A/N: grab your popcorn y'all and buckle in for a long ass chapter
It was Vanessa.
The blonde discarded her mask to the side, not taking her psychotic green eyes off of you. You searched her face for any sort of remorse or sorrow, but you found none. All you saw when you met her eyes were bloodlust and insanity. She's not your friend. She was never your friend. She's been trying to get back at you this whole time just for this fucking rando she probably hardly knows. You obviously couldn't help but feel a sharp pang of betrayal stab at your heart. All the special moments you guys have shared, just for it all to be fake. None of it was real.
You gave her an angry-sad look, and shook your head slowly. "Why?"
She giggled sinisterly. "Mainly fun. For my own pure entertainment"
You clenched your teeth together with anger. All for fun and entertainment. How psychotic can one get?
You opened your mouth to speak but she quickly cut you off. "You know all those missing children? 9, I believe? The ones that randomly disappeared that one night in the Plex?" she asked. You couldn't tell if it was rhetorical or not, but your face fell with realisation.
"That was you?" you glared at her.
She giggled again, and bit her bottom lip with excitement, a psychotic grin splitting onto her face.
You exhaled, shaking your head again. "Your psychotic"
She just shrugged. "That'll be our little secret" she said just above a hushed whisper.
"How did you two even become in cahoots with each other?" you asked with disdain, looking between the two.
"I found this place when I was trying to hide the bodies" she said casually. "I found him while I was at it. He had been stuck down here for so long, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him"
Sorry for him? you thought. This is a psychotic child killer we're talking about here. He deserves nothing but to rot, you thought.
"Once I discovered who he really was, I seriously couldn't get enough. To find the infamous William Afton down in the depths of where I work?" she grinned. "Now that's a discovery"
"I got excited. To think I wasn't the only serial killer in my workplace, Mr Afton here was too. I felt bound to help him with whatever he wanted, so I did just that"
Bound to help him? you thought again, with utter disbelief. She's acting like he's a fucking God and her saviour. And he's certainly far, far from that.
"And to add on to that, the fact he wanted me to help him take you down. I couldn't turn that down in a million years" she shifted the knife so it was now gently trailing down your jawline, not hard enough to draw blood. "I only saw you as nothing more then a simple mission I had to complete" her eyes scanned your face.
Now that hurt.
You searched her face for any sort of lie, and you swore you could see her expression falter for a split second, but it instantly turned back to her menacing demeanour.
"You look just like your mother" Afton spoke up, his croaky voice going through you like nails on a chalkboard. You switched your glance from Vanessa to the withering creature in the wheelchair. "To think my son and the bitch I tried to kill, that was so consistent of not dying, had a daughter"
That angered you. You lunged at him, but Vanessa held you back, pressing the knife to your neck roughly, but still not hard enough to pierce your skin, just as a warning. "Don't you ever disrespect my mother like that, you piece of shit" you seethed, pointing a finger at him.
Vanessa swiped her blade quickly and deeply along your jawline, drawling blood this time, obviously not letting you disrespect her idol like that. You winced and hissed in pain, as it stung. Afton laughed amusedly.
"Got a temper like ya mother as well" he laughed again. You didn't even bother wiping the blood trickling down your jawline, as you glared at the piece of filth with hate.
Vanessa switched her position so she was stood behind you. She roughly but you in a headlock, pressing the knife back under your neck. She rested her head on your shoulder, and you could feel her emerald green eyes boring into the side of your head, most likely a sinister expression plastered on her face. You refused to look at her, and instead kept your cold gaze on Afton. You didn't exactly want to look at that either.
Afton tilted his head and inspected your face. "I'd give anything to see the distraught look on your parents face once they found out I mutilated their daughter" he mumbled darkly.
You scoffed "They'd fucking kill you. For good"
Vanessa pressed further down on your neck, not too hard to slash your throat or cut your pulse or any veins, but enough to draw blood, just as a warning for you to watch your mouth.
