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For the last couple of months, Y/n connected more and more with the Bakusquad, including Katsuki. Katsuki was also right, they did fuck after the incident. Matter fact, they fucked multiple times after the incident.

"But honestly, why don't y'all just date already?" Mina asked as she took some popcorn.

"I don't know Mina!" Y/n laid on her back in Mina's room, "I have a feeling that I'm gonna become a side chick, well I already am a side chick but that's besides the point, I feel like I won't be loved. Cause right now, we're just you know, sex buddies."

"Girl, that man love you to death. He love you more that he love his own girlfriend." Mina said. Well, she wasn't lying. That was true. Katsuki did love her, just he can't break the news to Veronica.

"You right. I just don't wanna die from Veronica's dad."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that big ass nigga. You know he went to jail right?" Mina asked.

"8 damn times only because of the boyfriend's Veronica had."

"Yep, and I already know that you don't wanna be the 9th. And Bakugou definitely don't wanna be the 10th." Mina said as she threw another popcorn into her mouth.

"For real. But what the hell am I supposed to do? What do I do when she finds out?" Y/n asked, panicking.

"Why the hell you asking me?"

"Cause you're the one sitting here!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Alright girl well, if she finds out, you two better run the hell away or call the police before the bitch calls her big ass dad." Mina explained.

"Thanks, that was a whole lot of help." Y/n responded, sarcastically.

"Bitch, you asked me. What else did you want me to tell you? Did you want me to say maybe you should go fight him with a fucking stick?"

"No! I wanted something better!" Y/n whined.

"Alright Caillou, ask ai. It'll tell you." Mina said as she went on her phone while throwing another piece of popcorn into her mouth.

"Bitch." Y/n turned her head aggressively.

"What?" Mina asked.

"I feel disrespected."

"You want me to write it on your forehead or something?" Mina raised an eyebrow.

"Are you on your period?"

"Yes, bitch." Mina said as she changed her mood to sad. She got down and hugged Y/n.

"It's okay, it's okay." She comforted her and rubbed circled on the back of her head. Just then, Kirishima walked in.

"Oh my god! My man's!" Mina shot up from the ground and hugged Kirishima.

"Oh, hi ma." Kirishima hugged her back and kissed her forehead. He then turned to Y/n and whispered, "is she on her period?"

Y/n have him a thumbs up back and he nodded. "Wanna go lay down, ma?" Kirishima asked Mina and she nodded quick as hell. "Okay." Kirishima then picked her up to where her legs were attached to his hips and he carried her to the bed.

He then laid her down but she pulled him down with her. Kirishima yelped as his head landed in her chest. "Welp, damn. I guess ima be here for a while so I might as well get comfy." Kirishima muttered as he wrapped his arms around her waist and got comfortable.

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at them. She didn't feel like the 3rd wheel, she felt like their child honestly. "Mama e papa, papa e mama." She muttered and smiled.


Kirishima attempted to talk to Y/n but could keep his eyes open to finish his sentence so Y/n just left out of their room. She walked out the room and was met by Bakugou.

"Oops I didn't see you-"

"Come here." He ordered.

"Wait what? Why?" She asked, "and quit fucking interrupting-"

"I said, come here." He ordered again.

"Bitch, what part of stop fucking interrupting me did you not understa-" she got interrupted again by Bakugou picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. "Put me down!" She yelled and started to kick him but he didn't budge.

"Nope. You remember yesterday on how you fucking showed everyone my baby pictures. Yeah, I told you I was gonna beat your ass." He explained as he walked to the guest bedroom.

"Hey! I said I was fucking sorry! Please Katsuki. Actually, put me down." Y/n begged but Katsuki didn't listen, "Katsuki, please put me down-AHHH!" She got thrown onto the bed.

Katsuki got on top of her and laid down, getting comfortable. They were in the same position Mina and Kirishima were in. "Now shut up, and sleep."

"I don't want to-wait, did you just bring me in here so you can sleep with me? Not like that I mean like actually fall asleep with me?" Y/n asked.


"You could've just asked but you know." Y/n said as she placed her hands on his head. It was silent until y/n spoke up again, "I can't sleep without sound."

"Y/n, go to sleep."

"I'm trying but I can't!" Y/n whined. Katsuki sighed and flipped the two of them over to where they were boy laying on their sides. Katsuki held Y/n close and rubbed circles on the back of her head.

"Now hush, and sleep." He ordered as he closed his eyes and so did she. After a couple of minutes, Y/n fell asleep. Katsuki opened his eyes and looked down at her unconscious body. He couldn't help but kiss her fore head as he attempted to sleep himself, which worked.

He held her close as the two took a nap, not caring about the events that had in store for them in the future.

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