ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ᴘ ᴛ ᴇ ʀ 9

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Mitsuba woke up first. He opened his eyes and squinted from the sun glaring through the windows. He felt a lot better than yesterday, although still a little weak.

He sat up, and looked around. He realized that he and Kou slept very close to each other, but dismissed it. That doesn't mean anything.

Mitsuba yawned and stood up. He walks through the hallway to get to the bathroom, seeing Tiara, Kou and Teru's rooms.

Kou woke up when Mitsuba went to the bathroom. He sat up, rubbing his eyes while yawning. He looked around, noticing Mitsuba was gone. Huh, did he already leave? He thought.

He glanced at the clock. It was only 9:15, he definitely didn't leave yet. Probably went to the bathroom.

Mitsuba walked into the living room. "Hey."

Kou looked up. "Oh, hi."

"I'm hungry."

"When are you not.."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"


Mitsuba looked up. "Yeah okay." Mitsuba looked back to Kou. "What's for breakfast?"

"I dunno, we have pop tarts though." Kou stood up and walked to the pantry, grabbing a pop tart and throwing it at Mitsuba.

Mitsuba caught it. "Really? You didn't have to throw it!"

"I did." Kou grabbed one for himself, opening the wrapper.

"Not really." Mitsuba took a bite of the pop tart.

Kou threw the wrapper away and ate the pop tart. "Looks like it snowed last night." Kou said, pointing to a window.

"Huh, oh yeah. I guess it did." Mitsuba shrugged, finishing the food.

"Let's go outside."

"What? No! It's probably really cold!!"

They ended up going outside anyways.


Kou and Mitsuba walked the streets of snow. It was pretty. The snow glistened under the sun.

"Hey, I see Amane and Senpai, let's catch up to them." Kou grabbed Mitsuba's arm and ran up to the two.

"Wha- hey! Stop dragging me! I'm not a dog!" Mitsuba cried.

"Oh, Hey Kou-Kun," Yashiro smiled, then looked at Mitsuba. Then looked at Amane with a smirk.

"What's there to be smirking about?" Mitsuba asked, his voice dripped with sass.

"Oh, nothing."

"Just the fact we know you're-" Amane got cut off by Yashiro putting a hand on his mouth.



Kou blinked. Huh? He thought.

"Wha- sh- shut up!" Mitsuba hissed.

At least he isn't denying it anymore. Amane thought, mentally shrugging

"So, what were y'all doing?" Yashiro asked.

"We were just walking." Kou shrugged.

"I didn't agree whatsoever, he dragged me along." Mitsuba said.

"Shh, you totally agreed."

"I did not, but you can fantasize how you want."

"You agreed."


"Please stop arguing like an old married couple." Amane butted in.

"We don't argue like an old married couple!" Mitsuba and Kou cried at the same time. The two blinked and looked at one another.

"They totally do." Yashiro whispered to Amane.


"I heard that!" Mitsuba shouted.

"Shh, you're scaring animals away." Amane said.

"So you should be scared huh?"

"Excuse- what?!"

Kou broke out of character and started laughing. Same as Yashiro.

"That was not funny!" Amane cried, hiding a smile.

"I'm hilarious." Mitsuba said.

The four laughed for a good two minutes.

It was one of those moments where everything felt good. Like it was right. The four really were inseparable, despite them having soulmates, they could never be taken apart.

Like they're stuck together by glue.



i'm sorry this chapter was short i'm rushing fr

no chapters for AWHILE i'm sorry💔💔 school again

i was updating everyday because of fall break, but that ends tomorrow 💔

school they could never make me like you


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