Something is not right.
I had woken with a heavy heart, feeling somewhat empty. The realization of what I was doing hit me like a brick. In the early hours of dawn, I had made wudu and prayed. It usually worked but today, I still felt the same. What Zayd and I were doing was forbidden. And the guilt was starting to seep through me.
Well, other than that feeling of guilt, my instincts said something bad was going to happen today. And that made me a tad bit jumpy.
It was just a normal day at school. The hallways and school stairways were crowded as always. I step down warily, tripping down the stairs isn't enjoyable, really.
I had put more effort to get ready today. I had paired a simple white blouse with a long navy maxi skirt and some ankle boots to go with. I had to go to my uncle's house after school, he said my cousins were 'dying' to meet me. I shivered, I didn't like them.
With the books for my next class secured on my hand, I walk down the stairways. However, my heart stops beating and the air is knocked out of my lungs when I feel a hand on my back. The hand gives me a harsh push and I lose my balance.
My feet slip and I tumble down the marble staircase. I squeeze my eyes shut by the time I reach the ground. The staircase had a minimum of fifteen steps and saying it hurt was an understatement. I curl into a ball and groan in pain, tears stream down my eyes. I clutch my side at the unbearable pain, I think I bruised my ribs.
I don't know how long I stay on the ground. No one attempts to help me out, I desperately wish someone would. A sharp pain shoots on my elbow and I gasp, trying to not move it. I feel a dull radiating ache on my ankle as well, I might have broken it. It hurts to breathe, my ribs hurt so much.
I lay there motionless, silent tears streaming down my eyes. I try to shift my concentration on the shouts and laughter, on anything other than the pain.
"P..please help," I look at the crowd with blurred vision. They start walking away, the crowd disperses. They ignore my pleas, it is hurting so bad.
"P..please," I whisper to myself, clenching my eyes shut.
I open my eyes when I feel someone next to me. Breathing heavily and painfully, I look at Zayd as he lifts me in his arms. That causes my ribs to hurt worse than before, a sob breaks through me.
"Shh baby, it's okay, everything will be okay," he says hurrying down the hallways to the nurse room. I clench my eyes shut as I lay limp in his arms.
The second he puts me on the bed I gasp. I feel like I'm about to pass out. The nurse runs to my side, my eyes roll to the back of my head and I let the darkness consume me.
. . .
Zayd continues to seethe, his jaws are clenched to the point where I think they're going to snap. His eyes look lethal, they make me afraid even though I know the anger is not directed to me.
"I've gone through worse, Zayd. You out of everyone know it better," I say softly. It wasn't much really, my ribs had started to bruise and it hurt to breathe and even more when I sneezed. I had sprained my right ankle. And, I had fractured my left elbow. This was nothing, honestly. It could have been worse.
"Let's go," he says, rage still swirling in the blue pools that were his eyes. He pulls me up by my uninjured arm and I wrap it on his back. I bite my lips and clench my eyes shut on my first step.
"Fuck it, I'm carrying you," Zayd shakes his head and puts his arm around my waist and thighs before lifting me in his arms before I can protest.
I give up.
His eyes run over form a couple of times before he shuts his eyes, breathing shakily. I try to smile at him to let him know I was okay.
I was not.
"I'm going to run my bike on that fucker multiple times once I find out who did this," he says darkly and I gulp at his promise because he doesn't sound like he's joking.
My cheeks turn pink when Zayd pulls my blouse down to cover the skin that was showing, it must have ridden up. His eyes finally lose some of its hardness at the sight of my red cheeks and his breathing returns to normal.
"Hey," Theo enters and greets me with a warm smile and hands me chocolates, he was there with me the whole time. And yeah, don't ask me how tense the atmosphere of the room was because Zayd and Theo were glaring at each other continuously and every time I asked for something, they would start fighting over who got to do it.
I unwrap my hand from Zach's neck to grab the box of chocolate and thank him sweetly. Zayd grunts and starts walking with me in my arms.
"Hey, I wasn't done talking to him!"
I turn around and wave at Theo who is glaring at Zayd's back. He waves back and I hold the chocolate to my chest.
Once we're outside, I hide my face on Zayd's chest because I don't want to look at anyone. I've honestly lost hope in humanity, every single time they did something, I used to convince myself that they're not all that bad. I was wrong.
Dad didn't send Karim to pick me because I had to go to Uncle's house today. I groan internally, I've got the best of lucks.
Zayd walks to his bike wordlessly and I smile at him, remembering the day before. He sets me down gently, making sure he doesn't hurt me. He puts the helmet over my head and sits down himself.
I automatically wrap my hand around Zayd's torso, he starts the engine and we speed outside the school, leaving many jaws hanging behind. I smile at the feeling of cold air against my skin.
Halfway to my home, Zayd freezes next to me. We hear roars of motorbikes and I turn around to find four giant motorbikes following us. What the..
The leader speeds and slides his bike on our way, blocking our path. Zayd's bike halts and he stops all of a sudden, I crash into his back. Damn, that hurt.
The other three bikers also stop behind us and get off their bikes. They walk to us, I gulp.
What is going on?
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