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Amara's outfit:
Woods -

School / Woods -

Chapter Eight
πŸŒ’ Lunatic 🌘

Under the light of an almost full moon, Scott and Amara followed Stiles down a dark path through the woods, "Where are we going?" Scott asked. "You'll see." Stiles said, giving them a completely vague answer.

"Cause I really shouldn't be out here. My mom is in a constant state of freak-out from what happened at the school." Scott said and Amara nodded in agreement. "Well, your mom isn't the Sheriff, okay? There's no comparison, trust me." Stiles said and Amara raised her eyebrows.

"My mom was a US Marshal, a Bounty Hunter, A PI and is now a Deputy and a Protector Witch." She said and Stiles nodded and pointed at her, "There's comparison." He said. "Can you at least tell me what we're doing out here?" Scott asked and Stiles turned to him, "When your best friend gets dumped-"

"I didn't get dumped. We're taking a

"You get them drunk." Stiles said, pulling out the bottle of Jack Daniels.

After a while, the once full bottle of Jack is now half empty. No telling how much time has passed, but long enough for Stiles to have gotten completely wasted. The three friends keep warm around a steel trash can with a fire blazing inside. "Dude, she's one girl. There are plenty more girls in the sea." Stiles slurred.

"Fish in the sea." Amara corrected making Stiles look at her confused. "Fish? Why you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls. I love 'em. Hey! Does that make me a lesbian?" Stiles asked making Amara look at him weird. "What?" She asked, "You love girls and you're a lesbian. I love girls to so that makes me a lesbian to." Stiles said and Amara furrowed her brows, "Sure, Stiles." She said and he looked at her confused.

"Wait- What was I talking about?" Stiles asked then noticed Scott's expression, "You don't look happy. Drink." Stiles said holding up the bottle. "I don't want anymore." He said, "You're not drunk?" Stiles asked and Scott shook his head slightly.

"I'm not anything." Scott says as he stares into the fire, the glow from the flames flickering over his face. "Okay, Scott McCall has officially turned emo. I lend you my My Criminal Romance CD." Amara said before grabbing the bottle of whiskey, "And werewolves can't get drunk. Hence the reason my mom never cared if I drink." Amara said before taking a drink.

"Am I drunk?" Stiles asked and Amara chuckled and patted his head, "You're wasted, buddy." She said making him cheer and hold his hand out for a fist bump.

"Come on, dude. I know it feels bad. I know it hurts. I know....Well, I don't know. But I know this- I know that as much as being broken up hurts, being alone is way worse....That didn't make any sense. I need a drink." Stiles said but then a couple grown men grabbed the bottle making Amara roll her eyes.

"Well, look at the three little bitches getting their drink on." One of them, Reddick said making Amara get up and walk over to them. "That was about as funny as the way your face looks." She said then held her hand out, "Now give it back." She said making the man raise his eyebrows at her.

"What was that sweetheart?" He said in a slight flirtatious tone, looking her up and down making her look at him disgusted. "Honest question. What part of me made you think I'm straight? I'd like to change it." She said and Scott slightly growl and stand next to her. "She said give it back." Scott demanded making Amara look over at him slightly confused at the way he was acting. "I think he wants a drink." Unger said making Reddick chuckle.

"I want the bottle."

"Scott, maybe we should just go..." Stiles said, obviously not wanting to get in any trouble. "You brought me here to get me drunk, Stiles. I'm not drunk yet." Scott said and Amara moved to help Stiles up. Uneasy, Reddick challenges him by taking a shot. When he lowers the bottle, he eyes Scott with a satisfied smile. But it fades when Scott finally stands, his approach was calm and eliberate

"Give me the bottle."

Reddick looks to Unger but his friend is no longer laughing, something unnerving about Scott's total calm. Then, as Reddick raises the bottle to take another sip Scott steps closer and his eyes change, burning with a sickly yellow glow. "Scott-"

"Give me. The bottle. Of Jack." Scott demanded. Staring into Scott's yellow eyes, Reddick slowly and shakily
holds the bottle out. Just a few feet away, Stiles notices Scott's right hand, claws extended. His fingers tense as if preparing to swipe at Reddick's jugular.

