anika was meeting up with paul. it would be their first time hanging out together as a couple.
paul was her boyfriend, it still rattled her brain every time she thought about it, how lucky she was to be with someone so great, someone so caring.
"hi" she spoke shyly as she approached the blonde.
she placed her board on the sand carefully before moving forward to embrace with boy in a hug. her arms going around his torso tightly while his glided around her waist ever so carefully. he placed a small kiss on the top of her head, the scent of her shampoo filling his nose.
"i missed you" paul confessed, with a lopsided smile
"you saw me yesterday"
"and that was so long ago!"
"gosh your so dramatic" anika rolled her eyes at the boys antics "you surfing or what, the weathers perfect" anika spoke as she picked up her board
"yeah just give me a sec" paul waved anika off as he stood by his board taking off his shirt.
anika didn't want to admit she was staring but she definitely was. she just couldn't peel her eyes off of his body.
"staring are we?" paul teased
"uhmβyes" her eyes widened once she realised she had just confessed to staring "its not like i'm a stranger, your my boyfriend" anika stated with a huff.
but the comment made paul blush a bit, it was the first time anika had used the term boyfriend in an actual sentence and it sent paul into an internal frenzy about how lucky he was.
he had waited years for a moment like this and now that he was getting it he never wanted it to stop, he may as well die with how much he would miss the title of being anika's boyfriend.
anika was the first one to catch a wave while paul sat on his board watching her glide along the wave. he would be lying if he said he hadn't checked her out many times today, he could blame the bikini she was wearing, or the male hormones but it was really that he couldn't take his eyes off her in general no matter what anika wore. his eyes always found her during the day, no matter what she was doing.
"seems like you are the one with the staring problem now" the voice of anika broke paul out of his trance, his eyes finding hers in an instant.
"not going to deny it! you expect me to keep my eyes off you when you look like an angle? hell no"
anika felt her cheeks heat up at the comment, looking away from the blonde before he could notice the redness that appeared on her face.
"want to race back to shore?"
anika looked back to paul, he was staring off into the distance behind anika as his hands swirled in the water.
"last one to the sand has to pay for dinner!" anika called out as she now lay on her board looking for a wave.
the two fought for the first wave they saw, paul having to back out of the wave to let anika through but he didn't mind having to pay for dinner. he would do anything for her.
eventually paul made his way to anika who was waiting on the sand sitting down on her board.
"finally!" she groaned, being dramatic
"hey! i could have pushed you away but i am nice enough not to"
anika placed a hand on her heat "what a gentleman!"
paul leant his hand out for the girl to take, helping her up. the two walked in comfortable silence as they walked back to anika's house, placing their surfboards in anika's garage.
"so what do you want for dinner?" paul asked as he came back from having a shower, his freshly washed hair falling over his face.
"you don't have to buy me anything i was joking"
"but i'm not, now what do you want" paul sighed as he sat himself next to the girl on the bed. wrapping his arm around her shoulder to bring her close.
"pizza" anika answered quickly
"pizza? do you want to go out a do that tomorrow?" paul asked
"is this you asking me out on a date?" anika raised an eyebrow as she looked up at paul
"yeah, i guess so. alright so help me pick a place" paul handed anika his phone to search up restaurants.
paul ate whatever was placed in front of him but it wasn't the same situation for anika so thats why she now had free choice of what place to pick.
authors note,
date chapter next how we feeling!??
this was not edited or proofread!!
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