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anika and paul had stayed up late just binge watching random shows on netflix before crashing. when paul had noticed anika was knocked out he moved himself to the beanbag in anika's room. he learnt from last time, and even though they were technically dating he thought he'd be respectful and sleep on the beanbag.

anika rubbed her eyes before turning over in her bed. sticking her arm out hoping that paul would be there her hand was met with nothing but the cold sheets next to her. she opened her eyes and looked around the room only to see paul laying in a uncomfortable position on her beanbag. her body ached just looking at him. it was no doubt that paul was going to wake up with a messed up back and a sore neck.

slowly anika crawled out of bed and crouched down beside paul, poking him on the shoulder waking him up instantly.

"i knew you were a light sleeper but geez man" anika's face scrunched up at the blonde.

"oh my gosh, my back is so sore. ooh! and my neck" paul groaned as he moved his head from side to side, his eyes squinting from the pain.

"if you want to go back to sleep you can sleep on my bed. i am going to go make breakfast unless my mum has already beat me to it" anika gave a soft smile towards paul.

choosing to be bold for once she leant in and placed a small kiss on his cheek before leaving her room with flustered cheeks. paul's cheeks were as red, if not more red than anika's.

but paul took up the offer of going back to sleep on anika's bed. once his head hit the comfortable pillow he was out cold. snuggled into the vanilla scented sheets that sent him straight into a calming slumber.

"did paul stay the night?" anika's mum asked her while she made a coffee. anika stood leant against the kitchen bench on the opposite side.

"yeah he did. slept on the beanbag though" anika let a laugh slip as she pictured paul curled up on the beanbag.

"thats got to be uncomfortable"

"yeah...i offered him my bed if he wanted to though. he's probably fell asleep within a second"

anika's mum nodded her head subtly.

"hi ma!" anikas eyes widened at the sound of her brother. when their eyes met she gave him a glare to which he smiled at. "i saw paul when i was passing your room, he looked so comfy i might go join him"

"alessandro thats a little weird" anika commented, rolling her eyes

"not weird when you do it" alessandro scoffed at his sister. he made his way past her slipping beside to the fridge but not without earning a whack on the back of the head

"can you stop hitting me!"

"how about, no" anika grinned as she watched alessandro rub his head.

"anika. what did alessandro mean?" her mum asked her once alessandro left the kitchen

"about what?" she asked, knowing well what her mother was referring to

"paul? sleeping in your bed? got the idea yet"

"friends can sleep in the same bed" anika replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

"yes...but i could tell your brother said that to get my attention on something. so do you mind telling me what that is?"

anika could either lie and tell her mother that alessandro was just being annoying but she knew better than to lie to her own mum. it would most likely end up with her getting scolded out when she actually found out.

"uhm so paul and i we—i don't know...we both like each other. i am not sure where we are though in terms of that" anika confessed with a sigh.

"so you both like each other but haven't done anything from that. seems like you two just have to talk it out and see what you want to do. but i'm so proud of my girl, all grown up" anikas mum made her way around the kitchen island and embraced her daughter into a should crushing hug "i remember you telling me when you first met paul and now you are dating him"

anika groaned and tilted her head back in annoyance "we are not dating yet! i literally just told you that"

"and i am getting older, expect to repeat stuff when i go deaf. no go wake up my son in law, i'll make breakfast"


"what. don't tell me i am wrong" she sent a wink anikas way before making her way around the kitchen again to prepare for breakfast "pancakes for breakfast by the way!"

anika made her way up to her room. seeing paul sleeping peacefully in her bed made her doubt even waking him up. anika chose to let paul sleep a bit longer until her mother finished making breakfast. climbing into bed on the other side, anika sat up against the headboard as she turned the tv on. violently clicking the volume button to the lowest so she wouldn't wake up the boy next to her.

anikas attention shifted from the screen ahead of her. she looked down to paul, who had moved from his spot to be close to anika. she could have sworn her heart stopped for a good second when his hand moved to rest along her stomach. anika was trying not to scream at the feeling it gave her, her stomach filled with butterflies. it took her a while to realise she wasn't breathing during the moment.

taking deep breaths anika remained silent and relatively calm. she carefully let her hand fall through his hair slowly. twisting stands of his blonde hair around her fingers.

"gosh your going to make me have a heart attack" anika whispered to no one but herself.

authors note,
just wanted to say we reached 1k readsss

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