๐ข. ๐›๐จ๐ซ๐ž๐๐จ๐ฆ + ๐†๐จ๐ฃ๐จ = ๐œ๐ก๐š๐จ๐ฌ

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๐ข. ๐›๐จ๐ซ๐ž๐๐จ๐ฆ + ๐†๐จ๐ฃ๐จ = ๐œ๐ก๐š๐จ๐ฌ

|๐๐จ๐ซ๐ž๐๐จ๐ฆ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐›๐ข๐ซ๐ญ๐ก๐ฉ๐ฅ๐š๐œ๐ž ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐†๐ž๐ง๐ข๐ฎ๐ฌ| (๐ฆ๐š๐ง๐ฒ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ ๐š๐ซ๐ ๐ฎ๐ž ๐†๐จ๐ฃ๐จ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ž๐ฑ๐œ๐ž๐ฉ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง)

Bored. Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored. Gojo was bored. So unbelievably bored. He had no missions, no students - his cute little students were already taking missions as a trio without the need of their sensei. Gojo did not pout when that news was revealed, he didn't - and nothing to do. A bored Satoru is a dangerous Satoru. Hollow Purple is proof enough of that.

Once again, a quiet lull in his usually busy schedule of hunting cursed spirits, contemplating the murder of old bastards, annoying Nanami and just being better than everyone, had Gojo just about ready to rip out his snowy white hair in frustration. Seriously could a curse or two not just pop up and wreak havoc somewhere? Was that too much to ask? It had been eight days and there had been no curse sightings worth his time or at least that's what the slimy old bastards are insisting on. Gojo can't say he believes them but he unfortunately does have to follow orders from time to time - especially after fighting tooth and nail for Yuji's temporary pardon - to ensure he had some level of. . . trust with the Higher Ups, a sort of 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' deal. He was dying to do something. Anything. He just needed to do something time-consuming and distracting or he'd lose his mind.

He resolved to clean his attic which was full of old knick-knacks, books and heirlooms from the Gojo family compound - which he had not been to in over a decade since the massacre of his clan at the hands of the Zen'in clan. Too many memories there that Gojo did not want to deal with.

Regret was the first thing Gojo felt when he took a peek into the attic. It was so small yet there was so much stuff and Gojo was half tempted to go back to the couch he had sprawled himself across in his earlier despair. Why did he pick the messiest part of the house to go through? Why didn't he pick the kitchen which was cleaned methodically all the time? But he was the Strongest so he could deal with this no bother. No bother at all.

Gojo rolled up his sleeves, popped a stick of gum in his mouth and got to work.

. . .

He found that it was a bother. A massive bother. Gojo had been tipping away at the rubbish heap he calls an attic for hours and he wasn't even half done. How in God's name did he manage to get so much stuff into his attic. It seemed to never end. His attic wasn't even that big. The hell?

And by God the sheer number of spiders crawling around the place was disturbing. The eight-legged bastards were everywhere. He'd managed to collect dozens on the top of his Infinity dome that just seemed content to stay there. Bastards.

Gojo hadn't even found anything interesting amongst his family's belongings bar a few shikigami scrolls that he would probably pass onto little Megumi when Gojo next saw the spiky-haired boy - a not quite apology for killing his father and being a dodgy guardian, at best. A few cursed weapons were stashed around but none of them were overly interesting, for him anyway, he was sure Yuji or his former Zen'in student would love them, the latter's love of weapons knowing no bounds, almost rivalling Gojo's love for sweets. Almost. Some books on his family techniques he'd bring with him to read later and another one on advanced teleportation. There was bound to be something he could get from those.

Having found something better to occupy his time with than rifling through old crap Gojo grabbed the books, scrolls, an old pair of tinted glasses Nanami might like and the weapons he'd picked out and made his way down the ladder leading to the attic and padded into the living room where he dumped the objects in his arms onto the coffee table and picked up one of the books on Six Eyes.

Sprawling back onto the couch book in hand Gojo opened it to a random page and began reading. . . before promptly snapping it shut after reading three sentences because it was all wrong. Whoever wrote this had obviously not had Six Eyes nor did they know someone with it. Whoever wrote it probably wasn't even a Gojo because every clan member knew the basics of Six Eyes even if they themselves didn't have the technique.

Throwing the book to the other side of the room he reached for another of the books he'd brought down and settled for the one on teleportation seeing as he'd never actually researched it further before and there was a chance there was more, he could do with it than simply teleporting from place to place. Opening the book Gojo selected a few chapters that sounded interesting.

