Y/N HELD HER STICKER BOX TIGHTLY in her arms before she grabbed on to her pacifier and then waddled towards the vase that Gyokko now lives in, Y/n then stuck her upper body into the vase before her lower body was raised up high and she managed to plop inside the vase. Gyokko tilted her head as he made some space for the small child.
Y/n then started opening her sticker box and slapped it around the whole vase. "One for vase man," she counted as she peeled off a star sticker. "Two for vase man," she peeled another fish sticker. "Three for vase man," she said as she placed a heart sticker. "Four for vase man," she counted as she gave a shark sticker on to the walls of the vase. "And five for vase mwan," she said as she finally slapped the last one on to the wall of the vase, a vase sticker.
The one she got from hanging out with Daki, Gyokko blinked at the stickers. "What's this for?" he asked as Y/n showed him the gallery of stickers. "It's my twoken of lwove and appweciation," Y/n said as she showed him the stickers. Gyokko could only blush before he opened his arms
"Come in here," Gyokko said as Y/n crawled into Gyokko's figure as she engulfed him in a tight hug, nuzzling her face deep inside his body as she smiled in content. Gyokko's small arms patted her back gently as he let Y/n hug him as long as she wanted.
The both of them ended up cuddling together inside the wide vase, Nakime started getting anxious, she prepared her biwa as she made her way towards the vase slowly, before peeking inside to see Y/n sleeping in Gyokko's arms.
"Is she dead?" Nakime asked as her hold on her biwa tightened, about to swing it before Gyokko stopped her. "No, she's not, she's just sleeping," Gyokko sweat dropped before Nakime sighed in relief.
"Y/n, wake up," Gyokko prod Y/n's hand with his tiny finger. "Wake up, wake up," he said as Y/n's eyes slowly opened to reveal that she's still in the vase. Y/n rubbed her eyes sleepily as she yawned. "Akaza-sama is waiting for you," he said as Y/n blinked before hugging him.
"But I want to stay with you~" she said sleepily as her eyes were beginning to close off again. "I wish I could too, but Muzan-sama would kill me," he said as he grimaced at the thought. "So, go on now," Gyokko gently pushed Y/n away from her but Y/n clung on to Gyokko. "When will I swee you agwain?" she looked up at Gyokko as her grip on the demon tightened. "Soon," Gyokko whispered before Y/n beamed up at him.
"You promise?"
"I promise."
"I have to go on a mission," Gyokko said before he gently let Y/n sit on his shoulders and pushed her out of the vase. Y/n crawled out of the vase and landed with an oof. "Urgh.." she muttered dizzily as she looked around. "You're awake, I see," a voice called as Y/n turned her head to see the pink haired man.
"Pinky! Pinky!" Y/n gasped happily. Nakime sighed in relief. Finally, the day where Akaza would babysit Y/n had come, she knew that Akaza drank his daily respect women juice, knowing that Y/n was in safe hands, she didn't need to be anxious anymore.
Y/n was carried swiftly by Akaza as Akaza held a lot of things in his arms. A bag filled with snacks and bento boxes, a blanket, a set of kimonos, shampoo bottles and soaps, a towel, a blanket, and a comb.
Y/n hugged her sticker box for dear life as Nakime stood up before popping the pacifier on her mouth away from Y/n. "Take care, you both," Nakime smiled before she strummed her biwa, sending them to an abandoned wooden house in an abandoned forest.
The demon closed all the curtains quickly before locking the door, the light was turned on as Y/n was placed down. "Y/n, I'll shower you, alright?" he asked. "Will you let me shower you?" he asked silently as Y/n nodded. "Muzan-sama usually showers mwe," she said. Akaza's face shifted into bewilderment. Who knew that the Lord of All Demons would spare his time to even shower a child? He quickly shook his head before making his way towards the room, opening the doors to spot a bathroom.
He placed Y/n on a stool as Y/n slowly opened her kimono before happily sitting on the stool. Akaza then grabbed the bucket as he grabbed the water, before rinsing the child with warm water, not wanting her to get cold.
Akaza then prepared the shampoo and soap before putting the shampoo on her head, and massaging her head skilfully. Y/n's head bobbed as she started humming a random lullaby that Muzan taught her.
"Tutututututututututututu," she hummed, it seems that little Y/n had forgotten the lyrics to the lullaby.
Akaaza blinked at her. "Is that supposed to be a lullaby?" he asked. "Ywes, Muzan told me," she explained, causing Akaza to deadpan. "What kind of lullabies is that-" he asked before shaking his head. "I'll teach you more appropriate lullabies, yeah?" he asked.
"Why nwot this one? ladybug, ladybug, fly away home, your house is on fire and your children will burn," Y/n sang as Akaza blinked in concern. "Lord Muzan sure has quite the lullabies," he muttered silently. "Or maybe thwis one, Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after," Y/n said as Akaza covered her whole body in soap, massaging her back as he grabbed the bucket to pour water on her.
