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Daniella's eyes focused on her best friend, who stepped into the house, worried and troubled. She blinked a few times before walking out of the tree line she was exiting before he came back. She had just finished helping Emily with the groceries and she was about to do the laundry back home.

Once her foot entered the threshold, she immediately approached the male. "Jacob?" she tapped his shoulder. He turned around, a startled look on his face before it shifted into a light one. "Oh, hey. What is it?" he asked, sitting on the couch. Billy wasn't in like every other day and it slightly worried the merfolk on where he was going.

She stared at him for a moment, eyes slightly narrowed. "What was with you before you entered?" she quizzed, an expectant look on her face. He looked at her, eyes wide, before his eyes went back to normal and confusion etched his face. "How'd you know when you were not around me?" he shot back, as well as intrigued and suspicious.

She looked anywhere but him. "Why were you sad?" she waved his question away and rounded him towards her room. He trailed behind, confounded. She just avoided the question. HE sighed in defeat, knowing he wasn't going to get anything from her.

"Bella got into a small accident." he smiled tightly, watching her shuffle around the room from the doorway. She looked back at him, eye colors clashing before she broke it off. She picked up the washing basket in her room.

"Oh." she started before looking through her dirty clothes. She looked up at him, no ounce of concern. "That sounds, horrible . . ." she trailed off, squeezing past him and into the small hallway. He pulled a face and followed her once again.

"That's all you have to say about your friend?" he asked, pointing towards the direction of Forks. He leaned on the doorframe as she crouched down in front of the washing machine. She had an arm on the rim of the basket as she looked at the settings just above the door. "She's not my friend. I barely know her." she remarked, pressing the padded buttons.

She pulled out the whites and threw them in. "Wait, I don't know her." she corrected herself, filling the machine up. "All I know is her name." she told him and stood up, lightly kicking the basket of clothes to the side. "She's your friend." she finished before closing the circular glass lid. She looked at him one last time, before gliding past him, a troubled but humorous expression etched onto her face.

Daniella let out a laugh as she sat in the clearing. It had become a habit to come visit the flourishing clearing and it made all her stress go away. She sat with Gyu, him listening to her ranting as she story told about her recent encounter with Jacob, who she barely even spoke to for the past couple of days because, apparently, he became a small remedy for Bella.

"I don't know why he mentioned her as a friend to me, really, she isn't." she scratched in between Gyu's ears as she looked off into the forest. "I don't even talk to her." she breathed out as she giggled once more. She sighed and looked down at the majestic creature. "Jacob looked so torn when she got hurt. Will he react the same way if I were the same?" she asked suddenly.

Gyu made a noise, plopping his head on her lap. The birds chirped in the sky as they soared. Daniella pursed her lips in thoughts before nodding. "At least I have you with me." she smiled down at the deer, who huffed in response.

It was like she understood what he was saying, but truthfully, she did not. She just made the conversations up in her head with him and she'd agree with them. However, whatever she was thinking was all true. He will always be there with her even if she returns back to the ocean or even dies, at least she wasn't alone throughout the years she spent on land.

Her back made contact with the mossy ground as her blue-purplish eyes looked up at blue. The blue clear sky and the blazing sun was an enigma to the clearing and the place looked so enchanted. She closed her eyes as her skin slightly shimmered, it looking like beautiful shells you only find in the depths of the ocean. 

Gyu did the same, knowing that it was nap time, something both of them shared together. It was like meditating in a peaceful space. All white, warm and complete, something so different from reality.

Daniella and Billy exchanged slightly annoyed glances as Jacob rumbled on and one about his date with Isabella Swan. A cliff diving date and now, a movie date. Something Billy was hesitant about. Daniella ate an orange as she sat in the couch, right beside Billy's wheelchair.

She leaned slightly towards the elder. "Is he going to stop?" she whispered as they watched him flail his hands in the air in excitement. He pursed his lip, a weird expression on his face. "Give him about an hour, he'll stop his ranting." he grumbled back.

She slightly smiled before plopping another orange in her mouth. Jacob gave them a playful glare. "I heard that." he called out, halting his movements. Billy looked at Daniella in mock confusion. "Did we say anything?" he asked, playing innocent.

Daniella caught on and shook her head, slowly, face contorting into one of bewilderment. "He might be hearing things." she teased, slipping another orange in her mouth, chewing with a cheeky grin. Jacob narrowed his eyes. "I swear I heard something." he responded. Daniella looked at him with a face. 'He actually fell for it?' she thought, a looked of amusement on her face as Jacob resumed his rant. She shook her head. 'What a lovesick fool.'

Daniella tightly smiled, seeming believable as she listened intently. It hurt her, but it also made her think. 'Love is really funny. When we love; we laugh, we smile, we cry, we feel at home. But for me, love is pain, because I love even if I hurt.'

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