At Itomori high school, in a classroom Alex was standing in the front as the teacher was presenting the class the new student.
Teacher: Class we have a new transfer student that transferred here late. Will you introduced yourself?
Alex: I'm Alex Arch, and I hope to get along with all of you.
Mitsuha looking up couldn't believe of what she's seeing, that the same boy she came to see since after she returned home from Tokyo.
Later Alex get to meet and know about Mitsuha, Sayaka and Tessie.
After school was at the time of dismissal. Mitsuha and her friends were walking home when Alex asks them.
(A/N) Play the music
Alex: Uh, hey can I speak with you Mitsuha?
Mitsuha's mind: What does he want and why did he come here?
Mitsuha: Okay... I'll talk with you, you two go on ahead to home.
Tessie and Sayaka head home once Mitsuha told them to go on ahead.
Mitsuha: Why? Why did, you come here? After I–I came to see you!
Alex: I didn't exactly know at that time Which made me to not remember but until yesterday when I was at home, so I decided to come here and apologize to you.
Mitsuha hugged Alex after hearing out from Alex in which he hugs her back.
Mitsuha: You idiot... Wait! You touched my chest, you pervert! Yotsuha saw you.
Alex: Yeah I know that but, it was only twice and I never ever touch them again, well since during that time you wore a bra when I woke up. And I have to confess, I also touched right there.
Mitsuha: You touched there?
Alex nods his head of acknowledging which Mitsuha blushed really red as she covered her bottom.
Mitsuha: You jerk! I can't believe you gone that far!
Alex: I'm sorry!
Alex puts his hands together in a apology form in which Mitsuha noticed her braided cord on his right wrist.
Mitsuha: That's my...
Alex: Right, This belongs to you.
Alex gave Mitsuha her braided cord back as she ties it on her head to wears it.
Mitsuha: So, how is it?
Alex: You look good, it suits you but I miss your old hair...
Mitsuha: Really? But seriously I take back on what I think of you, you're actually quite handsome.
Alex took the compliment well, as the two of them then laughs.
Mitsuha: Gosh we were really horrible to each other.
Alex: Yeah it seems we were and Mitsuha. I now know who I care for now, I love you.
Mitsuha: Alex...
Alex and Mitsuha kissed as they were in the moment. Later during the time when the autumn festival is happening, Alex took some electronics and rewire them for a emergency broadcast recording needed to evacuate the town's residents to the high school given it's out of the blast radius from the impact zone.
After he was finished he head to the cafe where he helped build with Tessie.
Alex: You look pretty Mitsuha...
Mitsuha: Thanks and are you coming Alex?
Alex: You three go on ahead I'll catch up.
Alex reach the air strip, start up the the recorded broadcast on the hanger and then suit up, gets in the F-15, taxi and took off.
With the sirens sounding off around Itomori and the broadcast begins telling residents to evacuate Itomori, that an imminent strike from comet Tiamat will fall on the town.
At town hall people inside were working on who is doing the broadcast.
Toshiki: The broadcast isn't ours? Who is it, then?
They then manage to find where the source of the broadcast was coming from as they got to the air strip they cut the broadcast. Alex hearing complete silence from his universal radio he taped that he found in the hanger.
Alex: Damm they cut the broadcast. Ugh no matter I blast that meteoroid myself!
Meanwhile Mitsuha was with her friends, as people started to evacuate to the highschool, but it was called a false alarm when town hall told everyone to carry out their usual business.
Mitsuha: Alex? Alex, Alex where are you!
Mitsuha then looks up to see a fragment of the comet coming down closer to Itomori and a small object firing lines of smoke onto the meteoroid.
Alex fired allot of missiles which it barley did a dent on the meteoroid. He fired his last missiles in hope they did something but nothing worked.
Alex: Dammit I guess I have no choice I hope this works!
Alex's Mind: Goodbye Mitsuha...
Alex rammed his jet into the meteoroid, but at the same time both the meteoroid and him collided to Itomori destroying the town completely, he failed.
Alex then wakes up gasped of what he gone through.
Alex: (Gasps) I failed... Dammit! Mitsuha... Wait I should be dead too right? And this place... It's the airstrip.
Alex checks his phone to see he's still in Itomori and that it's 2013.
Alex: I'm still in 2013 and it's the last day of the comet, so is this a second chance? Okay I won't fail again but what went wrong is it my loadout or maybe...
I think it was the loadout and I was lacking something. But this time I can't do this myself, I need help and I'll do this right.
Alex holds on to his right wrist which still wears the braided cord and he balls his hand into a fist.
End of Chapter 4
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