Knight Industries
Aurora was sure she had heard of them before, but she wasn't sure where from. As she made her way towards her office, she continued to rack through her brain for answers.
Grace had immediately noticed the pout on Aurora's face as soon as she came into sight. "Was it that bad?"
Aurora shook her head in denial. "No, but there has been a change in projects. Did you know about it?"
"No, I didn't. I just received the email and briefly read through the document." Grace sat at the computer looking over the email once again. "It says here that there's a meeting schedule for 2 today."
Aurora nodded in confirmation. "Can you let me know when it's time to go to the meeting?"
"Of course," Grace knew by now that whenever Aurora is completely engrossed with her work, she completely loses track of time. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"
"Yeah, can you print me a copy of the document? It'll be easier if I read it over on paper and take some notes," added Aurora. She wanted to be prepared before the meeting.
"Done," Grace said, getting up from her seat. "I'll bring your copy in a little bit."
"Thank you Grace."
Aurora closed the door to her office, immediately reaching for her coffee as soon as she sat down. Hitting a button on her desk, the glass walls of her office turned opaque within a second.
Her office was spacious, but definitely not as big as Liam's. There was a small white couch with accented pillows and a small table sitting in the corner of the room, facing the door. Two additional white chairs stood facing the table and couch. This was where she would occasionally sit and talk with her clients. She also often found herself secretly taking little naps on the couch.
There was also a large window facing the streets of Downtown LA, but since she was on the 4th floor, she couldn't really see much. In front of the window stood a modern desk where she worked most of the time. Her leather chair had a blanket thrown around it, making it seem more comfortable.
The room was decorated to suit Aurora's taste. A big abstract painting hung on one of the dry walls and a book shelf that stood proudly near her desk. It was filled with her collection of architectural books she had gathered since her first year of college.
Aurora finally settled down in her seat and took out her iPad in preparation to work. She looked at the frame sitting on her desk and a soft smile formed on her face. Sitting on her desk was a picture of her family when her brother had come into town to visit for their mother's birthday last year. She missed her brother, Connor, dearly, but knew his work required him to live in Boston.
Shaking her head out of memory lane, Aurora began to work.
Time passed quickly as she began to read and process the new information about the project. Grace had come and gone, bringing her all the necessary documents Aurora wanted. Music played softly in the background as she continued to read.
Suddenly her phone began to ring, causing her to drop the the highlighter she was holding in her hand. Clutching her heart as it raced, she picked up the phone without glancing at the caller ID.
"Rory!" Shouted her best friend's voice.
"Maddie!" Aurora laughed into her phone, shouting with just as much enthusiasm. She bent down to grab the fallen highlighter. "What's up babe?"
"So I was thinking, maybe we could go out this weekend. Just you and me."
"I don't know Mads, I'm kind of swamped with work right now. Liam just assigned me a new project."
"Oh well, fuck Liam," snorted Maddie. Maddie had known Liam even before Aurora began interning at the firm. Apparently their families were friends. "Please, I have to get out of this house. Lucas is driving me crazy."
Aurora let out an unladylike snort. Lucas was Maddie's boyfriend of almost a year now, however Aurora had only met him a handful of times, since they were all really busy.
"Trouble in paradise?" Aurora rolled her eyes. She knew that probably wasn't it since the two were hopelessly in love with each other.
"He's just being all over protective and shit. You know the typical 'I am an alpha no male must go near my girl' kind of thing that guys seem to love doing. He got all mad when this waiter looked at me for literally one second to take my order," replied Maddie in an annoyed tone, causing Aurora to laugh again.
She could already picture Maddie rolling her eyes. "It was literally one second and I told him the waiter had to look at me to take my order. And since then, we've been eating at home. I'm literally preparing for my next launch, but I'm stuck and Lucas is absolutely no help at all. I need to see your beautiful face for inspiration. Please babe."
Maddie had her own high end makeup brand, something she was very passionate about and worked hard to achieve on her own. It took years of hard work to get it to its success and Aurora was easily her biggest supporter.
They had first met when they were paired as roommates their first year at UCLA. Ever since then, they had been each other's biggest cheerleaders and were practically sisters.
"I know you actually love the attention he gives you," Aurora was glad Maddie had someone like Lucas to take care of her.
"Okay, fine I do, but don't tell him that," Maddie giggled knowing her best friend was right. "We should find you someone too. I know you're lonely."
"I am not lonely Mads." Aurora quickly denied the claim despite knowing they were true."I just- you know. My last relationship didn't end too well."