Reverse warping was the first. It was basically a single shift in the overall technique where instead of teleporting yourself to a destination you could teleport someone/thing either to or away from you, no contact needed. A lot like the technique Boogie Woogie used by Todo Aoi but you didn't switch places with the person or thing you locked on to.

The next was an offensive version of reverse warping in which you teleported a moving object in front of your opponent. The technique allowed the object to keep moving at speed even as its being warped. You needed Six Eyes for this ability seeing as you have to be able to track the projectile as it moved and then warp it while keeping its velocity.

If Yuji were ther with him the teen would probably liken it to the Kamui in that manga he reads.

The third and last interesting topic was dimensional travel. This one Gojo was excited for - if it worked.

It was kind of like the shadow technique used by the Fushiguro to store shikigami and objects in their shadow. What the technique - in theory, no-one has managed to successfully do it - did was put you in an interdimensional pocket and then spit you out somewhere and as long as you had a link to the world you came from you could hop right back. The first person that attempted it landed in a ninja world and when they came back thirty minutes later, they had aged three decades and the amount of energy it took to make the trip ripped them apart. It was then promptly labelled taboo and locked away, seemingly impossible to accomplish successfully.

Until now because Gojo was bored, and he was going to do it. How could he not? It sounded like way too much fun to pass up. Seriously, ninjas? He had to do it if it meant he might meet ninjas or wizards or something equally fun like that.

Much like the beginning stages of his own warping technique Gojo needed to use chalk to make a seal on the floor in order to focus his energy on a set point and to avoid taking the entire house with him. The seal was a bit more intricate than his old one and contained more runes regarding space and time than his as well as two added matrixes for added control and for the safety of the user, but it wasn't too difficult to draw out on the wooden boards of his bedroom.

An hour later the seal was finished and Gojo was prepared for the trip of a lifetime. Hopefully. . . if this didn't kill him.

Maa, he'd be fine, probably.

Oh well. Gojo crouched down in the middle of the circle of runes and pressed his palm to the ground. Focusing, he exhaled quietly through - he would never admit that he was nervous - and sent his cursed energy trickling into the seal as it began to glow. It's too late to turn back now.

With a flash of light and a tremor that shot through the earth Gojo Satoru was gone.


Nanami twitched where he sat behind his desk in the office he worked at. He had been typing away monotonously for hours already and his eyes were beginning to droop, and he could feel a headache building just behind his eyes. Headaches suck. Working in an office sucks. Computers suck.

Nanami twitched again and then he realised it. Satoru had done something. His Satoru-is-doing-some

threatening senses were tingling. Nanami had gained these senses after almost a decade of dealing with his friend's idiocy and lack of common sense because "I'm the strongest Kenny, what's the worst that could happen." Those senses suck. But the last time they'd been this bad was the Hollow Purple incident and that was years ago, nearly a decade, back when they were fresh out of Jujutsu Tech.

Who just decides on a quiet Thursday evening that he should warp to an island in the middle of nowhere and then spend two weeks mixing positive and negative cursed energy into a giant swirling mass of destruction? Gojo Satoru that's who. It probably shouldn't have even been possible to do. However, Satoru has spent his entire life making the impossible possible and shattering every limit he should have with an ease that astounded all.

Sighing Nanami stood up from his desk and made his way to his boss's office to report some kind of emergency that could get him out early. Like the possible end of the world depending on what Satoru was doing.

The best his sluggish and annoyed brain could think of was, "my friend was in a really bad accident and I'm his emergency contact." Which was not bad all things considered.

Thankfully, his boss is an incredibly empathetic man and was all for him leaving early to check on his friend. Even going as far as to offer his car for Nanami to take, he politely declined since Satoru didn't live that far from the office - he often stopped by to bring Nanami bread and incredibly exotic coffee and to pester him which was both slightly endearing and really annoying.

Mainly annoying.

Collecting his stuff from his workspace Nanami hurried out of the building, taking the stairs instead of the elevator because he knew he was faster and then speed-walking out the building before running down the street so as to hopefully reach Satoru before he finished the stupid thing he was doing.

The tremor that nearly knocked him off his feet told him that he was too late. Damn. Now he was stuck helping Satoru fix whatever mess he made. This sucks.

Nanami didn't even bother knocking on the door instead using the spare key placed under one of the hideous garden gnomes Satoru had bought because they were funny to look at and it was funny to watch the reactions of people that saw them - Nanami had to grudgingly agree.