You slightly fidgeted uncomfortably, but you weren't gonna stop. "Mark my words, if I die, you better say goodbye to your last hope of living a fourth time because they'll hunt you down, and they won't stop until you suffer" you spat, venom lacing your tone, and every word you said was true. Your parents would do anything for you, and even a blind man could see that.
After the last word left your lips, Vanessa didn't hesitate to stab the knife right into your scapula. You yelped in agony, hissing in pain as you slightly lurched over. "Fuck!" you grumbled.
"Now now, Vanessa" Afton said warningly, giving her a glare. Vanessa gritted her teeth, then ripped the knife out. You yelped again, as it seemed to hurt more when being taken out. She pressed the bloody knife back under your neck. The area where she had pushed down earlier had blood slowly seeping out.
You shifted your hand to your stab wound quickly, pressing down, making sure to put on pressure so you don't bleed out. "We all know that i'm gonna be the one to kill Mini Schmidt here" he said casually. Now that you thought about it, that nickname wasn't so bad.
But, where the fuck was Freddy and Gregory?
"Now that I mention it" he said. "Enough chit-chat. More stabbing" he said sinisterly. He slowly rose from his chair, and limped towards you and Vanessa. He snatched the knife from her hand, and she took it as her cue to step away and let her idol do his magic. She plopped herself down in the now empty wheelchair that was a few feet away from you, and crossed her legs in the chair, as though she was watching a play or movie she had wanted to see for ages.
Afton pointed the knife under your chin, and stepped closer to you. Every step he took, you took one back, until your felt your back hit the wall behind you. He towered above you, resting the blade on your collarbone. He was so close, his breath fanned on your face, and you were so close to gagging from how bad it smelled.
Keeping your hand pressed on your wound, you glared into his glowing purple eyes, refusing to break eye contact. You clenched your jaw with anger, not letting your expression falter one tiny bit, you didn't want to let any of them know you were secretly shitting yourself right now. You were not about to let him have the upper hand here, to let him know that he had this impact on you.
He switched his position of the knife and pressed the pointy tip to your stomach. "I crave nothing more then to watch your parents fall to pieces due to their precious daughters massacre"
He slowly pushed down on the knife. "Your filthy relatives of what you call your loving parents did nothing but cause me pain and suffering" he spat. "And now I get the chance to take away their whole world. The look on their faces is gonna be fucking priceless"
He put more pressure on the knife, the pointy end slowly piercing your skin. You slightly writhed around in pain, but every word that left his mouth made you absolutely livid. You were running on pure anger and detest, that you felt like you couldn't feel the blade slowly sinking into your stomach.
"You know what" you said. "All you've ever deserved is all that pain and suffering"
He stopped pressing down on the knife. He looked slightly taken aback by your sudden sentence, Vanessa too as her head perked up.
"First of all, your a fucking child killer" you glared at him. "You live off of the rush the adrenaline of killing innocent kids give you, and it's pathetic" you hissed.
"You are a terrible person, and you ruined my parents lives"
"The so called 'suffering' they gave you, you had it fucking coming, as you caused them all this pain, and the least they could do was give you a taste of your own medicine" you spat.
He said nothing. He just looked between your eyes with slight shock and anger. Vanessa uncrossed her legs, sitting up as she heard these absolutely disgusting words (in her eyes) leave your mouth.
"You deserved all that pain. You shouldn't even have the fucking right to be pitied by another psycho bitch who waits on your hand and foot" you looked at Vanessa over his shoulder, who was gripping the sides of the chair with fury so hard, her knuckles were definitely turning white. She was seething. Not as much as you were in this moment in time though.
You glared back into his purple eyes. "You are a waste of fucking space, and you deserve nothing more then to suffer in the rotten depths of hell" you seethed, venom lacing your tone.
You really ticked him off, as he sunk a bit more of the blade into your gut. You sharply inhaled through your nostrils in pain.
