The Fish, the Goat, and the Water Bearer moments

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This is my #2 favorite family trio after VirLibScorp (The VirLibScorp trio is actually the most angsty family trio, honestly. It's almost like America and England relationship during the revolutionary war.... If you watch Hetalia, you'll understand.)


Pisces: *skipping happily through the store*

Aquarius/Capricorn: *Carrying all the stuff she picked out*

Capricorn: "It's too heavy... "

Pisces: *stops*

Capricorn: "Finally!" *puts the stuff down*

Pisces: *frowns* "There's not much here... Let's go to a different section!"

Capricorn: "Are you kidding me!?"

Pisces: *Happily skips again* "Come on boys! We don't have all day!"

Capricorn: "...." *Puts everything on Aqua* "C'mon Aqua, keep up." *Follows Pisces*

Aquarius: *trembling* "Oh my stars- FUK YOU CAP."


Aquarius: *eating breakfast*

Pisces: "Uh... Aquarius?"

Aquarius: "mm?"

Pisces: "What are you eating?"

Aquarius: "Oh... Raw eggs with maple syrup and hot sauce... "

Capricorn: *knocks the food into the trash can* "Quit hurting yourself."

Aquarius: " ; A; My masterpiece...."


Capricorn: "Aqua- IS THAT A HICKY!?"

Aquarius: "I didn't get it from a lust demon, that's for sure. (Note the sarcasm)"

Capricorn: *Fumes in anger*

Pisces: "It's okay Cap. At least the demon go too far."

Aquarius: "What if the demon went far on Cap?"

Pisces: "Ahaha..." *Bends a fork snapping it in two* "It'll have the same fate as this fork~ ^^"


Capricorn: *sees A boy flirting with Aquarius* "OH, NOT ON MY WATCH."

Pisces: "Cap. Aquarius knows what to do if that guy does anything"

Aquarius: *yells* "CAPRICORN!"

Pisces: "Oh.. He yelled so go ahead"

Capricorn: *Fumes over while rolling up his sleeves* "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY CHILD!?"


Capricorn: *wakes up* "Mm... My head hurts.." *Rolls over only to find Aqua in his bed* "..."

Capricorn: "AAAHH!!!" *sits up while panicking*

Aquarius: *Wakes up* "Well good morning to you too, big brother..."

Capricorn: *Flustered* "W-what are you-"

Pisces: "You were drunk last night, and begged us to stay here. So, we ended up sleeping with you. ^^"

Capricorn: *Turns around to see a shirtless male Pisces* "GAH!!"

Capricorn: *Panics even more and accidentally shoves Aqua off the bed*

Aquarius: "Ow!"

Pisces: "Cap. You're hurting our child."



Capricorn: "You're a water sign... And a fish. "

Pisces: *Screeches and breaths fire*

Aquarius: "Da fuaq?"

Pisces: *Stops and looks at Capricorn* "You're hot. Wanna make out?"

Capricorn: "PARDON?"

Aquarius: "Ahaha... I think I should go now-"

Capricorn: *Grabs Aqua* "You're staying."

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