, her smile radiant as she spoke to elvira. he felt bad for her, she was going to have to put up with his foul mood throughout the car ride unless she produced some of her magic on him.

which in all honesty was bound to happen. because she always made paul smile even over the most random things.

authors note,
paul pov...i need them to talk again
i need them to make up, make outβ€”i mean...hug it out!??!

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