Help Capricorn (M) x Taurus (F)

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For @pupil234

Capricorn had a problem. He wants to make a good Christmas dinner for his family, so that all could enjoy. However, the goat had no idea of what to make, and how to cook.

Taurus had problem. She plans to get Virgo a gift this Christmas, and she planned to wrap the present herself. The thing keeping her from doing so, she didn't know what to get the Virgin. Sure she was close friends with her, but she wanted to give something other than books like last year. The girl kept getting books, books, books. Taurus wanted to change that.

One day, Capricorn looked at the tablet and compared the picture of a chicken to the one he had cooked... Which looked like it was caught in a fire or dipped in oil. "Ugh!" he flung his arms in the air, and threw the chef hat to the floor. Leaning on the counter, he runs his hands through his dark brown locks.

"I just can't seem to get it right... " He mutters.

Pisces peeked into the kitchen, looking rather worried. "Uh... Are you okay, Cap?" He asks.

Capricorn glares, but the younger male didn't move. Not even an inch. In fact, he didn't show any type of fear as he was glared down. The fish knew that the goat won't do anything to hurt him.

With a sigh, Capricorn steps from the counter and says, "I... I need help."

"Help? Help for what?"

Looking at the burnt chicken, he blushes in embarrassment. "I need help on cooking..."

"Haha, I knew it" Pisces chuckles.

"What? You did? Then why didn't you offer help in the first place?!" Capricorn glares once more, turning a bit red.

Pieces smiles kindly, "When we offer to help, you always refuse. Apparently, it's your fault for rejecting our help." The fish smirked, watching as the goat bit his tongue, not knowing what to say.

"But I'll tell you what," the blunette continued, "You could go ahead and ask Taurus for help. Virgo and Cancer are great cooks, but both are busy planning for their own Christmas. Taurus though, she needs help. So I think you should help her, while she teaches you."

Capricorn kept silent. His silence lasted about a few seconds till he pats the fish on the shoulder and says, "Thanks Pisces."


Taurus rubbed her head with frustration. She came to the mall, trying to find a present for Virgo, but the place was way too packed. Not only that, but the bull eventually found herself heading to the bookstore.

No! I said no books for Virgo this year!

She turned around swiftly at the heels of her foot then bumps into somebody. Somebody tall, and surprisingly warm.

"Are you okay?" Said a voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she blushed in embarrassment, "I'm sorry bumping into you."

"No, it's fine. I was actually looking for you."

"Huh?" She looked up to see the person's face, only to have her dark brown eyes, to meet a pair of dark green ones. "C- Capricorn!" she jumped back from his arms, blushing harder than before, "What are you doing here?"

The goat blinked before replying, "Pisces told me that you'd be here..."

Taurus sighs, and her body relaxes. "So you're looking for me? Why?" she asked, honestly curious.

Capricorn was the type of person who barley wanted to do anything with the other signs. Sometimes he likes to be alone, reading a book. If he's doing something else, such as learning, he won't ask for help.

"Pisces said you needed help." He replied.

"He did?" She smiled a little and waved her hand off, "I- I don't really... I'm just looking for a present.."

Capricorn tilts his head. He honestly looked adorable when curious. "For who?"


Glancing at the bookstore nearby, he frowns a bit. "Why not go to the bookstore?" he suggested, "Virgo likes books."

"Yeah, I know that, but- I want to get her something different." Taurus sighs again.

"But you can't get something different."

"What?" The bull looked up to the goat, with a bit of disbelief. "How would you know that?"

"Virgo is Virgo. She loves books for Christmas, and she wouldn't want it any other way. I know, because... She told me. She said it was easier for you guys to find her present."

Taurus grew quiet. If Virgo didn't want anything different, then her presents will all just be books. But what kind of book will Virgo want? "Then if it's a book, I want to get a different one. She's always getting those science fiction ones"

Capricorn smiled. Really, smiled! Just seeing that rare sight made Taurus's heart skip a beat. "I think I know just what to get her.. " Taking the bull's hand, he walks into the bookstore and goes to one of the shelves. "Right here." He points to the book and Taurus kneels down, examining it.

"A.. Cook book?"

"Yeah. Virgo had been bragging that she wanted a cook book for a while. She wanted to learn more recipes that she doesn't know of," He says, "She just didn't really have the time to get one herself."

Taurus's eyes gleamed bright, and swiped the book off the shelf. "Then let's get it!" She runs to the line, waiting to get to the cashier.

Capricorn chuckles and heads her way. "Is that all the help you need? I could pay for that book."

"No, no! Its okay," she grins, "You found the book, and I'll pay for it! It could be our present for Virgo!" She resisted the urge to hug him at the moment, but she can't hold back. "Thank you, Cappy!"

Feeling her arms around him, Capricorn blushes and sudden butterflies flutter around in his stomach. "Your... Welcome..." He returns the hug, then pulls back. Looking at her eyes with serious expression. "Taurus."

"Y-yes?" By the tone of her voice, Cap knew she was nervous.

"I need your help.."

Her eyes grew wide, "You.. You do?"


"For what?"

He looked away, trying to hide the redness of his face. "I need your help on cooking... C-can you teach me?"

Though he wasn't looking at her, he could tell that she was smiling bigger than before. Her soft voice made Capricorn blush harder as she said, "I'd love to teach you, Cap!"

Oh boy! Have I been gone for nearly a week? Sorry! I was just released from school and now I'm on my Christmas break! I still have projects to do though... Bummer.. Anyways, the spoiler for T.F.S won't come till later. I'll be writing Christmas specials for now.


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