"Scott!" Amara yelled and then Scott grabs the bottle of Jack out of Reddick's hand and turns, launching it through the air. It smashed against a tree, exploding into a million shards. Amara sighed and grabbed Scott's by the back of his collar, dragging him and Stiles towards the jeep.

"Please tell me that was because of the breakup. Or better yet, because tomorrow's the full moon." Stiles asked as Scott pauses at the Jeep to help Stiles in to the passenger side. Stiles falls back onto the seat, on the verge of passing out, while Amara climbed into the backseat.

"Going home now. Yeah?"


"Oh, Amara! Walk with us." Lydia said as she wrapped her arm around Amara's when Amara went to walk past her and Allison. "Uh- Why?" Amara asked, looking incredibly awkward, "Because after everything we went through the other night. You're our friend now." She said and Amara's eyes widened as she looked at Allison who chuckled.

"It's weird. Everyone's talking about what happened the other night. And nobody knows it was us." Allison said and Lydia hummed, "Thank you for the protection of minors." Lydia said and Amara raised her eyebrows. "Not protection of everyone. I've heard at least seven people mutter my name in the last five minutes." She said and they looked at her apologetically.

"Guys, do you think I made the wrong decision?" Allison asked and Lydia looked her up and down briefly, "About that jacket with that dress? Absolutely." Lydia said snidely making Amara raise her eyebrows. "I'm pretty sure she's talking about Scott." She said and Lydia scoffed.

"Hello? Scott locked us in a classroom and left us for dead. He's lucky we're not pressing charges, or making him pay our therapy bills." Lydia said and Allison looked over at Amara shrugged slightly, "I'm not the best person to asked about relationship advice. I've never had one. But, you made the decision that felt right at the time." Amara said and Lydia looked at her.

"You've never been in a relationship before?" She asked and Amara shook her head, "Oh, we're gonna have to change that. What's your type." Lydia said. "Girls." Amara said and Lydia nodded, "Yes, everyone knows that already. But what type of girls?" She asked and Amara shrugged slightly.

"I just like girls."


Allison walked into class and sat down as other students filled the room. A couple seconds later, Scott walked in and paused slightly when he saw Allison. She gives him a brief glance, then focuses her eyes down, clearly trying very hard not to look at him.

"Allison..." Scott said as he walked up to her seat but before he could say anything else, Mr. Harris spoke up. "Mr. McCall, please take a seat." He said making Scott sigh softly before going over to a seat near Stiles. Mr. Harris places a stack of Blue Exam Books at the first desk of each row and the students begin handing them back.

"You have forty-five minutes to complete the test. Twenty-five percent of your grade can be earned right now by simply putting your full name on the cover. However, as happens every year, one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover and I'll be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher." Harris said and Amara sighed and wrote her name on the test.

"So let's get the disappointment over with. Begin."

Amara opened her test and started answering until she started hearing the sound of someones rapid heartbeat. She looked up and was about to glance around when Scott suddenly shot up and ran out. "Mr. McCall!" Harris called out before Stiles got up and ran after Scott, "Mr. Stilinski!" He yeed before looking at Amara.

"Miss. Hale, if you even dare to get up, I will give you a week worth of detention." Mr. Harris said making Amara look at him offended, "I didn't even move!"


"Are you not freaking out? I'm freaking out." Stiles said as him and Scott walked out of the locker room after finding out that Scott is now co-captain and Stiles had made first line. "What's the point? It's just a stupid title. And I could practically smell the jealousy in there." Scott said making Stiles look at him.

"You smelled jealousy?" Stiles asked and Scott nodded, "It's like the full moon's turned everything up to ten." Scott said as Amara walked up to them. "Oh! Amara, guess what?" Stiles asked excitedly and she sighed, "Stiles, I hate guessing games." She said.

"I made first line and Scott's now the co-captain." Stiles said making her eyes widen, "Holy shit." She said as Stiles hugged her before she looked at Scott. "Hey, gloomy." She said as she flicked Scott's forehead, "Smile, you made co-captain." She said and he just rolled his eyes slightly.


