"Kylie has a great body though, I'd totally bang her."
"I already have, she's quite loud."
'Ooh's filled the table and Jake smirked.
"Have you seen Charlotte's ass though, who wouldn't want her man? I'd pick her over Kylie."
"True. She's easy too, never declines."
I zone out of their conversation. Now you know why my friends are known as assholes. I randomly look around, munching on my fries before River, my closest friend turns to me.
"What about you, Zayd? Who do you find attractive?"
Seven pairs of eyes turn towards me and I sigh. I've never been attracted to anyone, at all. I'm starting to doubt myself; I'm not asexual, am I?
That is if you don't count the models in magazines, I mean they have a lot to offer.
Okay, I'm not asexual then.
"Gina, great tits," I finally reply. I had noticed that but I hadn't felt least bit attracted to her. Everyone bobs their head up and down and I mentally roll my eyes. My eyes, however, fall on Alya who just enters the cafeteria.
I subconsciously grit my teeth when I see her. With a full-sleeved floral dress that went up to her knee, she had a pair of white stockings underneath, not showing even a strip of skin while every other girl here had worn either skirt or shorts.
Why can't she be normal?
She thought she dressed so 'modestly', didn't she? I am pretty sure she is bald, why else would she cover her head? Even in summer? Foolish girl. Unless she thought herself to be 'very religious'.
Either way, stupid.
I see her scan the cafeteria and much to my amusement, there is not a single empty table. Her shoulders drop and she leaves. A smile makes its way on my lips. Just what she fucking deserves.
The bell rings, signalling the end of lunch break. River, Chase and I leave the cafe and walk outside while the others leave for their classes. We light our cigarettes and I take a long drag. Just what I need after a boring day.
Though it was fun to pick on Alya. It was the only thing I looked forward to, to be honest. Other than the occasional fights, that is.
I didn't mind River and Chase, they weren't as shallow as the others. Not my place to judge but when the other guys make derogatory comments about women like that, it's only natural for someone to not like them. River and Chase aren't like that.
We end up skipping the class. I finish two cigarettes, Alya's scrunched face flashes on my mind and I again find myself smiling. That girl hated the smell of cigarettes, as much as I hated her.
The day flashes in a blur. I normally don't take detention classes, just skip them. However, this time, I find myself walking to the class.
I reach fifteen minutes late, knowing well that was the reason I got detention in the first place. I kick the door open and Mrs Koile looks at me with wide eyes that slowly start to burn with rage.
"You're-," I cut her off, it was a fun thing to do. Well, I didn't normally disrespect teachers but she was really rude. And annoying.
"-fifteen minutes late, Zayd. I know," I sigh in fake boredom. Her eyes twitch and if she could, she really would murder me. Rolling my eyes, I find Alya sitting in the middle of the class and sit behind her.
"Hey baldie," I call out. I hear her groan but she doesn't reply. So, I kick her chair from under the table. She turns around and glares at me before going back to reading whatever she was reading.
I lean forward and look at what she was reading. The names sound familiar. My eyes almost pop out of their sockets. I lunge forward and grab the book, closing it so I can have a look at its cover.
Fifty Shades of Grey
I blink and re-read it. I had heard of it plenty of times but hadn't watched or read it personally. However, I knew exactly what it was about.
"Hey!" Alya lunges but I lift the book above my head, still looking at her with wide eyes.
"Babygirl, aren't you... kinky?" I breathe out, still shocked to the very core. Well, you see, I had never seen this girl with any boy whatsoever and she was the epitome of innocence. But the saying goes- there is a wild side to every innocent face.
However, her eyebrows draw together in confusion.
"What's kinky?"
I look at her and blink my eyes. So, she reads this kind of stuff but doesn't know the meaning? This poor girl is in serious need of friends.
"And, what's wrong with this book?" she adds softly, still confused. I conclude that she might not have read this book after all.
"You haven't read it?"
She looks at me suspiciously and shakes her head.
"I just started."
I lick my lips, an idea pops in my head. I look at Mrs Koile who seems to be in a peaceful slumber, her loud snores echo in the class as she lays her head on the table.
"Why don't you see some of the scenes from the movie before reading?"
"And why would I do so?"
"Because you won't be getting the book if you don't." And, I'd love to see the expression on your face.
She turns to look at Mrs Koile and back at me. Sighing in defeat, she takes out her phone and taps on youtube. This is going to be fun.
Just as she types, some videos with very.. disturbing images pop up in the screen. I bite my lips to stop myself from laughing hard. Alya gulps and turns to look at me.
"I.. I don't think I want to.. um.. watch this." Alya clears her throat. Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink.
"You're not getting the book, then." I nod to myself and slide the book inside my bag. Grumbling, she taps on the video with the least disturbing image and I tut.
"No, the other one with fifty-seven videos. Where the guy is about to-."
"I get it!" she yells before gulping again and tapping it and pausing it afterwards. She takes a shaky breath and looks at me with her doe-like big green eyes, asking me to save her the embarrassment.
I'm not falling for it, I smirk in reply.
Grumbling under her breath, she taps the video. Turns out- detentions with Alya aren't bad. They're fun.
I do not need another 'sis, that's haram' comment. Like, honestly. I know what I wrote. And I am not saying the actions aren't haram either.
If it bothers you so much, don't read. It's that simple. I hate to be rude but those kind of comments are truly annoying.
There are people who love this book. Before judging the characters, complete the book, yeah? <3
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