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After y/n beat the literal shit out of Bakugou, just like he beat her pus-anyway, they put on their clothes. Bakugou leaned on the door frame as he watched Y/n search in Mina's bathroom drawer for at least some makeup.

"This is all your fault." Y/n said as she search the drawer.

"My fault? How is it my fault?" Katsuki asked but couldn't help but smirk at her. He knew exactly why it was his fault.

"You know why," she said, "found some." She grabbed a bottle of foundation. "Oh shit, wait."

"What?" Katsuki asked as the smirk slipped away from his face and moved form the door frame.

"First off, this is pink and I ain't pink. Secondly, makeup messes up my skin." She set the bottle back down.


"Damn my ass, how the fuck am I supposed to hide these hickeys and bite marks?" She asked as she looked at them in the mirror.

"Just don't." Katsuki said, going back to the door frame.

"Are you dumb? If I want to keep our little night a secret, I need to find a way to-" y/n got cut off by her phone ringing. "Shit, it's Kenzo, and it's a face time call."

"Just don't answer it."

"If I don't answer, he's gonna call me again and I'm gonna answer and then he's gonna be like 'wHy DiDnT yOu AnSwEr My CaLl?' And then ima have to make up a dumbass excuse." She explained and Katsuki couldn't help but laugh at the voice she made when she was recreating what Kenzo would say. "You laughing?"

"Yes." He responded with his iconic smirks.

"You wanna go? Cause we can." Y/n turned to him and got all up close and personal.

"Then let's go." He looked down at her. Y/N's heart must of exploded because she couldn't speak, "that's what I thought."

"B-Bullshit." Y/n narrowed her eyes at him. Katsuki just smirked at her as he turned around and walked out of the bathroom. "I can't fall for him, I can't fall for him, I can't fall for him." Y/n repeated out loud but quietly.

Soon, y/n walked out of the bathroom and to the living room to find Mina and Kirishima cuddling, asleep, on the couch, Denki tapped on the ceiling, and Sero sleeping on their other couch. There were way more people but she guessed that they went home.

Y/n walked around the house and spotted Katsuki in the kitchen, finding something to eat or at least cook. "Damn, since when you know how to cook?" She asked as she leaned on the door frame.

"Since I was 16." He answered, not turning to look at her.

"How old are you now?" She raised an eyebrow.


"GOD DAYUM!" She actually yelled. She looked behind her to see people moving but nobody woke up so that was good.

"Shut the fuck up." Katsuki ordered as he grabbed something out of the fridge, "you want everyone to hear you? Oh wait, they probably heard you last night." Katsuki smirked.

"Eww." She responded with a disgusted look on her face.

"Please, you were screaming and begging." He smirked and towered over her.


"What you're saying right now is bullshit." Katsuki said as he bent down to her ear, "and trust me, whatever happened last night is gonna happen again, and you know it."

Y/n couldn't help but stammer which made Katsuki chuckle. He raised up and went back to what he was doing, leaving Y/n a flustered and stammering mess.


After Katsuki made his little meal, Mina woke up. "Hey guys." She said, tiredly. She rubbed her eyes a bit.

"Hey Mina! Have fun last night?" Y/n raised an eyebrow and pointed at Mina's neck, which was filled with bite marks and hickeys.

"Yep." She responded rather quickly, "me and kirishima definitely had a good ass time."

"At least she admits to what she did." Bakugou thought.

"Seems like you had fun to," mina pointed to Y/N's neck, "with who? Your little boyfriend?" Mina the pointed past her, at Katsuki. Katsuki couldn't help but smirk.

"W-Wha? idontknowwhatyoumeanwedidntdoanythingand-" y/n went on and on until Mina hushed her.

"Girl, girl, girl, we all know you two fucked." Mina smirked and Katsuki chocked on his drink. Y/n chocked on air when she said that. "We all heard you. You were like-"

"Nope. I don't wanna hear what I said." Y/n hushed Mina. Katsuki smirked since everyone heard. He was glad everyone knew what happened last night, well at least Mina knew. "Just please don't tell anyone Mina!"

"Don't worry girl, I won't tell anyone. I especially won't tell anyone who knows Veronica." She said.

"Thank you Mina. You're a life saver."

"Bitch, I've been a life saver, mkay?" She said which made both her and Y/n laugh. Katsuki rolled his eyes and continued to eat his breakfast.

Katsuki would tell Veronica that he cheated but he knew that she would tell her dad and then everyone would be fucked. You see, Veronica's dad always had Veronica's back. He killed 8 people behind Veronica and Katsuki didn't want to be the 9th. He also didn't want Y/n to be the 10th.

"You good, Katsuki?" Y/n asked as Mina left out of the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm good." He responded, not looking at her, "just thinking about what will happen if Veronica finds out. Or if your little ugly boyfriend Kenzo finds out."

"Hey, my boyfriend isn't ugly," Y/n said. Katsuki gave her the same look he gave her earlier when she said that she wouldn't have sex with him again. "Okay, maybe he's ugly." Y/n spoke which made both of them laugh. "But your little girlfriend is ugly."

Veronica was cute but a bitch, and Katsuki only found girls who were hot and could catch up with him hot. "You're right. She's ugly on the inside," he paused, "and kind of the outside." That also made the two laughed.

Y/n could catch up with Katsuki, she was also fine as fuck to. Everything about her Katsuki loved. No wonder they were best friends, and maybe sex buddies.

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