Secret Admirer

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Y/N Element: fire
Y/N Gender: female


It was yet another busy day in the shop, and I was about to fall asleep at the register. Ember was out making deliveries, so I was stuck running the shop for the time being. Even though we're twin sisters, we could not be more different. Ember: rule follower who RARELY, if never, leaves Fire Town. Y/N: rule breaker who rarely is in Fire Town. I absolutely love exploring and meeting people all over Element City. I know my parents aren't too fond of it, nor is Ember, but as long as I help out in the shop once in a while, they're all fine with it. They know that I'm not taking over ownership of the shop, and moving away as soon as I can land a job.

I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, so I used my drive to explore to try and find something. I explored every inch of Element City, and I met so many people. Some business runners even wanted to partner up with my family's shop, but my father insisted we didn't in order to keep the authenticity. I endlessly tried to bribe my sister into adventuring with me, but she always declined saying she "needed to be at the shop."

Another reason my parents let me adventure out was because it brought in more customers. Every element stepped in our store at least 5 times a day. My dad was still eerie about the water people, but I told him that if any water person caused trouble, I would take responsibility and handle it. This led to much more business, and more people getting to know the wonders of Fire Town.

As I helped out customers, Ember walked in because she had finished her deliveries for the day. "Hey, Y/N, how you holding up?"

I sighed. "Fine, I guess. It gets boring without you around."

She snickered. "I'm not sure if that was meant to be a compliment or an insult."

I smirked. "It can be taken in whatever context you want it to be."

She rolled her eyes as an Earth person walked into our shop. He looked to be a mail carrier. "Excuse me, does Y/N Lumen live here?"

Ember and I raised our eyebrows, and I stepped out from behind the desk. "Yeah, I'm Y/N."

"Ok good! Cause this delivery is for you! It doesn't say who from though." He held out a box to me. "Be careful though, it says fragile delivery."

I gently took the box from his hands and smiled slightly at him. "Thanks! I guess."

Ember interjected. "Would you be interested in buying anything from our shop while your here?"

He looked around. "Yeah, there seems to be some cool stuff around here. I might look around for a bit."

He walked towards the shelves and Ember cheered quietly at successfully gaining a customer. She then looked over to me, still holding the box in my hands.

"What do you think is in it?" I began to scan the box.

She shrugged. "I have no clue. You should open it!"

I gently tore off the tape and opened the flaps of the box to reveal a bouquet of roses in a small glass vase full of water. A note was tied around the vase with a thin string. To Y/N, nothing could ever match your beauty, so I had to settle for roses instead. I hope you like them! -Anonymous

As Ember and I read the note, our eyes widened. "Who is that?!" She exclaimed.

"I don't know! I meet so many new people every day; it could literally be anyone." I thought back to all the people I met recently, but there were too many to remember them all. I put the vase on the side of the desk and my mom came in; she noticed the vase and gasped.

"Who is that from? Does one of you have a partner and didn't tell me?!" She stomped up to the desk and searched the vase. She then read the note. "But Y/N! I don't smell any love on you!"

"I know mom, that's because I have no clue who this could be from." She smiled at me. "Well if they really want you, I'm sure they'll send you more stuff soon." She smiled and walked away from us, going back to what she was doing before.

The sun began to set, and it was soon closing time. I had moved the vase of flowers up to my room upon my father's request. He was not too happy about having water in the house, but since it was a gift, he said I could keep it. I swept the floor as Ember straightened the shelves. After a few minutes, we went upstairs and said goodnight to our parents and each other. I got into my bed and tried sleeping to no avail. I turned towards the bedside table where I had the vase and stared at it. Who could have possibly sent that for me?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was now the day after I got the flowers, and the idea didn't leave my mind. Ember wanted me to do the deliveries today, because a few deliveries were for places outside of Fire Town. She knew that I was a better communicator with other elements than she was and could possibly snag some continual customers.

I decided to knock out all the Fire Town deliveries first, so then I could take my time with the other ones. The final delivery I had was in an area in which mostly water people lived. I went to the address listed, to see it was a giant mansion. I did a double take at the address, considering there was a massive security guard outside of the mansion. This made my slightly nervous, but I didn't show it. I approached the guard, and he looked down at me with a stern look.

"Excuse me, sir. I have a delivery here for the Ripple family?"

His look softened and he gave me a smile. "Oh yes! They did tell me they were expecting a delivery from a fire person! Once you enter, take the elevator up to the third floor and go to the last door on your right. I do believe they're home right now, so you can knock on their door and hand it to them personally." He stepped away from the doors and they opened.

I smiled at him and walked in. "Thank you so much! You should check out our store sometime. It's not too far from here."

"I've heard that they have some cool stuff. I might have to when I'm not on shift."

I got into the elevator and followed the directions he told me. When I got to the door, I took a deep breath, and then knocked. It was only a few seconds before a water man answered the door. He was a little taller than me and was wearing a light purple shirt. He looked at me and turned a little pink. I held out the box to him.

