● Wooyoung ●

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I groaned tiredly before hitting my alarm clock causing it to fall off my end table and sat up straight while rubbing my eyes.

Today was my first day in college, I didn't even want to go to college but my parents (mainly my mother) forced me.

So here I am getting ready for university of Seoul, the college of my mother's dreams. Honestly I wanted to be a dancer, was even in the dance club in high school for a while until my mother made me quit so I could focus on my studies.

If you are wondering what I'm going to college for, it's to be a lawyer.

My mother is a doctor and my father is a writer and I guess they want me to follow in their footsteps and have a successful career or something. I don't know, I zoned out during my mother's rant or speech, whatever you want to call it.

My mother thinks that dancing isn't a successful career and is a waste of time and my father well...I don't really know, we don't talk much except for an occasional 'hello' or 'how're you?' But that's all. I've never really had a relationship with him, but I know that he loves me because he always came to my dance competitions and cheered me on. Meanwhile my mother was to busy working to even show up.

I quickly looked at myself one last time in the mirror and smiled before going to the kitchen to grab an apple before leaving. "Listen to your teachers and be respectful!" I heard my mom yell as I quickly shut the door, not wanting to have another talk about my future with her.


I sighed looking at a paper with all my classes on it and was already tired of being here.

"Are you Jung Wooyoung?" Someone asked from behind me and I turned around to see a guy who looked a little bit older than me. He had black longish shaggy hair and dark brown eyes. Milky white skin and a perfect jawline. This guy had to be sculpted by the God's or something, nobody looks like that.

I nodded slowly looking at him and he smiled widely, "I'm Kang Yeosang, I'm supposed to show you around the school, feel free to talk casually. " He said looking at me and I nodded smiling softly. Damn I could get used to his voice. It was deep but not too deep. Smooth and very addicting to listen to. "I'm studying to be an engineer and I'm in my second year, so I know this place like the back of my hand," he said with a chuckle and I nodded awkwardly before he took me around the school.

The whole day went pretty smoothly and the classes were alright I guess, but I still can't wait to go home. I yawned tiredly walking into my last class which was English and sat in the back hoping to go unnoticed until I heard my name being called and lifted my head from the table to see the teacher looking right at me. Honestly I should've looked up sooner, there's no way this guy is a teacher, he looked way too young...okay not that young but he had to be around my age.

He had sharp eyes, lips that were thin yet plump at the same time and man they looked soft. His jawline was as sharp as a knife and damn I wanted him to cut me with it. Nice cheek bones and a constellation of freckles on his neck. His body muscles were shown perfectly under his white button up, the top two were unbuttoned showing his collar bones and smooth skin, I couldn't look away.

"You're late," He said making me snap out of my unholy thoughts of him. "Yeah sorry, I didn't want to come," I said honestly looking at him and raising an eyebrow.

"That's fine, just means that you have to stay later after class to learn what you missed," he said sitting down in his chair.

"Come on, I was only late by 10 minutes," I said annoyed. "Which means you missed 10 minutes of my lecture, so you can stay 10 minutes after class," he said looking at some book on his desk.


"Wanna make it longer?" He asked looking up at me and I huffed leaning back in my chair and watched as he smirked looking back at his book.

I rolled my eyes as I heard a few girls beside me whispering about how hot he was and how that if it was them staying after class they'd use it to their advantage making me look at them with a disgusted face. I leaned towards them making them jump a bit and look at me with an annoyed glare and I whispered "you really suck at whispering, " causing them to roll their eyes before whispering to each other again.


After class I gathered my things and attempted to sneak out only to be immediately pulled back by my arm, "where you headed?" He asked making me look up at him shyly. I quickly looked around the now empty classroom thinking of what to say before smirking up at him.

"Up to the front, so I can see your gorgeous face better, professor Choi," I said tracing my hand slowly along his jawline and his neck. He raised his eyebrow before grabbing my wrist firmly. "Just sit down. "

After his 10 minute lecture I was finally able to leave but he stopped me once again. Seriously this teacher was getting on my nerves.

"Jung?" He asked making me look at him and I nodded for him to continue. "Don't be late tomorrow, " he said looking at me and I rolled my eyes before leaving.

