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it had felt like forever since anika had seen the rest of her friends group. so the four agreed to meet up at the beach, what a surprise.

"why can't i come?" alessandro asked with a frown on his face

"because no one likes you" anika said sarcastically, trying her best not to laugh at her brothers reaction

"paul likes me!" he defended

anika cleared her throat "sure, sure. bye" giving her brother a small wave she closed the door behind her.

fishing out her board from the garage she headed down to the beach. it didn't take her long to find her friends. they were unique enough to spot easily, dino doing a cartwheel was enough as an explanation.

"ah the queen has arrived!" dino announced as he saw anika

"bow to me, peasants" anika teased with a smile on her face.

greeting the boys with hugs, she was hesitant to even give paul one but he embraced her in one before she could even back away. his hands wrapped around her waist, hugging her close.

she patted him on the chest, her fingers trailing along the thin fabric of his button up shirt. "is this the shirt i told you to buy?" anika tilted her head back slightly to look up at the blonde.

not taking his hands away from her waist, his fingers tapped softly against the soft fabric of her shirt.

"yeah. looks good right?" paul teased with a grin


the group settled down on one large blanket, a cooler bag placed in the middle of them. kimi's mum had packed a bag full of snacks for the group of friends.

"dude i love your mums food" anika hummed, satisfied with the homemade food kimi's mum had made.

"i'll definitely tell her that" the italian nodded

dino cleared his throat, gathering everyone's attention "sooo...how about we play a game?" he said, clapping his hands together.

"depends" paul shrugged

"never have i ever, truth or dare...uhm yeah that's all i got!"

the group agreed, anika just following along and shrugging her shoulders.

"alright! kimi truth or dare?" dino started off, turning towards kimi


"boring! oh wait! i've actually been meaning to ask you this and now is the perfect opportunity. are you in a secret relationship that we don't know about?"

kimi's cheeks immediately flushed a light shade of red, hanging his head low before answering "yeah. but in my defence we are just testing it out!" he stated before anyone could rush to annoy him for keeping his secret.

"dang kimi, you got yourself a girl. i ever thought i would see the day" anika said with a teasing smile.

"okay paul truth or dare?" kimi asked, moving on from the last topic


"i dare you to...confess" kimi said with a smug grin on his face.

kimi and dino did not know that paul had already done that so the dare was barley even a task

"already done that" paul said like it was nothing.

"WHAT?" dino and kimi exclaimed at the same time, both their jaws dropping at the information

"few days ago" paul explained, wrapping his arm around anika's shoulders, pulling her into his side

"i never thought i would see the day! holy shit man you did it" dino leaned over to dab up paul, kimi doing the same after

"wait so are you guys dating or?"

paul and anika glanced at each other "we haven't got that far yet. its like you kimi, just testing it out i guess" anika answered, avoiding the awkwardness.

"alright enough about us...anika, truth or dare?" paul asked, lowering his head slightly to look at the girl beside him


paul leant down to anikas ear, whispering "i dare you to kiss me"

"and if i say no?" anika raised and eyebrow to the blonde next to her

"then i get two" he said, holding up two fingers

anika glanced to where kimi and dino where sat, only to see them not there. the remains of their rubbish and backpacks but they were no where to be seen.

"where'dā€”" anika stared, but got cut off by pauls lips on here's. she closed her eyes, melting into the kiss that was sweet and tender. her hand brushed against paul's forearm, slowly rubbing her fingers in a circular motion lightly against his skin that now formed with goosebumps.

anika was the one to pull away, her lips red and puffy from the kiss. her lips formed into a soft smile as she looked at the boy in front of her, hair tussled and eyes softened as he met anika's gaze.

"i really want this to work between us" paul whispered lowly. vulnerability heard in his voice.

"i do to"

"please don't ever leave me. no matter what" paul held out his pinky finger

"i promise" she wrapped her pinky finger around his, a promise she would keep no matter what went on between them.

authors note,
not edited bc im to lazy

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