anika hummed a song while she got ready for her dinner with paul. she had picked a nice restaurant by the beach, it was one she had been to before and absolutely loved it so she just had to pick it.
anika wore a white flowy skirt with a skin tight black top and her favourite shoes, her black sambas. she clasped on her jewellery to finish off the look before looking in the mirror.
her hair was still a bit fuzzy but she didn't want to straighten it, so she left it natural and wavy for the night.
anika just about ran out of her room when she heard the door bell ring. she answered the door only seconds later after she captured her breath, she was never one for running.
"hi" she beamed at the boy in front of her, he wore a loose white button up paired with black jeans and he somehow managed to match shoes with anika despite not messaging her prior to ask what she was wearing.
" look stunning" pauls voice was quite but no quiet enough so anika would not hear.
"thank you, you dont look to bad yourself" she joked as she hit his chest lightly. "bye mum!" anika yelled as she briefly stepped foot into her house to bid her mother goodbye.
"be safe, and don't come home to late! unless you stay at paul's, let me know"
anika walked to pauls car as the restaurant was almost twenty minutes away. she had already put in the address in his phone by the time they got to his car.
paul stepped in front of anika to open the passenger door for her, closing it as well once she was seated.
"charming" anika said with a laugh as she looked at the boy next to her, his focus on the road ahead.
"for you? always" he glanced at her with a grin on his face. his arm shifted from the steering wheel, inching closer to anika. picking up the courage paul let his hand slide down to anika's thigh. her skin was not showing but she could feel the warmth of his hand. "that okay?" paul asked as he once again glanced at the girl in the passenger seat.
anika nodded. her hand reaching to clasp with his, their fingers intertwined in her lap.
when they arrived at the restaurant paul quickly got out of the car and walked around to the other side so he could open the door for his girl. just as anika hand was about to reach for the door it swung open revealing a smiling paul as he looked down at her.
they walked into the restaurant hand in hand, swinging their hands back and forth until they reached the entrance.
"this place is busy" paul commented as he walked beside anika, following her to the counter.
"hello, table for two?" the lady at the desk said, scribbling on her note book as she spoke
"yes thanks" paul said
"alright! follow me"
anika sat in the seat opposite paul, shuffling her chair closer to the table not listening to the waiter.
"i will come back in a bit when your ready" anika watched as jade looked paul up and down, smiling at him before walking off. anika had read her name on her tag but jade hadn't noticed because she was to busy checking her boyfriend out.
"huh?" anika whipped her head to paul, only just now hearing his voice
"what are you thinking?"
anika leaned forward on the table "that chick was totally checking you out!"
"okayβ wait she was?"
"oh my god, what is it with men and not being able to notice that? dud she looked you up and down"
"don't dude me!"
"is that all you gathered from that?" anika asked as her face faltered in a joking matter
"no! i'm just saying"
"okay boyfriend, i wont do it again. better?" anika tilted her head with a grin
"ew no don't say that again" paul said as he fake gaged causing anika to laugh at his antics.
"your drinks" anika and paul stopped laughing as the waiter interrupted them, placing their drinks randomly on the table.
anika was given pauls, and he was given hers. jade didn't even asked who's was who's.
"are you guys ready for mains?" jade grabbed her small note pad from her pocket, fishing out a pen straight after.
"i will get the carbonara" paul glanced to the waiter, letting her finish writing before stating anikas meal before she could "and my girlfriend will get a margarita pizza"
the waiter cleared her throat, furrowed her brows before putting her note pad and pen away "that will be here as soon as possible"
anika noticed her fake smile, more like a bitchy smile an it was toward her.
"nice trick" anika commented as she still looked in the direction of the kitchen
"i can be very smart! do i get a kiss for my smartness?"
"what do you mean no!"
"later? your making me wait for a kiss"
paul's jaw dropped as he looked at his serious girlfriend. "i hate you"
"no you don't. i'm to pretty for you to hate"
paul pointed his finger at her "now that is true"
anika and paul spent their time bickering while they waited for their food. when it did come it was served by another waiter. one that seemed much more likeable.
"thank you" anika and paul thanked at the same time, making them look at each other and laugh
"can i have a slice?" he asked as he had finished his dish
"no! you had a whole meal already"
"its a slice plus i know you wont eat all of it"
"fine" anika peeled a slice of her pizza off and placed it on his empty plate
after fighting for who was going to pay, paul eventually winning that battle they left the restaurant to go home. only tonight home was not at anika's but at paul's.
anika had sent her mother a message prior to warn her and not send the police to go search for her.
hiii mama, im going to stay at paul's tonight. see you tomorrow, love you!
her mother responded not even five seconds later
be safe i don't want any grand babies yet!
anika groaned in her seat, her head hitting the head rest of the seat.
"what?" paul asked confused
"nothing, nothing. just my mum being weird"
anika he beaten paul to opening the door this time, his face fell when she had stepped out of the car before him. but paul wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked to the door.
paul dug into his pocket to find the house keys. the door made a loud click sound as it unlocked, paul gestured for her to step in, he stepped in after and closed the door behind him.
it wasn't to late but paul's family was no where to be seen so he assumed they were in their rooms. they didn't know that anika was coming home with paul, if they had none then they would have greeted the two at the door.
anika laughed quietly as she heard ralf hell in his room, probably from loosing his game.
the second paul stepped into his room he went looking for spare clothes for anika. while she sat on his bed looking around his room.
his room had changed from all those years ago, his bunk bed with a desk on the bottom was gone and replaced with a simple double bed. a gaming desk now placed by the window of his room and all his old posters of movies and games were taken down. he did have a few surfing posters and small pictures of family and friends stuck up behind his door
"paulβanika!" anikas head shot up to the door of paul's room. ralf stood there with is headphones placed around his neck.
"hi" anika laughed as she watched ralf glance around the room
"where's paul?"
"digging out clothes from his wardrobe. do you need him?"
"nah i was just going to ask about dinner but now i can ask you!"
"it was good. had a jealous waiter too!"
ralf beamed at the comment "oh! do tell me more" he moved from his spot at the doorframe now coming to sit down next to anika
"its pretty boring but she was like fully checking out paul it was so funny"
"and what did you do about it?"
"paul ordered my meal and was like 'and my girlfriend will get the margarita pizza' i almost starting laughing!"
ralf was halfway from tipping off the edge of the bed with how much he was laughing, anika could have sworn she saw his eyes watering.
"i would have laughed right away! thats so embarrassing for her"
"what makes it better is that when our food came she wasn't the one who served it. someone else did"
"oh thats tops it!"
authors note,
longer chapter today wooo!
bit of fluff and shit idk anymore
i cant think of anymore chapter ideas...imagine if this book just ends after the next chapter, jk it wont end that soon!
btw this is the idea of the outfit anika was wearing!!
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