Barging in Nanami surveyed the house for any damage and found nothing. Literally nothing. Satoru wasn't here and Nanami knew he had been. There was a smell of burnt curry coming from the kitchen - Satoru trying to cook should be considered a disastrous event but was hardly enough to trigger Nanami's senses - there was an open book on the arm of the couch, quiet jazz was playing in the background and there was a warm cup of tea beside a pile of crap on the coffee table.

Pinching the bridge of his nose Nanami continued to search for any sign of Satoru in the house and came up with nothing except for a small envelope with a sticker of Satoru's face stuck to Satoru's bedroom door with chewed gum. The small white envelope reminded Nanami of all the times Satoru would slip a similar one into his pocket with crude words written on the inside. Snatching the note from the door he cringed when he saw how the gum moved with it. Nanami flipped the note open and read the contents hoping it wasn't a small drawing of a penis.

Heyo Nanami!!!

I'm going on a trip. In my favourite rocket ship. Zooming through the sky!

Don't miss me too much!

(Or do. I know it'll be difficult to deal without my handsome face.)

Satoru xx

P.S there's a load of stuff on the coffee table for my cute little students.

It wasn't a penis. Small mercies, but also. . .

That idiot. He had just went travelling to another dimension hadn't he. The book was right there, and the seal was right there, and Satoru is such an idiot.

P.P.S I found a pair of glasses you might like. On the coffee table. Enjoy!

The glasses were nice though so Nanami supposes he can let Satoru off this once, as long as he comes back in one piece or at the very least not as mangled and dead as the book makes it out to be because wow, it got graphic.


They really should have expected this. Was all Yaga could think from where he sat across from the congregated Elders. Gakuganji-sama was interrogating him on the whereabouts of his former student seeing as he was the one to bring the news of Gojo's disappearance forward. Yaga made no mention of Nanami seeing as the 7:3 sorcerer was taking a. . . break from jujutsu and Satoru would probably kill him if he disrupted that. His student is fiercely protective of the people he considers his.

Gakuganji-sama, Daisuke-sama and Koharu-sama had been asking him about Gojo and whatever nonsense he had gotten himself into this time as if Yaga was able to control his former student. Newsflash: he can't. No-one can. A few could influence him - slightly on trivial matters - but there was no-one alive Gojo respected enough to listen to completely. Gojo was a force of nature wrapped in human skin, a god made walk amongst mortals. You don't control gods. You can't control gods. Especially not one like Gojo Satoru, someone who thrives in chaos.

Yaga was honestly getting annoyed with the incessant questioning. It was repetitive. "Where is Gojo-kun?" "How do we find him?" "Do you know where the brat is?" And for the past few hours Yaga had been kept from his cursed corpses, unable to finish his newest addition - a cute little kangaroo with green boxing gloves and floppy ears. Adorable.

So yeah. Yaga was annoyed and beginning to see why Satoru was planning on overthrowing the Higher Ups. Maybe he should give him the new batch of first years next year when he came back, a change in management might be nice.

Oh God, he realised with growing horror kept hidden behind a blank facade, I've been corrupted. His student's whole 'come to the dark side we have cookies' thing had finally worked.


Also, they really should have expected Satoru to go off the rails. The man's obsessed with fighting and testing his power against stronger and stronger opponents even if he knows he'll win. Probably helped his over inflated ego as well. Taking him off the roster was plain stupid - "we need to give the newer sorcerers a chance to improve. You surely understand that Yaga-sensei." Which was utter bull. They just wanted to show off the very, very little amount of authority they still hold over Satoru.

(Which is very, very little given how prestigious the Gojo clan was back in its glory days and how that power hasn't wavered even slightly despite there only being one member left breathing.)

Especially after his stunt with Sukuna's vessel.

Honestly, watching them freak out about how their greatest asset had disappeared off the face of the planet was a little funny and Yaga couldn't stop the slight upwards twitch of his lips.

While the Elders began arguing amongst themselves Yaga was dismissed quietly by Shirunai-sama - one of the more bearable of the Higher Ups - and slipped neatly out of the room and back to his cursed corpse.

He could only hope Satoru was back before the Higher Ups did something stupid.


And that's that. Chapter one of the rewrite is complete. Hope you enjoyed.

Pop a comment if ya wanna (thoughts on Nanami + Yaga's POV? Hope they're not too wonky) โ™ก

Ja ne!

Word count: 2,698.

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