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You all had made it out of the Plex alive.

But you watched the place burn to the ground.

Once you gained consciousness again, you, Freddy, Gregory and Vanessa were stood outside the Plex. Freddy must have carried you out. You and Vanessa he would've been carrying. What a lovely fellow.

You woke up the same time Vanessa did, but before she did anything threatening, she just stood up and gawked at the burning building in front of her, Freddy and Gregory doing the same. You joined them.

It really hurt your heart. You had worked at the Plex for 6 months, and it felt like home to you. You absolutely loved working here. All the friends you made, all the fun times you had, everything you had experienced and your pride and joy crumbled to the ground in flames right before your eyes. The others must have obviously felt the same. Especially Freddy.

The fire wouldn't have died down any time soon, so you did something reasonable. Call 911. They would have most likely known about the fire, somehow, because it's the police, but you called anyway, plus you literally had a child serial killer stood next to you. Speaking of Vanessa, she was too busy gazing at the roaring flames to notice you even called 911.

Fortunately, your stab wound in your scapula wasn't too major and blood had stopped rushing out, although it hurt so bad and you needed to get it stitched up ASAP.

Vanessa's POV (from like 5 mins ago)

I finally gained consciousness after being knocked out by Y/N. To be honest, that was a really strong punch. Kinda hot.

I smelt smoke, and heard crackling and sizzling, like there was a fire. I suddenly felt really warm. I rubbed my eyes, and looked around to the source, and I saw it immediately. It wasn't difficult to miss.

I stood up in shock, staring in horror at the burning building in front of me. They set the whole place on fire?! I thought.

I was breathing heavily in panic. This cannot be happening right now.

Where the fuck was William?

What did they do to him?

Was he..dead?!

Plus, this was literally my workplace. I've worked here for, what, 4 years? This place was my home (no matter if I used it just to kill people). Everything i've worked so hard for, the best job i've ever had, quite literally burned and crumbled in front of my eyes.

I gritted my teeth in anger. This was their fault.

And by that, I mean the three nuisances standing beside me right now.

I turned my head to glare at Y/N, hot angry tears welling up in my eyes. No matter how beautiful she looked with the flames reflecting in her mesmerising eyes, she really knew how to rile me up.

2nd Person POV

Vanessa finally tore her eyes away from the alight building, glaring at you, nothing but pure hate and sadness in her eyes. She snapped, then she lunged at you, but Freddy quickly held her back. He wrapped his arms around her securely, but she was still flailing around, helplessly punching the air, screaming profanities at you. She was seething.

You rolled your eyes, then you struck your hand across her cheek. She instantly shut up, and stopped fidgeting. You got close up to her face, as Freddy still held her.

"I saved your fucking life" you spat. "And this is how you still treat me? I could've let you burn with your disgusting idol, but I helped you. Fucking helped you"

She just stayed quiet. Her eyes were welling up, and you swear you could see a small glint of what you thought to be sorrow in her glossy green eyes, but it quickly went away with a blink of an eye. "You're gonna rat me out anyway" she spat.

A small, crazy smile grew on your face. "Exactly"

As that last word left your mouth, police sirens sounded from the distance. You could see the red and blue blaring lights getting brighter and closer, until at least 6 cars pulled up, as well as an ambulance and a fire engine.

Currently, you and Gregory were sat on the edge of the back of the ambulance. You both shared a blanket that draped over your shoulders, the young boy had his head rested on your shoulder while you rubbed the side of his arm comfortingly.

Freddy was somewhere to the side. He was stood, police officers around him. You didn't know what they were doing or asking him, you just hoped he would be okay. You obviously couldn't help but feel so sorry for him, the Plex was his home for so long, he had friends and a life here, and it had all burned to ash. Even though..it was his doing.

Yes, you ratted out Vanessa. Obviously, as she was a child killer. Yes, maybe you loved her, you've always loved her, but you had to do it. You needed to give those poor kids justice.

You watched as she was handcuffed, and surprisingly, she didn't object. She accepted her fate, her head hung low in shame, as she was guided into the backseat of a police car. The officer closed the door, and hopped into the drivers seat. Vanessa turned her head to look at you through the window, and you expected for her to flip you off or something, but she didn't. She had an apologetic look in her eyes, and the next thing she did left you shook. She breathed on the window, the glass steaming up, and she wrote on it. The letters I'm sorry were scribbled on the window in the steam. After a few seconds, she rubbed it off, and stared into your eyes, searching for some sort of..pity? You just blinked with slightly furrowed brows, then slowly nodded. Before she had the chance to do anything else, the car drove off, and you watched as Vanessa was carted away, going to be locked up for the rest of her days.