"I know babe, but that was almost 2 years ago." Maddie said understandingly. "And he was a fucking bastard who deserved to get beat up by Connor. Hell, I should've gone to kick his ass for hurting my best friend."
Maddie was there when Aurora had cried her eyes out after finding out her so called faithful boyfriend had not been so faithful after all. When she left him, he had said some disgusting things to her. It took reassurance from her friends and family to bring her confidence back up, but his words still occasionally haunted her.
"I guess I'm just waiting for someone I can trust," Aurora let out a small sigh.
"Not every guy is like him. Trust me babe," encouraged Maddie before shifting the conversation. "Maybe I should set you up with my brother. He's grumpy all the time and needs a little sunlight in his life anyways."
All her sadness disappeared at once as Aurora let out another laugh. This was what she loved about Maddie. She was always able to make her smile and feel better.
Now that she thought about it, despite being best friends for 7 years, she had never met any of Maddie's family members personally. On the other hand, Maddie had met her family more than once and was seen as another daughter to Aurora's parents.
She knew Maddie came from a pretty wealthy family with quite a few siblings, but Maddie always talked about them very generally. When Aurora asked why, she just simply said she wanted people to treat her without bias, but over the years, she had learned more about them from Maddie through stories she would tell.
"I'll make time for you this weekend." Aurora said, changing the subject. She heard Maddie let out a small cheer. "After all, I doubt you can release your next launch in time without me."
"Yay! I'll see you Saturday then!" Chirped Maddie. "Love you babe."
"Love you too Mads."
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Aurora and Grace walked side by side as they made their way towards the conference room.
Aurora stopped for a brief second causing Grace to turn around.
"Do you know Knight Industries?" Asked Aurora, turning to look at Grace.
"Of course, they're one of the biggest companies in the world." Replied Grace, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I heard that the CEO was a cold man, but that's why the company is so successful."
Aurora nodded, glad to have at least a little background of what was about to come.
As she continued to think about the matter, she may have heard about the company somewhere. But she had never really cared about who had the most money in the world or which companies were successful. She really should start paying attention to these things.
Whenever she had a client, Aurora never really cared about how much money they had or how successful they were. A client was a client. She would do her best for each and every one of them.
"What do they do? Or make?" Wondered Aurora, causing Grace to chuckle, amused at how oblivious Aurora was. Everyone knew Knight Industries. Well, it seemed like everyone but Aurora did.
"They own a chain of fancy hotels all across the world. Do you really not know Knight Industries? They're very popular with the media," Grace gave Aurora an incredulous look. "I'm sure at some point you've stayed at their hotel."
Aurora nodded as she began looking through her iPad. "I mean I just, I guess I just don't really pay attention to famous names or media."
As soon as she said that, they had arrive in front of the big conference room's door. Like all the offices, it was enclosed with glass walls, but was opaque at the moment to protect the privacy of the meeting.
Grace pushed the big doors open for Aurora. She was met with some of her colleagues whom greeted her with smiles.
Liam was talking to a man in a black suit, his hands stuffed in his pockets. The man had his back turned to her while he continued to engage with Liam.
From her peripheral vision, Daniel Myers, who was one of her closest friends and senior architects, gave her a look. It was the look that he had when he thought someone was attractive, which was surprising because Daniel was quite picky with his men. He subtly pointing at the man with his back turned before making an okay sign with his hand, causing Aurora rolled her eyes.
"Aurora, you're here," called out Liam.
At the mention of her name, Aurora began making her way towards Liam and the man. Grace had gone to take a seat at the conference table. It was then the man had decided to turn around and immediately Aurora's eyes widened in surprise.
She could recognize those grey eyes anywhere.
He seemed to be surprised for a second before masking his face expressionless.
"Aurora this is Xavier Knight, the CEO of Knight Industries," said Liam introducing her to Xavier. "This is Aurora Young, our youngest department head. She's also in charge of this project."
"Nice to meet you Aurora," said Xavier, giving her a small barely noticeable smile. He held out his hand for her to shake.
"It's nice to meet you too Mr. Knight," Aurora was still in a daze, but quickly returned the handshake.
"This is my assistant, Joshua Hurst," Next to Xavier stood a shorter man also clad in a suit.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Hurst," Aurora gave Joshua a friendly smile and shook his hand.
"Likewise Ms. Young."
Liam clapped his hands, affectively getting everyone's attention. "Alright, let's start this meeting then."
Aurora continued to stare at Xavier before quickly snapping out of it. Aurora made her way to Liam's right with Grace right next to her. Both Liam and Xavier sat at the head of the table next to each other.
And thus, the meeting began.
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for all those who are voting, commenting, and just giving my story a chance <3
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