Alex was editing his loadout on his F-15C which he add 3 unguided bombs, 4 air to air missiles and 4 sidewinder missiles.
Once he was finished loading his armaments on his bird, he checks his universal radio on his cockpit. He did more checks until he looks at the time.
Alex: Crap, I'm late for school!
Alex gone through of re experiencing his time at Itomori high, meeting Mitsuha, Sayaka and Tessie. Later when he found the moment and asks them for his help where they're inside a clubroom.
Alex: Hey I need your three's help.
Mitsuha: You want our help?
Tessie: For what?
Sayaka: School work? I don't think they do that during the time of the autumn festival?
Alex: No it ain't that. You may not going to believe me, so I'll say it. Comet Tiamat the very comet will split it's fragment and will fall on this town destroying everything along with it's residents.
Tessie: The comet will fall and kill us?
Alex: I may sound crazy but it's true.
Sayaka: So you came here to save us?
Alex: Yes, I am. Also if you want more proof a friend of mine discovered about the comet by analyzing it, which he tries to warn the government but no one believes him.
Mitsuha: Alright what do you want us to do in saving this town or the people here.
Alex: First we're going need to take out the power with explosives, then we're going need to reroute the broadcast system to the school's PA systems.
The high school is the safest area way from the blast range of the impact zone. Tessie you'll handle the power with explosives.
Tessie: Oh I like that role, daring.
Alex: Sayaka, you'll handle speaking the broadcast evacuation.
Sayaka: Uh alright, I can do that.
Mitsuha: What about me?
Alex: Well you are the mayor's daughter so you and I are going to talk him.
Mitsuha: Why? You think that we could be able to talk to him into of evacuating the whole town?
Alex: Well the roles for Tessie and Sayaka are for plan B, if talking to the mayor fails.
Alex and Mitsuha were at town hall speaking to the mayor about the imminent strike from the comet's fragment.
Toshiki: What on earth are you two talking about?
Mitsuha: I said, we have to evacuate everyone in town before tonight! Or else-
Toshiki: Just be quiet. You're telling me that the comet's going to split apart and fall?
Over five hundred people will die? How dare you two come to me with nonsense like that? If you're being serious with me, then you two are ill.
The madness must be from the Miyamizu side of the family. I'll get someone to drive you to the city hospital, and for you boy leave. I'll listen to you Mitsuha, after you get looked at.
Alex got pissed at Mitsuha's father for being stubborn of not looking at the big picture. He grabs him by the collar before he dial anything on the phone.
Alex: You... Stubborn old man! You listen here do you really want this town and it's people to be erased from the map and be remembered as a faded memory!
Mitsuha: Alex stop! Please...
Alex stops when he heard Mitsuha, as he let go of Toshiki.
Toshiki: Young man, Who exactly are you? Leave... right now you two.
After the dispute with the mayor.
Alex and Mitsuha was walking on the road, when she saw some kids as she tries to warn them to get out of town but Alex stops her.
Alex: I know how you're feeling I would be too but making a panic would just go nowhere.
The kids went away as Yotsuha comes and asks what's wrong with her sister.
Mitsuha: Nothing... Yotsuha I'm just tired.
Yotsuha: Un okay and who's he with you?
Alex: I'm... Mitsuha's friend.
Yotsuha: Friend? Oh then you must be why my sister head to Tokyo.
Mitsuha: Uh... yeah right.
Tessie and Sayaka then came and asks how it go with the mayor, in which they said it didn't work out.
Tessie: So we go to plan B then.
Alex: Yes let's.
Tessie: Okay I picked the perfect ones for the power and the broadcast is all setup.
Alex: Okay have the operation ready as planned.
Tessie: Got it.
Tessie and Sayaka left to get themselves ready for the plan.
Yotsuha: What's this about a operation?
Alex: Something we're planning for the festival.
Yotsuha: Okay, I'm going to head home now bye.
Alex: Hey Mitsuha, you're alright?
Mitsuha: Hmm? yeah, I'm alright...
Alex: Are you though? Do you wanna talk it over? also I have something to tell you about.
Alex and Mitsuha were at the cafe which Alex started over from his first attempt with Mitsuha.
Alex: Mitsuha I'll make sure that you and everyone in this town will be saved, I promise.
Mitsuha embraces Alex, as time passes by at 7:58 before 8:42 happens.
Alex and Mitsuha were at the festival where there at the food stall area.
Alex: I'm going to check on Tessie, you wait here Mitsuha, if Sayaka calls tell her to call Tessie.
Mitsuha: Alright, will do.
Alex: And here, read this when this is all over.
Alex gives Mitsuha a folded paper as he then heads to where the main power of the town are.
Alex: Ahh, where are you Tessie?
Then a light illuminated on him as he turns to see Tessie on a scooter.
Alex: Tessie!
Tessie: Alex!
Alex: Where were you! Did you got them?
Tessie: Yeah I got them alright.
Tessie opened his duffle bag as he took out a chain cutter for the substation gate.
Tessie: That thing's really coming' down? For sure?
Alex: Yes, I'm very positive of the time 8:42pm!
Tessie: Well okay then, it's settled. We're both criminals now!
Alex: Yup we're both in it now, do it with a bang!
Tessie cut the chains and start planting the explosives, then once they're planted Alex and Tessie get on the scooter back to town.
Tessie's phone starts ringing, which Alex answers for him that it reveals to be Sayaka calling.
Sayaka: What? Do I really have to do it?
