FTR- First Time Reader
RR- Re-Reader
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The moment I step outside the car, my eyes automatically search for him. My eyes are met with some hormonal couples who have their tongue inside each other's throats, a group of nerds, a group of jocks flirting with some plastics. A stereotypical high school.
I squint my eyes and scan the group of Jocks. And there he is.
Zayd Aaraiz.
With midnight black hair falling on his forehead, ocean blue eyes and straight nose, high cheekbones and damn, those jaws- let's just say he looks striking. He has a white t-shirt on that completely hugs his lean yet muscular body, paired with black pants. His signature leather jacket is lazily held in his hand while he scrolls his phone.
I avert my eyes, it is wrong to look at him like that. But, I can't deny that he is attractive. His personality on the other hand, not so much.
His personality is like the stench of cigarette smoke that comes from his mouth after he smokes, I scrunch my nose at that. I hate that smell.
I jump when Karim, our driver, calls my name.
"You'll be late, sweetheart."
I smile apologetically at him and close the door. He drives the car away.
I clutch the strap of the bag tightly and try to remain unnoticeable while I walk through the crowds but when you're the only girl with her head covered, it's kind of difficult.
Once I'm about to reach my locker, I'm pulled back by my bag. I close my eyes and pray to God to give me the strength to not punch the hell out of him.
I turn around and glare at him. Zayd smiles down at me, yeah- smiles. Looking at him closer is a whole different story. And him smiling- don't get me started. His ocean blue eyes twinkle with mischief and hatred.
"Hey, baldie," he says in his naturally hoarse voice. Yeah, his voice is sexy like that. Such a beautiful voice and body wasted in a shitty soul.
"Fuck off," I growl. His eyes widen for a fraction before he takes a step closer, easily towering over my 5'6".
"Fiesty," he states before adding, "are we on our periods?"
I scrunch my nose when his cigarette breath reaches my nostril.
"We? As in you and me? The girls will be disappointed to hear this- Zayd Aaraiz is actually a girl."
"Shut up, Sugar, we both know how masculine I am," Zayd rolls his eyes.
"What do you want?" I grit out.
"Just making sure you don't have a bomb in your bag," Zayd grins at me. According to this school, a Muslim is a terrorist. No one dared to even look at me in the eye let alone talk to me, except Zayd, of course. That too because he hated my guts and felt the need to make me miserable.
"Same thing over and over again, Zayd. Don't you get bored?"
Suddenly, he snatches my bag. Grumbling under my breath, I try to reach my bag but he raises his arm above his head. I clutch his t-shirt tightly and stand on my tiptoes but to my avail, I can't reach it.
I realize how I'm holding on to him so I jump away. I look at the floor and take deep breaths. You've got this, Alya.
"What do you want?" I say, exhausted already. And it is only morning.
"To check your bag, babygirl. You're quite slow," he shakes his head mockingly.
He brings his hand down and unzips my bag. Just when I rush to grab it, he lifts it in the air, making the things on my bag fly out.
The hallway becomes completely silent and everyone watches as my stationery items, water bottle and tampons rain over us.
"So you really are on periods," Zayd mumbles under his breath. I've never blushed harder. The whole school knows I'm on my period, just what I need. Nothing to be ashamed of Alya, it's natural.
I bend down and pick up everything and Zayd looks at me as I do so. Jerk. Everyone, including Zayd, laughs at me and tears well up in my eyes. Angry tears.
What good did it bring to them when they insulted me? Discriminating assholes. Just because I cover my head and follow a different faith does not mean they can walk over me like that.
But there was nothing I could do. Sure I tried my best to stand up for myself. But in times like this, I couldn't. Getting cornered by the whole school is something else.
I hastily pick everything up, including my tampons and shove it into my locker. The bell rings as I do so and the hallway empties soon. However, Zayd stays behind.
I ignore him and grab the books for my first class. Mrs Koile would eat me alive if I were to be late. Zayd shared this class with me, oh how fun it is going to be.
I walk to my class, however, Zayd has other plans. His hand encloses around my wrist and he pulls me towards him.
"Have you been watching cheesy, ancient, sappy romantic movies, Zayd?" My voice comes out like venom.
"I'd rather watch cartoons, babygirl. And, romantic? You think this is romantic?"
Zayd chuckles loudly, making my cheeks heat up. I push him away but his hand on my wrist only tightens.
"You're hurting me," I wince slightly but my voice is still hard. He instantly lets go and I bring my wrist to my chest, trying to rub the soreness away. I ignore my stupid heart which can't stop beating wildly.
No reason to let this bother you, Alya. Stay strong.
"Why do you wear that filthy scrap of cloth on your head, tell me honestly."
"I've told you countless times, if you don't really care why do you ask. Mrs Koile is going to bite my head off if I don't go, bye."
I walk away, still trying to soothe my wrist. Son of a bi- biscuit. Once I'm outside the door, I take a deep breath to calm my nerves.
"You're ten minutes late Alya," Mrs Koile says in a sickly sweet voice.
"I'm sorry Mrs Koile, I swear it will never happen again," I say, making sure my face looked sad enough for her to take pity on me. Her stoic face falters and she inhales deeply. Plan successful!
"Make sure it will never happen aga-," a loud bang cuts her off. Hundreds of eyes are now looking at Zayd who lazily strides inside.
"You're fifteen-," Zayd cuts her off again.
"-minutes late, Zayd! I know, I know," Zayd completes her sentence in a high pitched voice and everyone laughs. Poor Mrs Koile looks like she's about to explode.
"Detention!" she yells.
"To both of you," she adds with narrowed eyes.
"But-" I'm cut off, my eyes wide.
"To your seats, now. I have a class to teach," she dismisses us and I look at her with my lips still parted, jaw hanging.
She was about to let me go! I grit my teeth and walk to an empty seat, thinking about the detention and how I can murder Zayd.
Maybe they'll associate the murder with me being a 'terrorist'.
Well, life couldn't get any better.
No mean comments, please :)
No comments on religion, pretty please.
Keep in mind that the book doesn't represent how Muslims should act and behave.
Also, islamophobia is a serious issue that I wanted to highlight here. Many people have been a victim of it. May God protect all.
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