"I'm assuming this is the Ripple residence?"

He zoned out for a bit but then nodded his head. "Y-yup! I'm Wade Ripple..."

I could tell he was super nervous, and his hands shook as he took the box. I didn't like it when people were nervous around me, so I decided to make small talk to see if he could calm down before I left.

"Did you place the order or someone else in your house?"

He held onto the box for his life. "Y-yeah my mom made the order. I th-think its glassware or something."

I smiled. "Our glassware is my personal favorite item we sell. My sister handmakes them and it's crazy insane. She's so talented."

He smiled in return. "You are too! Your social skills with people are really good! And you're so kind and patient too!"

I was stopped dead in my tracks and a dumbfounded expression found my face. "What?"

His eyes widened and he got super red. "N-no that's not w-what I meant! I assumed y-you had social skills f-from how you s-started conversation with me! I don't know anything about you o-otherwise..." He nervously laughed and I shrugged it off.

"Ok then. Well, this is my last delivery of the day, so I should probably head out."

"Y-yeah, I don't want to hold you up any longer."

I began to walk away. "Oh, by the way, my name is Y/N."

As I was walking away, I could've sworn I heard a mumbled "I know" from the distance, but I ignored it. I was definitely imagining things.

I made my way back to the shop and helped out in any way I could. I didn't show it, but I was hoping that I'd get another special delivery. The shop had now closed, and I went to sleep quickly after the decent day.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up and slowly turned over to see what time it was. I saw that it was already 10 am, which meant that I overslept. I frantically rushed to get ready in fear of getting yelled at for not helping. Although, it didn't matter because the shop was practically dead. Ember and our dad were making coal nuts at the front desk, and they didn't seem to angry at my late arrival.

"Did I miss something? Is everything ok?"

My dad looked up. "Everything is ok, there just hasn't been many people in the shop today."

I got closer to the desk. "Well, is there any way I can help?"

He chuckled. "Well, all three of us know how skilled you are at making coal nuts..."

I rolled my eyes and Ember burst out laughing. Let's just say the three separate times I've tried to make coal nuts, things haven't gone so well.

"...but I did notice that the outside walls needed a touch up. Do you mind going outside to paint?"

I smiled and picked up the paint can and brush beside the desk. "Now there's something I'm good at!"

I walked outside and took a full view of the shop. It was by no means in bad shape, but I could see the few spots he was talking about. As I moved to the side to begin painting, I noticed that there was a heart shaped box with a note on top. I opened the box to see multiple little pieces of chocolate. I then unfolded the note. Dear Y/N, I have finally mustered the courage to reveal who I am to you. If you want to know me, meet me at Periodic Park at 1pm. In the meantime, enjoy the chocolates. <3 Anonymous

I slightly gasped. This time they signed with a heart! A huge smile came on my face; I wanted to pursue this. I put the box back down where I would remember it, and began to paint the walls. I painted until every spot was covered, and I looked at my watch to see it was already 12:45. My eyes widened and I rushed inside.


She looked at me extremely confused and slightly opened her mouth, but I cut her off. "Okthanks!"

I kept the box in my hand and slammed the door. I then hopped onto my motorcycle and rode off. Ember knew I was lying, but I didn't care. I was determined to finally find out who this was. I might be getting catfished, but if so, I would laugh it off and leave. Who knows? If this is genuine, I might get a good person out of it. Either way, it's a win-win for me.

I arrived at Periodic Park and parked my bike in a lot. I walked over to the grass to see tons of people. I talked to myself. "It could literally be anyone here." I looked around until my eyes stopped at the water fountain. In front of it, was the water boy I had met yesterday. He held a small black box with a light purple ribbon tied around it in his hand and looked very anxious. He was fidgeting and kept looking at his watch. My eyes widened. "Wait, is it you?"

He looked up and got all pink. "Yeah, surprise." He looked everywhere but my eyes. "I hope you're not disappointed..." He trailed off.

"No, not at all! After meeting you yesterday, I figured that you were a sweet person."

He finally made eye contact with me. "Th-that's really kind of you to say." He shakily held out the small box to me. "This is for you."

I took the box and untied the purple ribbon. When I opened it, I saw that it was a necklace with a center piece that was multicolored. On opposing sides were blue and red, but in the middle, the mixed to make a pretty purple.

"Aww, I love it!" I gently took it out of the box and put it around my neck. He smiled at the action.

"Saying I've been watching you is totally untrue. I've seen you in Element City a few times and I'm always astounded by your personality. Just your nature of interacting with others and how you handle situations really got a hold on me. I wanted to know more about you, but I was always too shy to approach you. I began to ask around, and everyone knew your name. Everything I learned about you just drew me closer to wanting to actually know you. So, I hope you maybe wanted to know me too?"

He smiled nervously awaiting my response. I gave him a reassuring smile back. "Absolutely!"

He gave a sigh of relief and reached out his hand to me. "Ready to walk around?"

I took his hand. "Sure thing, secret admirer."

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