ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ᴘ ᴛ ᴇ ʀ 10

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A/N :: okay wtf i haven't updated in like two weeks i'm sorry school is AWFUL rn also i live in the USA so i've been caught up with politics and everything but uh yeah idk... expect more updates when thanksgiving comes around👍🏼👍🏼
also, this is after their winter break


Yashiro snuck up on Amane, leaving Amane with a short gasp. "What the hell! What was that for?"

"Guess what!!" Yashiro said, her voice cracking with excitement.

"What is it? It's 7 in the morning why are you so excited.." Amane asked, scratching his head.

"There's gonna be a spring dance in march!" Yashiro squealed.

"Huh? Isn't it kinda early to announce that? I mean, it's only January 9th.." Amane muttered.

"Well, I guess that is true. But maybe they need time to plan it out?" Yashiro suggested.

"Yeah, that could be a reason."

"Well anyway, you're going with me whether you like it or not."

"Yeah I figured that."


"First day back after 2 weeks and I already want to die." Kou said.

"It hasn't even been thirty minutes of school.." Yokoo replied.

"Doesn't mean i can't be wishing i was at home."

"I guess that's true.."

"Well anyway, how was your winter break?" Yokoo asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Eh, it was fine. I didn't really do much.." Kou shrugged.

"Well that's boring."

"No, really?"

"Yeah, really."

"It was sarcasm."


Yokoo laughed awkwardly. "Well, anyway. Have you heard about the spring dance in March?"

"No. Probably because March is in two months."

"Yeah, well there's posters all over the school. I give them three days before they all get ripped off." Yokoo shrugged.

"To be fair, I just got here like ten minutes ago." Kou said.

"Yeah.. I guess that's true."

"Oh, and let me guess. You're gonna ask Satou to the dance, huh?" Kou asked, making Yokoo's eyes widen.

"It wasn't that obvious was it?!"

"Nah, not for blind people at least."

"Seriously! I haven't even said a thing about that! Are you a mind reader? Do I need to apologize?"

"...I know, no, and no."

"Okay... will you help me though? I have no clue what to do."

"Yeah, sure."

"Thank you!!!"

"The bell's about to ring, so I'm gonna head to class. See you." Kou waved and walked off.



Sakura yawned, sitting in the library. 3 pages of homework.. surely that's illegal. Oh well, I guess I can be more productive for a couple of hours.

"Hey~!!" A voice called. Tsukasa, who else?

Oh gosh.

"Hello." Sakura replied, not looking up from her work.

"What're ya doin?" Tsukasa asked, putting his hands on her shoulders and peaking at the work.


"Three pages??..."

"Yeah, it sucks."

"No kidding.."

"So, uh, how long until that's due?"

"Five days. I can get it done before that, to be fair."

"I guess that isn't too bad.."

Sakura sighed and put her pencil down. "I'll do the rest tomorrow."

"How much ya got done?" Tsukasa asked.

"One and a half pages."

"So you're halfway done, that's not bad."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right."


Mitsuba sat in the bathroom stall. He figured the janitor's closet wasn't very safe after what happened before winter break, so he found an alternative. While it wasn't the best idea, it was still better.

Until the door opened. It was past school hours, so nobody should be here. Mitsuba immediately tensed and made no sound. Whoever it was, he was praying to God that it wasn't somebody out for him like last time.

The door shut slowly and he heard footsteps. He didn't dare look at the shoes. He was too scared to make noise on mistake.

The person didn't really make much noise. They were standing in front of the mirror. Who knows what they were doing? Mitsuba didn't really want to find out anyway.

Their phone rang, and eventually they answered it.

"Hello?" The voice called. Mitsuba squinted his eyes. The voice was familiar, although he couldn't tell from the echo of the bathroom.

"..Seriously? I don't want to look after Tiara again."

It was KOU. That's why Mitsuba found the voice familiar. Now I feel stupid. He thought

"Whatever, but not again!" Kou hung up and sighed. That's when Mitsuba jumped off the toilet seat and opened the stall.

Kou quickly turned, shocked someone was here. His eyes were filled with defense until he realized it was just Mitsuba. His gaze softened when he saw the pink haired boy.

"Huh, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same for you, y'know." Mitsuba said, walking out the stall.

"Damn. That's true. I thought you go to the janitor's closet though?"

"I used to. But I'm not sure I want to anymore after what happened."

"Ohh.. yeah I guess that makes sense." Kou put his phone in his pocket.

"I was just about to go home when you came in, and since I didn't know who it was at first; I stayed silent."

"Seriously, did those kids give you PTSD or something?"

"Yeah, probably."

"Oh. Well, uh, I'm going home, I need to look after Tiara.. again."

"That must suck."

"Yeah, it does."

"Well, I'm gonna walk with you and you don't have a choice because we live in the same neighborhood." Mitsuba said, his voice had a hint of sass in it.

"Wow, okay. Well, come on then." Kou grabbed Mitsuba's arm and started walking.

"I said we're gonna walk not you walk and drag me-!" Mitsuba cried.



last chapter for awhile.. again..

so sorry for being inactive i have school

buh bye😛😛

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