Tessie: When the town's power goes out, the back up equipment should kick in where you are. You can use the warning system then!
Alex: Sayaka, you can do it! I assigned you to that role, because that you're the one who can do it! Repeat the script as many times as you can!
Tessie: We can do it!
Alex: Onward to the future!
Sayaka turned on the school's broadcast systems and waited for the power to cut off.
Alex: How much time do they set off?
Tessie: Soon, I think?
Alex: Ya think?
Tessie: Damned if I know!
The explosives set off at the substations which resulted in explosions as Tessie and Alex looked.
Alex: Alright on to the next phase!
Across Itomori, lights around the town were cut off as Sayaka was spooked on her side, which gave the signal that it's her cue.
(A/N) Play the music
Siren alarms sounded off as the broadcast starts to tell everyone to evacuate to the high school due to a forest fire that was set off at the substations. Alex and Tessie get off and head to the food stalls area telling people to evacuate. But unknown to Tessie, Alex head to the airstrip to get himself ready to destroy the fragment.
Alex suddenly stops once he gotten into his flight suit and looks at the town of Itomori.
Alex: What? I wanted... to tell you... No matter where you are in this world... I swear, I'll find you again. Your name is Mitsuha. It's okay I remember! You're Mitsuha, Mitsuha, Mitsuha, Mitsuha! Your name is... Who are you?
Where am... I? What am I doing here? I came to see her! To save her! I wanted her to live and see the things she would do in her life! Who was it? Who?
Who did I come to care about and save? Someone who's important to me. Someone I will always remember and never forget. Who!!! What's your name!?
Alex looks up to the sky and realized what he's here for.
Alex: I remember that, I became a pilot to prevent something like that... And I feel that I can't let it happened again.
Alex stops pondering to himself as he move his body and head to the F-15, he taxi to the run way and takes off.
Tessie: Mitsuha, There you are! What's wrong?
Mitsuha: Tessie, where's...? His name... I can't remember his name!
Tessie: You mean him? I don't know where he is, he was with me just a second ago? Ugh who the hell cares, we need to finish what he wanted us to finish what we started!
We can't evacuate everyone by ourselves! Go on to your dad and get him to gather everyone to the high school!
Mitsuha listens to Tessie and she puts the fold paper in her uniform as she runs to town hall.
Meanwhile at the sky, Alex turns on his universal radio which he tuned it to the news station on the comet's status. Until he heard that the comet splitted as his mind tells him to focus on the fragment, Alex moved his aircraft to intercept the now formed meteorite.
Alex locks onto the small meteorites that he presumes that'll paired up to hit the town first, before he could take on the red burning rock. As he then fired his four air to air missiles at the small targets.
Alex: How the hell that I'm not dead yet? While doing so many G's given I haven't gone into high G trainings!?
Meanwhile Mitsuha was running to town hall as she was in her thoughts on trying to know who she was with her since he came to her.
Mitsuha's Mind: Who, who? Who is he? Some dear to me, which who I can't forget. I didn't want to forget! Who, who? Who are you!? What's your name!?
Mitsuha looks at the lake and it's reflection makes her look up to the sky as she sees the comet now in two.
Mitsuha: It splitted!
Mitsuha then happened to trip from a crack on the road, as she tumbles on the hard pavement. Then a voice spoke in her mind, which she's hears it.
Voice: Mitsuha I'll make sure that you and everyone in this town will be saved, I promise. And here, read this when this is all over.
Mitsuha wakes up from the voice in her mind as she sees that the paper fallen off of her clothes which she opens it, to what's written in it. I love you.
Mitsuha gets up and looks at the paper as she was in tears that's making her feel hope.
Mitsuha: I don't know your name with this. But this I won't forget who ever you are...
Mitsuha runs to keep on going as for Alex he aims with his bombing precision, which he pulls up to drop all three of them and nose dive back down to catch up with the meteorite.
Mitsuha managed to reach town hall as she walks closer to her father to tell him to evacuate the town.
Alex goes after the meteorite as it reaches closer to almost ground level of Itomori. Mitsuha and other people which were at the high school looked up to see the burning red meteorite coming down and seeing a F-15 shooting at it.
Alex: I have only 2 missiles left and few gun ammo, my bombs must have at least did a dent at it, well here goes. Come on!!!
Alex fired his two last missiles and a furry of machine gun rounds as the meteorite finally cracks and explodes in mid air, the residents cover themselves from the explosion.
Which rock fragments flew across everywhere damaging and destroying homes but the town remains intact.
(A/N) Stop the music
Mitsuha and everyone looks to see the town completely fine, as they then sees the F-15 spiraling out of control.
Alex wakes up and regained control as he pulls up which the aircraft flew pass the high school.
With the F-15 heavy damaged from the explosion of the meteorite he have the plane steady and bailed out of it as it crashes near the Miyamizu shrine. Alex parachuted down as he landed on his feet he suddenly disappears.
(A/N) play the second music
Mitsuha saw the black smoke from the F-15 headed to the mountain where the Miyamizu shrine is, Mitsuha pulls out the paper as she looks at it and tears up.
Mitsuha: Thank you...
Alex wakes up inside Miyamizu shrine and wonders where he is.
Alex: Where am I?
As Alex got out of the cave he notices a crashed ruined F-15, which it was the last thing he sees until he head home to Tokyo.
(A/N) Art belongs to Line4X
The camera then zoomed out of the mountain crater and shows Itomori, in the present as there are air vehicles and land moving around the town.
End of Chapter 5
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