24 | ᴢᴀʏᴅ

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"What?" I look at her, bewildered.

"Yeah, that's your punishment," she nods her head before turning her attention back to Leo that is sleeping on her lap peacefully. One lucky bitch.

"Seriously babygirl?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" She raises one of her eyebrows, I narrow my eyes at her. Her hood has fallen and some of her hair has come out of her beige headscarf, framing her face. She attempts to push her hair inside, I do it for her.

"But for a whole fucking week?" I grumble.

"You're right. Maybe I should...." she taps her chin, considering.

"Yeah, not a week, it's too less. A month."


"Drama queen," she giggles rolling her eyes. "Did you honestly think I'd let it go just like that? You're lucky I'm actually willing to forgive you," she says coyly.

"Let me get this clear. You want me to be your slave for a whole fucking month?"

"Great to know your ears are in a working condition, Aaraiz," Alya says blankly. I look at her, still processing her words. Does she not realize what kind of person I am? I am never becoming anyone's 'slave', not even hers. Period.

"I'm not doing it," I shake my head.

She shrugs, showing me how she doesn't care.

"I'll give you a day to think over it. You've got another option too, I can make out with-"


"Make your mind, Aaraiz. I'm not forgiving you just like that. You kissed the stupid bimbo in front of me and had the nerve to kiss me with those very lips," she says, her voice getting after every word. Her nose scrunches in disgust.

"Just so you know babygirl, I almost gagged when I kissed her. She tastes so fucking horrible-"

"For God's sake Zayd, I don't want to know about the-"

"And you taste like strawberries, so fucking sweet. I could survive without food for weeks but without those lips, I don't think I fucking can." I complete as I sit next to her.

Leo opens her eyes and meows at me as if to say 'get lost'. I swear I'll throw the attention whore out of the window the second Alya leaves. I glare down at the creature, it gets to sleep in my babygirl's lap and have her run her hands on its hair. Lucky bitch.

"It's getting late, I gotta go," Alya starts to stand up before kissing Leo on the nose and putting it aside. Like I said- one lucky bitch.

"Jelly daddy is back," Alya sings before turning to me and leaning down to place a kiss on my nose too, like she had done to Leo. I smirk at the fuzzy creature, take that bitch.

"Stop calling me daddy babygirl, you wouldn't want it to start growing on me," I tell her, my voice gets a bit deeper. I stand up as well, easily towering over her. My eyes automatically fall on her lips and I internally groan.

Why the fuck did I kiss Gina? Well, I fucking regret it.

"Okay, daddy."

She licks her lips and her own eyes fall down to my lips. Fuck. My hand lifts up to her face in its own and I caress her cheek lightly, looking deep into her eyes.


"Huh?" She looks at me questioningly.

"I'll be your 'slave'," I grit out.

She squeals and starts jumping up and down before hugging me tightly, I blink at her energy. Her tiny arms squeeze my torso and she buries her face on my chest.

"This is going to be so much fun," she pulls back and squeals again.

"And when do I get to kiss you?"

"Once you're done being my slave."

"After a whole fucking month?"


"Not happening," I tell her bluntly before dipping my head and touching her lips with my own. Before I can get a taste, she pushes me back.

"You don't have a say in this, slave," she says in a deep voice, laughing at herself. Her cheeks turn to a light shade of pink, I smile at the effect I have on her. A mere touch of lips and she turns into a strawberry. My strawberry.

"So, we're exclusive," she states with a smile. I look at her blankly, still upset over the fact that I can't get a taste of her. Her phone dings and she takes a look at it. Her eyes widen.

"I should be home."

"I'll walk you, let's go," I go to grab her hand but she shakes her head, an evil smile spreads on her lips.

"Piggyback ride!"

I fake a sad face when in reality I'm glad I get to hold her. She's so fucking tiny, I'm sure she doesn't weigh much. I turn around and crouch down, she jumps over my back. I stand up and she wraps her legs around my waist. Damn, this feels good.

I give one last smirk at the fuzzy creature and we leave.

. . .

I've never been more wrong.

How can someone so tiny weigh so much?

However, after a few minutes, her arms loosen around my neck she almost falls off my back.


"Hm?" she mumbles sleepily. Sighing at her, in a swift move, I lift her over my shoulder and carry her in my arms. She buries her face inside my chest and sleeps. So the rest of the way, I carry her in my arms and she continues to mumble incoherent words in her sleep to her house.

I fucking swear I hear her say 'daddy' more than just once.

My arms feel heavy by the time her house comes into my view. I carry her inside, slow as a snail so that I don't make much sound. Once I am by her window, I try to wake her, keyword being 'try'.

She buries her head further into my chest and remains asleep.

After a great deal of effort, I place Alya on her bed. The headscarf looks uncomfortable so I tug it off her head and remove the hair from her face. She smiles in her sleep. Unable to resist anymore, I lean down and kiss her deeply. She moans sleepily, tugging my shirt closer to her.

I leave her house with the same awkward twitch of my lips I have when I'm with her.

A month without her kisses? Yeah, right.

No mean comments, please.

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