"Y/n, could you stop singing lullabies about a boy having severe head trauma?" Akaza grimaced. "What's thwat suppwosed to mean?" she asked. "Severe Head trauma is an injury, we don't want you to get that," Akaza huffed. "And let's not talk about ladybugs suffering, yeah?" Akaza asked. "I dwon't understwand the lullabies papa sings bwut the tune is nice tutututuuttut," she said, continuing to hum the unknown lullaby she forgot the lyrics to.
Akaza sighed as he shook his head. "Why not this one? Twinkle twinkle little star, I wonder what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are," Akaza hummed gently as he rinsed the small child, the child beamed. "Wow! A lullaby I actually can understwand!" she exclaimed brightly.
"I'm gwoing to tell Papa about this," she said with bright eyes as Akaza patted her head affectionately. "Wait here," he said before he walked away to grab the towel, when he came back he saw Y/n humming the lullaby. "Like a diamwond in the skwy," Y/n said.
"Twinkle Twinkle littlwe Stwar," Y/n said before Akaza nearly fainted out of the happiness he was feeling. "You have a nice voice, Y/n," Akaza said as Y/n flinched.
"AAAAAAA MONSTER- oh, hello Pinky," she smiled before Akaza chuckled and covered her with the towel. "Did I scare you?" he asked. Y/n nodded before Akaza's eyes softened. "Sorry about that," he cooed before he roughly dried Y/n's hair and body as he walked out to collect the small kimono Muzan had prepared for Y/n.
He grabbed a black kimono that had floral patterns on it with a red obi, as Akaza dressed Y/n up swiftly before picking the child up and walking through the bathroom's door, he lead them to a living room in the cottage as he placed her down on a seat and Akaza sat behind her, combing her hair gently as Y/n played with the ends of her sleeves.
Y/n sighed in content as Akaza was finished combing her hair, Y/n then made her way towards next to Akaza before sitting down on the ground, leaning on to his arm and eventually, her eyes were heavy once again, as it shut, she clung on to his tough arm as Akaza froze.
Akaza then sighed with a small smile before he stared at Y/n, staying still, so that the child wouldn't wake up. Eventually, he fell asleep with her as he leaned towards Y/n too.
Hours passed by and eventually, Akaza woke up to see little Y/n making random hand gestures as she bobbed herself happily, sucking on her pacifier as she giggled happily to herself. Akaza rubbed his eyes sleepily as he looked at the little Y/n before completely melting, his smile absolutely adorning his demonic features as he admired the small child before he yawned loudly, trying to get her attention. Y/n turned to Akaza before making grabby hand gestures towards the man.
Akaza stood up before he looked around, trying to find a book or a toy that Y/n could play with as he roamed around the cottage, he found a small book that was a children's book. Perfect! He then sat down on the tatami mats before bringing Y/n into his arms.
Y/n sucked on to her pacifier as Akaza read the book loudly, as Y/n listened to him carefully, as Y/n hugged her sticker box tightly in her arms. She sat in between Akaza's legs as Akaza continued on with the story. "The end," he read as he shut the book and Y/n looked up at Akaza before Akaza could hear her stomach rumbling. Y/n popped out her pacifier before adjusting her position, her face was facing him.
"Are you hungry?" he asked. Y/n nodded furiously as Akaza smiled before reaching for a bento box inside the bag and he opened the lid before he opened the chopsticks and started popping the food inside the child's mouth. Y/n's face lit up happily before she chewed on the incoming food he offered.
After eating the bento box, Akaza tossed it into the garbage bin which landed perfectly into the bin. The moon shone high as Akaza felt himself hungry. As Akaza tilted the milk bottle on to Y/n's mouth he stood up as he looked down at the child. "Wait here, alright? I'll be gone for a bit," he smiled before Y/n nodded and he dashed away, hunting for his dinner.
Y/n continued sucking on the bottle as she waited for the demon patiently, as an hour or so went by, Y/n hugged her dinosaur keychain tightly, feeling very happy and cheery as she ate her apple slices that Muzan had prepared for her. Akaza was seen at the doorstep, he opened the door as he stepped inside. "Y/n?" he called as he looked around to see little Y/n hugging her dinosaur and sucking on the pacifier.
Her eyes widened as she jolted in cheer. She rushed to Akaza and hugged his legs tightly, nuzzling her cheek on to his legs as he melted at the sight, he sighed in relief as he picked Y/n up in his arms as he carried her happily.
Akaza's eyes then widened as he remembered something. During the hunt for dinner, he noticed an odd poster that read that there'll be a firework showcase tonight, and since it was a town near the abandoned forest, they could easily watch it up on the roof of the cottage, he felt a bit nostalgic but shook that feeling away as the thought of Y/n and him watching it filled his mind happily.
"Say. Do you want to come and see the fireworks with me?" Akaza asked the small girl before Y/n blinked at him and nodded eagerly. Akaza's eyes brightened in excitement before smiling.
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