You were snapped out of your trance as you saw a black Audi pull up abruptly in the distance. You recognised this car.

Two people exited the car, a woman and a brunette man, and they swiftly walked over to you with worried looks on their faces.


"Mom! Dad!" you said with relief.

You carefully got up from beside Gregory, and your dad reached you first as he pulled you into his warm embrace. You hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go as he kissed the top of your hair. He always gave the best hugs.

You eventually pulled away, and your mom immediately latched onto you, pulling you into another embrace. She rested her chin on your head, stroking your hair gently. She pulled away and leant down so her face was in line with yours, she cupped your cheeks in both her hands. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?"

Your dad put a hand on her shoulder. "Try not to overwhelm her, mkay?" he mumbled. She bit the inside of her cheek, then nodded.

"Yeah, i'm okay. I'll live" you forced a chuckle. She gently ran a finger over the scar on your jawline, and she seemed to have only just noticed the gaping stab wound in your scapula. Her eyes widened. "Oh my God!"

She scanned your face. "I knew taking this job would be a bad idea" she mumbled almost inaudibly.

Her face turned serious. "Who the fuck did this to you?"

You forced a scoff. "You would not believe it"

"Actually I don't even know if I want to know just in case it gets me more pissed off than I am right now" she mumbled, mainly to herself. She stood up straight, and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Seriously got murder on my mind right now" your dad mumbled so quietly you could barely hear it. Before you had the chance to reply, an officer walked up behind your parents.

"Excuse me?" she said, catching their attention. They both turned around to face the source of the sound. "I'm sorry, but unless you have relation to her, you're both not allowed to be here, as this is a crime scene"

Your mom folded her arms. "Didn't it ever occur to you that we could be, y'know, her parents?" she snapped. Nobody objected her rudeness, not even your dad. The officer raised her eyebrows in slight surprise. "I-I apologise, ma'am"

Your mom said nothing in reply, only eyeing the officer. "But, we need to get your daughter to the hospital so we can stitch up her wounds"

Your mom opened her mouth to say something, but your dad answered for her just in case she said something not so nice. "Of course. Thank you" he forced a smile.

The officer nodded, and went to go speak to a doctor that awaited in the ambulance. Your parents faced you again. "Hope you know we're coming with you" your dad informed you, a small smile growing on his face. You mirrored the action. He placed his hand on your shoulder and squeezed it. "Let's go"

"Yes, lets" you and your mom said in exact unison. The action made you both giggle. You hopped into the back of the ambulance, pulling Gregory in with you who had actually watched the interaction between you and your loving parents. He sat next to you as your parents sat opposite you.

You looked out of the vehicle one last time, and you locked eyes with Freddy who still had officers around him. He smiled sadly at you, giving you a small wave. You returned the action, as the doors to the ambulance were closed, cutting off your sight on him. Were you ever even gonna see him again?

The engine rumbled, the vehicle coming to life, and then you drove away. You looked out of the window, and caught one last glimpse of the Plex. You stared as the building was still alight, the roaring flames not as violent as before, as firemen put out the flames with hosepipes.

Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex was no more.

And neither was William Afton.

Or his psycho accomplice.


Or was it?


romance between Y/N and Vanessa ?! 😨


i hate to say this..but.

that's a wrap people.

Finished. The end. Happily ever after.


i'm gonna start sobbing.

i feel like this chapter is rushed. what do y'all think?

seriously, this time last year i was in the making of my first book EVER and i NEVER thought it would blow up, hell, i never though i'd make a full ass TRILOGY, but here we are.

i'm so grateful to every single one of you, most of you have supported me all the way and i love you all lots and lots. i've had so much fun writing this franchise, and without all the love and support you have given me, i probably would have given up writing by now, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you all 💗


i will PROBABLY make another fnaf book. i'm still thinking about it. but it will most likely NOT follow on to this trilogy, as the trilogy is STAYING as a trilogy.

anybody got any ideas for a fnaf book actually? (fan fics (like for example a william x reader) included 😉) i will give full credits ofc! ive seen a few ideas and their AMAZING. y'all are so creative

but for now, this is the end.

remember, he always comes back 😨😨

and in case i don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight
-Truman Burbank: The Truman Show

(felt like the main character writing that)

(but fr tho.)

i love u all

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