"Woo!" Yeosang yelled smiling at me as I walked outside and he ran towards me. "I was gonna go get a coffee, you wanna come?" He asked looking at me and I nodded smiling widely and he linked our arms together. "I just need to stop by my dorm and change," he said looking at me and I nodded. "That's fine."


"So how was your first day?" He asked looking at me from across the table before taking a drink of his coffee.

"Annoying, I had to stay 10 minutes after my last class because I was 10 minutes late," I said looking at him and he chuckled. "Professor Choi, right?" He asked and I nodded while drinking my hot chocolate.

"Yeah, I had him last year, he's very strict and doesn't take no for an answer. Good luck though. Everyone that goes to that college is whipped by him, even the teachers. Some think that's why he started working there at 22, because the teachers were crushing on him, but what they didn't know or really care to know is that he was married. "

"Wait, he's married?" I asked looking at him and he nodded. "Was, but his wife passed away while giving birth to their child," he said looking at me and my eyes widened more. "He has a child?!"

"Mhm, he married his wife after he graduated high school at the age of 19, went to college for a year, became a teacher at 22 and soon found out that his wife was pregnant with their daughter Jinyoung, then his wife passed away and now here we are." He said looking at me with a smile.

"How do you know all this?" I asked leaning onto the table towards him and he shrugged. "I told you, I had him last year, and we talk a lot. He's actually pretty cool once you get to know him. "

I nodded leaning back in my seat and looked off to the side. Of course the hottest teacher in the whole school has a sob story and he's straight. This day just keeps getting better and better.

After coffee we continued to talk for a while and got to know each other better.

When I got home I immediately ran upstairs to my room and laid on my bed as I pulled my phone from my pocket and the first thing I did was search the school on Instagram. The college had to be following their teachers, right?

After what felt like forever of scrolling through Instagram accounts I immediately sat up straight once I found him.

Damn, he's got more followers than me, Yeosang wasn't lying when he said that everyone was whipped by him. I spent like an hour just looking through his posts. There were even a few posts of his daughter, she looked just like him, same dimple smile and all.

He was literally perfect...

"Wooyoung! Time for dinner!" My mother yelled up the stairs and I shut my phone off after following him. Dinner was quiet as usual with the occasional questions about my classes from my mother. If you're wondering why I still live with my parents instead of a dorm, it's because my mother wanted to keep tabs on me to make sure that I was actually going to school...yeah I have no control over my life, they don't even know that I'm gay and if they find out, I'll be disowned immediately.

I seriously can't wait until I'm done with this whole college shit, then I can hopefully move out and have a life that is actually mine. For now I'll just do as told and keep my mouth shut like I always do.

"Hey mom, are you working tonight?" I asked looking at her and she nodded giving me a straight look. "Is it alright if I have a college friend over? We'll just be in my room, we won't bother dad, I promise, " I said looking at her with a hopeful smile and she sighed before nodding.

"What's his name?" My dad asked smiling at me. He's the only parent who actually smiles at me genuinely. "His name is Yeosang, he's really kind and smart, " I said smiling back and he nodded smiling before taking a bite of food.

I feel like if we talked more, my father and I would actually have a pretty good relationship with each other but he's always in his office writing or something. So we're really distant, but I am thankful that he's here, without him I probably would've lost my sanity a while ago because of my mother.

After dinner Yeosang came over and we were hanging out in my room, he was scrolling through his phone as I continued to look at my professor's Instagram.

"Should I message him?" I asked out of nowhere looking at my phone. "Message who?" He asked looking at me and I smiled widely. "Professor Choi of course. I found his Instagram, " I said looking at him and he moved closer to me on the bed looking at my phone. "Won't you get in trouble? What would you even say?" He asked looking at me and I shrugged. "Maybe just say a simple hello and see what happens. " I said looking at him and he tilted his head. "Do it, but if you get in trouble I was never here." He said laying his head on my shoulder and I nodded smiling.

Wooyoung: Hey Professor!

San: what do you want?

Wooyoung: what? I can't text my favorite teacher?

San: You can when it's about class, but this is inappropriate.

Wooyoung: can't we be friends outside of class?

San: No, now goodbye.

Wooyoung: you don't have friends, do you?

San: More than you. Now goodbye, I'm blocking you.

Wooyoung: fine, bye.

"That went well, " Yeosang said smiling beside me and I rolled my eyes playfully and shoved him off my bed. "Shut up!"

The next day was all the same until it was Professor Choi's class...

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