Amara walked up the bleachers and sat down next to Lydia as Coach blew his whistle making everyone line up. Coach tosses the ball and Scott goes for it. Moving fast, twisting his stick to keep the ball in tight until two players collide with Scott, ramming into him with
unwarranted brutality. He tumbles to the ground, stick clattering away from him. "I guess some people don't appreciate your new status, McCall." Coach laughed.

Behind the lineup of other players, Stiles looks out to see Scott snap right back up to his feet in an acrobatic kip up. "Next!" Coach yelled but before another player can step forward, Scott whips his lacrosse stick in front of him. Teeth bared underneath his helmet, he steps to the head of the line again. "That's the spirit. Earn it, McCall! Earn it!"

He sends the ball bouncing to the ground. Scott grabs it and shoots forward at the two long stick defenders. He smashes through them like a battering ram. Playing goal, Danny comes forward to stop the offensive attack but Scott whips around and shoves his elbow into Danny's helmet,
sending him tumbling through the air.

Danny goes down with a strangled cry of pain. He hits the ground hard, helmet snapping into the dirt. Coach blows the whistle as other players start forward. Jackson shoves past everyone, alarmed for his friend while Lydia and Amara ran down the bleachers.

"Yeah, but everybody likes Danny. Now everybody's gonna hate you." Stiles said as Amara walked up to him and Scott, "I don't care." Scott said before walking away. "Is this normal for full moons?" Stiles asked, turning to Amara who shook her head and shrugged slightly, "I mean- some times. I'm definitely a bit more moodier today because of the full moon but I guess the break up probably isnt helping." She said and Stiles sighed.

"I guess that just means we have a lot to deal with tonight." Stiles said and Amara nodded, "Yep."


"Scott?" Melissa asked when she heard the front door open, "Stiles." Stiles said as Melissa walked around the corner. "Amara." Amara said and Melissa raised her eyebrow, "Key!" Melissa said, pointing at the key in Stiles' hand. "Yeah, I had one made, so-" Stiles said and Melissa nodded slightly, "That doesn't surprise me. It scares me, but it doesn't surprise me."

Stiles served down the duffel bag it had making the chains inside it rattle. Amara closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose while Melissa pointed at the bag. "What's that?" Melissa asked and Amara sighed, "It's a school project... My idea." She said and Melissa nodded. "You using weird things for a school project, not surprised." She said before sighing softly, "Guys, he's okay, right?" She asked.

"Who, Scott? Yeah, totally." Stiles said and Melissa shrugged slightly, "He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore. Not like he used to." She said and Amara sighed. "He's just had a bit of a rough week... With what happened the other night and Allison breaking up with him." Amara said and Melissa nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, I get it. Yeah. Um, okay. Uh, be careful tonight." She said and Stiles nodded and pointed at her while she dug through her bag.

"You, too." He said and she glanced up at them, "Full moon." She said making them look at her in alarm. "What?" Stiles asked, "There's a full moon tonight. You should see how the ER gets- brings out all the nutjobs." She said making the two teens sigh in relief. "You know, it's, um, actually where they came up with the word lunatic." Melissa said and Amara raised her eyebrows, "Ohh, so that's where my nickname came from." Amara said making Melissa chuckle and pat her shoulder before walking out.

Stiles and Amara glanced at each other before Amara picked up the duffel bag and they walked upstairs. They walked into Scott's bedroom and Amara turned on the light before Stiles jumped when they saw Scott sitting on his chair in the corner.

"Oh, my God! Dude, you scared the hell out of me! Your mom said you weren't home yet." Stiles said and Scott just stared at them blankly, "I came in through the window." He said and Amara nodded. "Right. Well, let's get this set up. I want you to see what we bought." Amara said as she set the bag down before crouching down next to it.

"I'm fine. I'm just gonna lock the door and go to bed early tonight." Scott said and Amara cocked an eyebrow while Stiles looked nervous. "You sure about that...? 'Cause you've got this kind of serial killer look... going on in your eyes, and I'm hoping it's the full moon taking effect, 'cause it's really starting to freak me out..." Stiles said and Scott still just stared at them blankly, "I'm fine. You should go now." Scott said and Amara nodded and held her hands up in defense slightly.