Before he could do anything else, there was a loud crash from behind him. He whipped his head around, so did Vanessa, as you looked over his shoulder. Something, more like someone, had crashed through the ceiling and had landed in the same place you had landed when you first arrived in this danky office.
You furrowed your brows, until you felt a sense of relief wash over you as you realised who it was. It was like the God's had quite literally descended down upon you.
It was Freddy.
Your face split into a grin of utter relief. Freddy quickly got to his feet, and attacked the first person he saw, which was Vanessa. He quite literally tackled her to the floor, and she squealed in shock.
You took this as your chance, as you kicked Afton's shin as hard as you could. You quite literally heard something snap, as he yelped in pain. He lurched over, stepping away from you, taking the knife with him as it was pulled out of your stomach. You kicked him again, and this time he went flying to the ground.
Freddy looked up, only just realising who he had tackled. "O-Officer Vanessa..?" he said guiltily, lowering his ears as he stared at her angry face.
"Freddy!" you and Vanessa exclaimed at the same time. Yours was with relief and happiness, hers was with anger and annoyance.
Vanessa pushed the animatronic off of her, and the both of them got to their feet. Freddy stood beside you as the angry blonde stood in front of you both. She panted, and blew a hair out of her face with an annoyed huff. "What are you doing down here?"
"I could ask you the same question" Freddy shot back.
There was shuffling from inside his chest cavity. "Freddy..look to your right" Gregory sounded from inside his stomach.
It was a good decision Freddy made in making Gregory stay in there. It was the safest option for the boy. So would be leaving the damn Plex when he had the chance, but he's stubborn and wants to see all the action.
Freddy slowly turned his head to the right, and his face fell as he saw the discarded rabbit mask that belonged to Vanny.
He looked back to Vanessa, then back to the mask, then to Vanessa, then back to the mask, at least 5 times. He quickly connected the dots. He slowly turned his head to look at you, looking at the new dried scar on your jawline and neck, and your stab wound. His concerned face faded to..anger. It scared you.
He slowly turned his head to look back at Vanessa. "You" he said darkly.
Her annoyed expression quickly changed to a psychotic grin. "Surprise?"
"I trusted you" he grumbled angrily.
She clenched her jaw. "That's your own fault then, isn't it?"
All the anger and betrayal you felt in the past 15 minutes all came surging back. You couldn't believe you didn't do this sooner, but you mustered all the strength you could and backhanded her across the face, making her head jerk to the side. The slap reverberated around the walls, it was that loud.
She slowly lifted her hand to her face, feeling the traces of the hot red handprint imprinted on her cheek. She turned her head to face you again, and her absolutely shook look turned back to anger.
"You bitch!" she glared at you.
She lunged at you, but you acted quickly as you jabbed your fist into her nose as hard as you could with your dominant hand. You heard another crack, and she collapsed to the floor.
You cracked your knuckles, looking down at her body. Her eyes were shut and she wasn't moving.
"Holy shit, you knocked her out!" Gregory exclaimed from Freddy's chest cavity. You and Freddy widened your eyes at the young boy's language.
You gently knocked on Freddy's stomach, just to get the boy's attention. "Watch that language, kid" you warned, and you slightly cringed as you realised how much you sounded like your mom. "But that was so awesome, right?" you exclaimed. "Hell yeah!" he cheered.
You heard shuffling behind you. You whipped your head around, and Afton had finally arose from where he was kicked to the floor, by yours truly. He must be really weak if it took him that long to grab his bearings and stand back up.
You looked to Freddy, and he was glaring at Afton angrily. He raised his hand, pointing one finger upwards. The tip of his metal finger disconnected and flipped to the side, and a flame was alight at the tip of his finger. "This is where your cruel shenanigans come to an end, Afton" he spoke darkly. "Once and for all"
He dragged his alight finger along the wall, immediately bursting into flames. Afton widened his eyes in shock and surprise, and so did you. Everything in the Plex was flammable. Was he really gonna let this place burn to the ground?
