"Come and visit baby!" Y/N's mom said as she waved to Y/n and Zion.
"We will mama!" Y/n yelled back as she got into the passenger seat of Zion's car.
"Bye ma." Zion shouted as he pulled off. Y/n seen their mom blowing them kisses as they pulled off.
"Also, mom said if we run into him, act like we don't know him." Y/n said as she got comfortable in the seat.
"She should know that we won't see him. I'm positive he's dead." Zion said as he got comfortable in the seat as well.
Y/n turned on the air and Zion looked at her like she committed a crime. "What?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Turn my damn AC off." He said as he turned it off. Y/n turned it back on as soon as he turned it off. The two went back and forth until Zion got tired of it and slapped her hand when she tried to turn it on.
"Hey!-" she yelled but Zion slapped a hand over her mouth.
"Shut the fuck up and quit turning my damn air on." He ordered. Y/n rolled her eyes as she got comfortable again. "Fucking turning my damn air on like you own the damn car." He muttered as he narrowed his eyes at her and kept his eyes on the road.
Y/n still heard him but the only thing she could do was roll her eyes and keep her mouth shut or she would get kicked out the car.
The ride to the airport was like hell on earth, the airplane ride was also hell on earth since Zion decided to claim the window seat since he was the one who drove them there, meaning Y/n had to have the seat in the middle.
Once they landed in Japan, Y/n immediately texted her boyfriend, Kenzo, that tomorrow she would be able to go to the mall with him. Kenzo obviously agreed to do that and their little date was planned.
"I don't like how you and your little ugly boyfriend are going out without MY supervision." Zion said as he drove in their rental car.
"Who are you? My mother?" Y/n said, turning her head to him as she was texting Kenzo.
"First of all, it's OUR mother. Secondly-"
Zion went on and on about how he didn't like Kenzo at all but Y/n wasn't listening at all. She was too busy daydreaming about the fun she would have with Kenzo and Zion wouldn't be in her ear.
"Are you even listening?!" Zion asked as he flicked her arm.
"Hey! It's not that serious!" Y/n said as she held her arm.
"What you're doing isn't that serious." Zion narrowed his eyes at her as she rolled her eyes, "I just don't want you to get hurt by him, ma." He said.
"You've been hurt by way too many guys already and I don't want you to be hurt again." He said and Y/n couldn't help but feel a little protected by him.
"I know but I trust him, Zion!" Y/n said, looking at him, "can't you please just trust me on this one?! Please!" She said.
Zion hesitated but nodded, "if he makes you happy then I guess."
"Thank you!" She said as she looked back out the window.
"But if he hurts you-"
"You'll beat the living shit out of him and burry him in our backyard, WE DON'T EVEN HAVE A BACKYARD!" Y/n snapped, "plus, I'm 25! I should be able to live my life!"
"You're 25 but I'm your older brother and I'm supposed to be like this, ma." He said, calmly and firmly. Y/n scoffed. She knew that Zion loved her but she was sick of him being so overprotective over her.
"Whatever." She scoffed as she leaned on her hand and looked out the window.
Timeskip to the next day cause I said so
Y/n made it the mall but Kenzo didn't show up on time. She thought that he probably was getting something or woke up late so she texted him that she would wait inside the mall.
She went to the second floor and ran around a bit, not caring who was looking at her. That was going good until she accidentally ran into someone. "Shit, I'm so s-" she stopped when she looked the person in the eyes, realizing who it was.
"Watch where you-" the guy stopped and had a shocked look on his face as he saw her.
"I didn't know you'd be here!"
"Shit, you go first."
"Go ahead."
"No you go first."
"Nah, go first."
"Why won't you just say it first!"
"Shut the fuck up and go first!"
The two took a deep breath after saying shit at the same time. "What I was trying to say was I didn't think you'd be here." Y/n said, finally.
"Honestly, same." He said. He couldn't help but admire how good she looks, especially after 20 years. "You look..different.." he said, looking her up and down.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" She asked, smiling and raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"A horrible thing." He smirked as she looked at him like she was hurt.
"I feel hurt and disrespected." She said as she put a hand on her chest and acted like she was sad.
"Still dramatic huh?" He asked.
"Well, duh." She said, smirking right back at him, "well uhm, you look good as well." She said. She couldn't help but look him up and down. He was so much older which made him so attractive.
"Thanks." He responded. He looked her up and down as well. Jesus, she was hot.
"My eyes are up here, blondie." She said.
"I know you aren't talking." He growled and she laughed. Well, he isn't wrong. The two were having a decent conversation. Y/n told him about her stories in America and how she became a pro there while he told her some stories as well. It was going good until a girl came and interrupted it.
"Oh hey baby! I'm back!" The woman said as she wrapped her arms around Katsuki's neck and kissed him, "who's this?"
"Oh hi! I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you." Y/n said as she held her hand out to him.
"Okay, whatever, but Bakugou, baby, I need money to pay for the purses, clothes, and jewelry!" The woman said as she wrapped her arms around Katsuki.
"Jesus, how much is it?" Katsuki asked as he dug in his pocket, pulling out his wallet.
"Around 14k or 20k." She responded as she looked at how much money he had in his wallet. Y/n chocked on air, "what?" The girl looked at her.
"Nothing, nothing." Y/n responded. She looked at Katsuki who seemed to be shocked but still gave her the money.
"Thank you, bb!" The woman said as she strolled her way into the store.
Y/n watched as she walked back into the store and once she was gone, y/n whispered to Katsuki, "20 thousand dollars?!"
"I'm not broke."
"I never said that I'm just saying that that was a LOT of money!" Y/n exclaimed.
"I know but it's not like I'm going broke." Katsuki crossed his arms over his chest.
"But you need to save your money, Kats!" She said.
"I know i do alright, I just-" Katsuki was cut off by Kenzo coming behind Y/n and picking her up.
"Hey ma. I'm sorry I was late." He said and kissed her. "Who's the white guy?"
"I'm not white, I'm Japanese, asshole." Katsuki growled, narrowing his eyes at Kenzo.
"He's my childhood friend." Y/n responded as Kenzo still held her from behind.
"Whatever." Kenzo smirked as he kissed her neck. He stopped after couple of kisses of course but Katsuki couldn't help but feel jealous.
Before Katsuki could snap back or say something, his girlfriend came out of the store. "Hey BB!" The girl said but her eyes landed on Kenzo, "Hi~" she waved at Kenzo.
Instead of Kenzo snapping back, he waved right back at her. Kenzo got off of Y/n and went to talk to Katsuki's girlfriend, Veronica if I forgot to mention.
"Looks like we're having a double date." Y/n shrugged as she watch Kenzo and Veronica flirt ahead of them.
"Well damn," he shrugged as well, "well at least you came back and to remind you, you haven't talked to me in 20 DAMN YEARS!"
"Hey, I told you that I couldn't keep in contact with you, asshole!" Y/n snapped back. The two went back and forth with each other until they poured and turned away.
"You probably even forgot about me.." Katsuki muttered.
"I did not." Y/n responded.
"Did to."
"Did not."
"Did to."
"Did not."
"Okay, okay, shut up." Katsuki rolled his eyes and y/n chuckled. She missed her best friend a whole bunch, and honestly, Katsuki did to..
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