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The four got done with their little double date and Kenzo and Veronica didn't even bother to say bye. Kenzo and Veronica shared numbers before just leaving, leaving Katsuki and Y/n alone.

"Well, that was rude." Y/n said as she watched the two leave.

"It's whatever," he said, watching them as well before turning back to Y/n, "anyway, ima tell the idiots I hang out with about you and make sure they know who you are."

"Alright! Why?" She asked as she looked at him.

"Pinky, aka Mina is gonna throw a party and shit so I wanna invite you but they have to know first." He explained and Y/n nodded.

"Oh okay!" Y/n said and looked at the phone he held in front of her. "What do you want me to do with that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Put your fucking number in, dammit." Katsuki ordered.

"Oh yeah." She said as she grabbed his phone. She heard him say under his breath 'fucking idiot' but she didn't care. He was always like that. "So how long have you've known ya girlfriend?" She asked as she typed her phone number.

"Oh, Veronica? Since high school. After the sports festival, we got together," He responded as he watched her, "how long have you've know that asshole?"

"Kenzo? A couple years, kinda after I went to college and became a hero and shit." She responded, the last part catching Katsuki's attention.

"You're a hero?" He asked, raising and eyebrow.

"Yeah!" She responded, "are you?"


"Alright Mr. Confident," y/n chuckled as she handed his phone back. Katsuki took a look at it and looked back at her like 'are you serious?'

"Really? My hot best friend?" He raised an eyebrow at her antics.

"Yep." She said, nodding in confidence.

"Alright Mrs. Confident." Katsuki smirked as he shoved his phone into his back pocket, "you gotta ride home?"

"Nope. Zion took me here but said he couldn't pick me up since he has his night shift." Y/n responded.

"Oh well, I could take you home." He offered.

"Actually?" She asked.

"Hell yeah."

"Alright! Where's your car at?" She asked, looking around and scanning every inch of the parking lot. Katsuki signaled for her to follow him as they roamed the parking lot.

"I wonder how Veronica got home.." he asked himself as he unlocked his car.

"Wow, nice." She said as she got into the car, along with Bakugou.

"Thanks." He said as he got comfortable in his driver seat, "get comfy." Y/n did exactly what he said and got comfortable.

"So, who are your friends?" Y/n asked.

"First of all, they aren't my friends, they're just idiots that decided to-"

"Can you call them?" She interrupted. Katsuki didn't like when people interrupted him but he gave in and handed her his phone.

"The password is my birthday, by the way." He told her as he pulled out of the parking lot.

She nodded and opened his phone. She went on the FaceTime app and seen that the group name called 'the Bakusquad' was calling. "You answer it." She said.

He scoffed but decided to answer it.

"Hey Bakubro!" Kirishima waved. The rest of the Bakusquad said hi which only made Bakugou scoff.

"I want y'all to meet someone." He said as he glanced over at Y/n but back at his phone.

"If it's that ratchet ass girl name Veronica, ima hang up." Mina scoffed. Mina was wearing her pink bonnet.

Katsuki rolled his eyes and handed the phone to Y/n. Y/n hid her face. You could only see her forehead and her eyes only.

"We can't even see her!" Denki whined.

"Don't be shy." Katsuki said, "just say hi."

"Uhm, hi." She said with a smile on her face. She sounded hot as fuck.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Denki screamed into the phone, making everyone laugh.

"Lemme see your face, love!" Mina said into the phone. Y/n moved the phone outwards and showed her face.

"GODDDD DAYUMMM!!" Denki yelled.

"You is fine as fuck girl!" Mina said which made Y/n smile. Y/n out the phone back to her original spot but was still smiling.

"Thank you." She responded. Katsuki glanced over at her and couldn't help but smile at her. She was having so much fun and he already knew she would fit in.


The entire car ride, Y/n chatted with the Bakusquad and even added herself to the group chat, of course with their permission. "Alright guys, it was nice to meet you but ima go now." She said. The Bakusquad waved and said bye to her as she passed the phone back to Katsuki.

"Bye Katsuki, thank you." She said as she got out of the car, "text me the details about the party."

"I will. Tell your brother that I'll tell my sister than you guys are back." Katsuki said. Y/n smiled and walked around the car to get into the hotel that they were staying at. Before she walked in, she waved bye to him again. Katsuki couldn't help but wave back before pulling off.

"You should date her instead of that Veronica bitch." Mina said.

"Huh? Nah, I'm good." Katsuki said as he set the phone in his lap.

"Please, I'm pretty sure you guys have a better connection than you and Veronica." Mina crunched down on her chips.

"Me and Y/n are just good friends. Best friends matter fact." Katsuki told them.

"OH WOW! SO WE AREN'T YOUR BEST FRIENDS?!" Denki asked loudly in disbelief.

"No, you guys aren't." Katsuki admitted. He could hear everyone saying 'oh wow' and 'disrespectful' but he didn't really care cause he believed that he only had one close friend and it was Y/n.

"But anyway, if you guys aren't good for each other, then how was your date with Veronica? Hm?" Mina said, looking at the camera. The rest of the Bakusquad also looked at the camera.

Katsuki glared at the camera but then looked back at the road. "That's what I thought." Mina said as she threw another chip in her mouth. Katsuki just rolled his eyes as he continued to drive.

"Is she coming to the party? It would be hella fun if she does!" Kirishima asked.

"She is coming, I invited he already." Katsuki said, not looking at the camera.

"Aww, already inviting his girlfriend!" Mina said. "You love her!"

"She's not my girlfriend, and I don't love her." Katsuki answered.

"Bullshit!" Denki said quickly but when Katsuki glared at him, he looked away as if he didn't say anything which made the Bakusquad laugh.

"You guys are bullshit," Katsuki muttered.

"But you still love us!!" Mina yelled. Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"I'm out of here. Bye." Katsuki said. The Bakusquad said bye to him as he hung up the phone. He pulled into the parking lot of his apartment but couldn't shake Y/n out of his head. Maybe he did love her.

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