"This is the part where we start running" Freddy mumbled to you, not taking his eyes off Afton.
You looked down to Vanessa's still unconscious body on the floor. Should you leave her? Did she really deserve that? She was your friend.
No. Key word, was your friend. You meant absolutely nothing to her, and you probably never will. All she wanted to from the start was to kill you. But there was still this itching feeling in your gut that you wanted to save her. It was in your nature. It could haunt you for the rest of your life if your let her burn like this.
Afton had brainwashed her.
"Shit" you mumbled. Freddy grabbed your arm gently, wanting to get going as soon as possible, because nearly the whole security office was now lit up in flames. "What's the matter? We need to go"
You sighed. "Get Vanessa"
He just gave you a confused look. "Y/N-"
"Do it, Freddy" you ordered.
He hesitated, but he picked up Vanessa and threw her over his shoulder. Afton started slowly limping towards you, arm outstretched. You and Freddy instantly set off into a run.
You didn't even know where you were going, Freddy was leading the way. You were too busy overthinking your thoughts and the events of tonight, and the fire that was very quickly spreading.
You managed to find your way out of the security office, somehow, and once you rounded a corner, you had hit a dead end. You swear you could hear Freddy cuss under his breath, but your mind was most likely playing tricks on you as you felt extremely woozy from the blood you were losing.
You turned around to hear the clomping of footsteps from far behind you. Turning around, you locked eyes with Afton. He was limping towards you both, knife clutched in his left hand, his right outstretched in front of him. Now this is what a zombie looked like. The roaring flames around him made him look even more menacing. Speaking of the fire, it had spread as quick as a damn virus.
Clutching onto your wound, you looked around frantically for another way out, but there was none. There wasn't much to worry about him exactly, as Freddy could easily take him down in one go.
Instead, you noticed something else. The weird blob creature you saw earlier with tentacles and multiple animatronic heads slowly revealed itself from above. You gave Freddy a worried glance. Was it working with Afton too?
You were wrong.
As it lowered behind Afton, it screeched in anger, it's face plates opening, and before Afton had the chance to turn around, one of its tentacles latched around his neck roughly. It raised Afton up in the air , as he kicked his feet around and tried to unclasp the tentacle from his neck helplessly. And in the blink of an eye, they had both disappeared.
You didn't have time to think about that right now, as Freddy grabbed your hand and pulled you along to run with him. You still had no clue where you were going, but you trusted Freddy.
You felt like you were about to pass out, as your running became slower and your vision becoming gradually more blurry. Your head was spinning and you felt woozy, from the amount of blood you were losing and how fucking hot it was, it was like you were in a damn oven. But Freddy refused to let you go.
You turned more sharp corners, avoiding flames here and there. The fire had spread extremely rapidly by now.
It felt like you were running forever, until you thought you saw a door in the distance. You ran and ran, and you neared it and you felt relieved as you realised it indeed was a door.
You and Freddy flung yourselves through it. He reluctantly let go of your hand as he turned and shut the door behind him.
You didn't even know where you had ended up, before you passed out.
there's an epilogue coming up 😏
but then..that'll be it for this story. IM SOBBING.
bro i've LOVED writing this story. well, my whole fnaf TRILOGY. i literally couldn't be more grateful. writing my first fnaf book last december was definitely one of the best ideas i had made.
i love being an author.
anybody else see my reference to the title of the book at the beginning of the chapter😏 that's the reason why i called the book Betrayal, because..yk...vanessa betrays her..whatever.
also anyone else see my Scream 2 quote reference 😏 if you did i love you. (mickey is my love)
this is definitely the longest chapter i've made throughout my whole wattpad author history. 3360 words.
anyway, that's all for now!
i love you all so much, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support you have given me over the past year. i couldn't be more grateful for you guys 💗
i love you
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