"All right, we'll leave. But could you just at least look in the bag and see what we brought, they weren't cheap? Maybe you use it, maybe you don't. How's that?" Amara asked and Scott slowly got up and crouched down in front of her before pulling some chains out of the bag.

"You think I'm gonna let you put these on and chain me up like a dog?" Scott asked and Amara smirked, "Of course not." She said. She quickly grabbed him by his jacket, forcing him over towards the window and grabbing his hand making Stiles quickly shoot out to cuff him to the radiator.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Scott yelled and Amara smiled, "Protecting you and other from yourself, obviously." She said as she stood up.

A little while later, Amara was still standing in front of Scott when Stiles walked in. "I brought you some water." Stiles said as he held up a dog bowl which Scott's name sharpied on the front of it and poured some water in it before setting it down. "I'm gonna kill you!" Scott yelled, throwing the bowl of water at Stiles as he started to walk out the room and Amara chuckled.

"You wanna know something funny?" Amara asked as she crouched down, "I said the same thing to my mom on my second full moon... That's also when I gave her thar scare on her eyebrow. You hate us now, but tomorrow you'll be thankful for what we did. And you feel so bad for what a complete dumbass and son of a bitch you've been acting like." Amara taunted before standing up.

"And don't worry. I know how unreliable handcuff can be against a Werewolf. So if you get out, I'm fully prepared to break your neck if I have to. You'll heal." Amara said before grabbing Stiles' shoulder and walking out the room. "Do you always taunt angry werewolves or is it just the full moon affecting your mood?" Stiles as they sat down on the ground and Amara pursed her lips slightly, "Both." She said and he nodded.

"Guys, please let me out. It's the full moon, I swear. You know I wouldn't do any of this on purpose. Please, guys, let me out. It's starting to hurt. It's not like the first time. It's the full moon... it's Allison breaking up with me... I know... that it's not just taking a break. She broke up with me. And it's killing me. I feel completely hopeless." Scott said making Stiles close his eyes, trying not to listen. Amara sighed softly as she grabbed Stiles hand, "It's okay... The guilt trip stage is the worst part."

"Just, please- let me out I can't. No, no, no!"

Stiles and Amara slowly gets to their feet, listening through the door to the transformation happening inside the room. As pained gasps turn to wild thrashing, Stiles backs away, uncertain what to do. "Scott? Are you okay?" Stiles ask as Amara inches closer to Scott's door, the thrashing becoming louder and louder.

Amara quickly opened the door to find the handcuffs twisted and broken on the floor. Past the bed, a breeze rustles through the open window. And Scott was no where in sight.

"I'll go get him, you call my mom." Amara said before running down the stairs and out the front door.


With an inhuman snarl, Scott hurtles off the roof of a car, pouncing down onto the parking lot of a sporting store. His clawed hands rake across the black pavement as he shoots forward, loping at higher and higher speeds. Bounding up into the air, he lands right on top of Jackson's car which both Jackson and Allison sat in.

The car shakes making Allison and Jackson both looking up in surprise. On top of the car, Scott reaches up with a clawed hand to strike down when something suddenly flies out of the darkness toppling him to the ground.

Scott turned to what tackled him to see a wolf with black fur that had little ginger-red bits and glowing golden yellow-firey red mix growling at him. Scott growled under his breath and went to charge at the wolf but someone tackled him to the ground. Scott tries to fight the person off but they're far more powerful. The wolf leaped forward, bitting Scott's hood, dragging him into the shadows of the woods.

"Scott-" Derek tried to say as he followed Scott and the wolf but the boy still thrashes out, trying fight the wolf off. "Stop. Scott, stop." Derek said as he pushed Scott down, snarling with an unbridled ferocity. Then, in the blink of an eye, Scott's human again, gazing at him as if not recognizing him.

Then he sees his hands. The claws. The realization of what he's done falls over him, "What's happening to me?" Scott asked as Makena walked over to

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